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another school shooting


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Let's not blame it all on the teachers. There's too much to factor in. Too many variables and things to consider when trying to figure out why stuff like this happens. Personally, I blame popular culture and parents. Teachers and kids pushing them over the edge is secondary. Nobody is going to wet up a whole classroom full of his peers unless he already has it in him to do something like that from past upbringing/conditioning. The real problem is the way we deal with each other socially is retarded and the line between reality and a video game gets blurred with some of these idiots. They just can't control their emotion and when life caves in on them, they snap instead of just putting the pieces back together and making their life better.

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First of all people murder other people EVERYWHERE, its not because of the evil american culture. Murders and killings are definitely alot more common in the shittier parts of the world. I have to disagree that some kid is going to flip and shoot a bunch of people because he had a bad upbringing, or his mommy didnt hug him enough, or he listened to death metal or played too many video games. There are a lot of good people who come out of the worst circumstances, while on the other hand most of the spoiled rich kids who have the perfect childhood and get everything handed to them are generally poorly functioning human beings. Some people are just fucking insane because of defects like chemical imbalances and as a result they hear voices or whatever. Some people have really really bad judgment. Combine the above with the fact that people in general are extremely stupid and there you go.

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the places in the US with the highest crime rates are in areas where the victims are disarmed by law or severly restricted from protecting themselves with guns. the places where there are virtually no carry laws (vermont for one) or shall issue permits as well as more liberty for victims to defend themselves, the crime rates are the lowest. i havent heard of any shootings taking place at military installations or police departments. could it be that they might shoot back? or that it wouldnt be as easy as shooting fish in a barrel?

if you compare murder-rates of all industrialized nations the US is in essence a 3rd-world country (no offence). for example, the murder-rate per 100000 citizens is FAR higher in the US than over here. having a strict law of course does not totally prevent real gangsters/organized crime from acquiring their supplies but at least it is virtually impossible for under-agers, gang-bangers and other low-level criminals who would shoot an old lady dead for a bottle of booze.


gun-nerds, weapon collectors, hobby-riflemans and the likes are allowed to own guns (certain models are banned and only allowed at dedicated shooting clubs though). they just have to be of age, possess a firearms/permit license, pass a screening test and register in a shooting club.

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Fuck each an every last one of you.

Oh oh, looks like we've got a potential shooter on our hands!


I think the history of the US which includes a long line of gun culture and availability, along with pressure to be popular. liked (this is by no means restricted to the US), computer games, violent movies, psychological issues, youtube fame, and so on and so on is the melting pot where all these issues come together to result in this outcome.


Guns are far too prevelant in many areas now to make gun control an issue. It's the same as the whole troop surge thing. You reach a tipping point where the only viable solution is to flood an area with strength to combat those who are abusing the strength they have, can buy over the counter.


Am I right to assume that some areas have greater gun crime than others? Would it be feasible to say that perhaps strict gun control in places like Boston or Connecticut and so on would be ok but the opposite would be needed in places like Michigan, Texas and so on? (sorry if my examples are out, but I don't come from the US and am not up on localised violence rates).

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Fuck each an every last one of you.


This thread really isn't offensive if thats what your getting at, people talk about the related issue on message boards thats sort of the point. Something offensive is the college aged couple i saw the other day taking a photo together smiling with ground zero as the backdrop, or maybe thats just retarded.

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Yeah, the areas with the strictest gun control usually, like the district of columbia or new york.





it's pretty irrelevent comparing cities and districts against each other in a huge country, with so much economic divide and cultural difference. Don't bullshit yourself mate



What is important however is the gun-crime trends in places like the district of Columbia or new york before and after implementation of gun-control measures.

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First of all people murder other people EVERYWHERE, its not because of the evil american culture. Murders and killings are definitely alot more common in the shittier parts of the world. I have to disagree that some kid is going to flip and shoot a bunch of people because he had a bad upbringing, or his mommy didnt hug him enough, or he listened to death metal or played too many video games. There are a lot of good people who come out of the worst circumstances, while on the other hand most of the spoiled rich kids who have the perfect childhood and get everything handed to them are generally poorly functioning human beings. Some people are just fucking insane because of defects like chemical imbalances and as a result they hear voices or whatever. Some people have really really bad judgment. Combine the above with the fact that people in general are extremely stupid and there you go.


I agree with what you said here and I was talking about these specific types of murders, not drug killings or religious terrorism. The murders and killings that happen in poorer countries for the most part have different motivations than these types of murders.

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yeah, the crime rates havent dropped



gun control is nothing more than victim disarmament, allowing crazies to slaughter the defenseless sheep.



Actually there has been considerable drop in crime...

I just looked into it and nyc has hardly experienced gun-control - there have been a couple of minor measures.


The gun control is so minor that the drop in crime can hardly be attributed to it.






Taken from wikipedia:


-In 2006, as part of Mayor Michael Bloomberg's gun control efforts, the city approved new legislation regulating handgun possession and sales. The new laws established a gun offender registry, required city gun dealers to inspect their inventories and file reports to the police twice a year, and limited individual handgun purchases to once every 90 days. The regulations also banned the use and sale of kits used to paint guns in bright or fluorescent colors, on the grounds that such kits could be used to disguise real guns as toys.


-As of December 31, 2007 New York City had 494 reported homicides, down from 596 homicides in 2006. This marked the first year since in 1963 (when crime statistics started being published) that the its total was fewer than 500.

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Decline in gun deaths doubled since Australia destroyed 700,000 firearms


14 December 2006


The risk of dying by gunshot has halved since Australia destroyed 700,000 privately owned firearms, according to a new study published today in the international research journal, Injury Prevention.


"Not only were Australia's post-Port Arthur gun laws followed by a decade in which the crime they were designed to reduce hasn't happened again, but we also saw a life-saving bonus: the decline in overall gun deaths accelerated to twice the rate seen before the new gun laws," says study lead author, Professor Simon Chapman.


"From 1996 to 2003, the total number of gun deaths each year fell from 521 to 289, suggesting that the removal of more than 700,000 guns was associated with a faster declining rate of gun suicide and gun homicide," said Adjunct Associate Professor Philip Alpers, also from the School of Public Health at the University of Sydney. "This was a milestone public health and safety issue, driven by an overwhelming swing in public opinion, and promptly delivered by governments."


After 112 people were shot dead in 11 mass shootings* in a decade, Australia collected and destroyed categories of firearms designed to kill many people quickly. In his immediate reaction to the Port Arthur massacre, Prime Minister John Howard said of semi-automatic rifles and shotguns: "There is no legitimate interest served in my view by the free availability in this country of weapons of this kind… That is why we have proposed a comprehensive package of reforms designed to implement tougher, more effective and uniform gun laws."


As study co-author Philip Alpers points out: "The new legislation's first declared aim was to reduce the risk of similar gun massacres. In the 10½ years since the gun buy-back announcement, no mass shootings have occurred in Australia."


"On top of that, and despite the new gun laws not being designed to reduce gun suicide, domestic shootings, and the much less common 'stranger danger' individual gun homicides, firearm fatalities in the three largest categories - total firearm deaths, firearm homicides and firearm suicides - all at least doubled their previous rates of decline following the revised firearm legislation."


While the rates per 100,000 of total firearm deaths, firearm suicides and firearm homicides were already reducing by an average of 3 per cent each year until 1996, these average rates of decline doubled to 6 per centeach year (total gun death), and more than doubled to 7.4 per cent(gun suicide) and 7.5 per centeach year (gun homicide) following the introduction of new gun laws.


By 2002/03, Australia's rate of 0.27 firearm-related homicides per 100,000 population had dropped to one-fifteenth that of the United States.


The authors conclude that "The Australian example provides evidence that removing large numbers of firearms from a community can be associated with a sudden and on-going decline in mass shootings, and accelerating declines in total firearm-related deaths, firearm homicides and firearm suicides."


*International definitions of "mass shooting" and "mass homicide" range from 3 to 5 victims killed. To exclude most spousal and family violence killings, a "mass shooting" is defined here as one in which five or more victims are shot dead in proximate events.



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Oh oh, looks like we've got a potential shooter on our hands!


I think the history of the US which includes a long line of gun culture and availability, along with pressure to be popular. liked (this is by no means restricted to the US), computer games, violent movies, psychological issues, youtube fame, and so on and so on is the melting pot where all these issues come together to result in this outcome.


Guns are far too prevelant in many areas now to make gun control an issue. It's the same as the whole troop surge thing. You reach a tipping point where the only viable solution is to flood an area with strength to combat those who are abusing the strength they have, can buy over the counter.


Am I right to assume that some areas have greater gun crime than others? Would it be feasible to say that perhaps strict gun control in places like Boston or Connecticut and so on would be ok but the opposite would be needed in places like Michigan, Texas and so on? (sorry if my examples are out, but I don't come from the US and am not up on localised violence rates).






kennesaw georgia. every home is legally required to have a gun.

virtually no crime. i wonder why?

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So i read that this dude was coming of prescription psychotropic drugs when he went completely haywire and shot everyone, similar to the columbine kid and the VA tech kid. Anyone else think this is a far more important element involved than marilyn manson or video games?




absolutely. ssri's a re poison.


did you see the article i posted earlier in the thread? new shooter bought supplies from same place va tech shooter bought from.

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This thread really isn't offensive if thats what your getting at, people talk about the related issue on message boards thats sort of the point. Something offensive is the college aged couple i saw the other day taking a photo together smiling with ground zero as the backdrop, or maybe thats just retarded.



No, you may be right, sorry about flying off the handle, making a tragic event about some pet political issue bugs me.

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No, you may be right, sorry about flying off the handle, making a tragic event about some pet political issue bugs me.


I think you meant making a political issue out of a tragic event. I could be wrong, but I'll assume that's what you meant and agree with you.


Crazy/mentally ill people should not have guns. I don't know why people would say I'm depriving anyone of their rights by saying this, seeing as most institutionalized people have limited rights as it is. It's more like pointing out the obvious.

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Chicago has some of the tightest gun restrictions in the country, not only that but it was a gun free zone. How could a criminal break the law and shoot people? Damn its like a graffiti free zone, it always works perfectly. Did you guys know that the first gun control laws were to keep blacks disarmed from the klan? The batf was spawned from what remained of the anti alcohol cops and proceeded to pass unconstitutional gun laws.

Just in case you dont know





And for you australians, we have considerably more people than you. What you might call minor restrictions the average american would consider complete bullshit.

All of these school shootings are in gun free zones. If the irony of that doesnt hit you immediately then fuck off.

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kennesaw georgia. every home is legally required to have a gun.

virtually no crime. i wonder why?

I don't think that is the end of the story though. If this were the general theory of low violent crime rates then countries with strict gun laws would be war zones. These places that have high gun ownership need to do so because the situation is already out of hand. If there had been tighter restrictions int he first place the tipping point would not have been reached where everybody needs to be armed.


Look at the latest shooting for instance. The perp was not a crim and the weapons were legally obtained. If he didn't have the ease to just buy a weapon whenever he wanted would he have taken the trouble and the risk to obtain them illegally? We'll never really know I guess.


Disclaimer: This is just an unresearched argument, I do not know all the ins and outs of this issue and TBH, only people with Masters, PHD's and experience in the appropriate fields do know enough to have credible opinions.

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Chicago has some of the tightest gun restrictions in the country, not only that but it was a gun free zone. How could a criminal break the law and shoot people? Damn its like a graffiti free zone, it always works perfectly. Did you guys know that the first gun control laws were to keep blacks disarmed from the klan? The batf was spawned from what remained of the anti alcohol cops and proceeded to pass unconstitutional gun laws.

Just in case you dont know




And for you australians, we have considerably more people than you. What you might call minor restrictions the average american would consider complete bullshit.

All of these school shootings are in gun free zones. If the irony of that doesnt hit you immediately then fuck off.

Hmm, great argument you have there cowboy "If you're not as smart as me, fuck off". Gee, I'm convinced!


Hmm, gun free zones, an island of the disarmed within a sea of the armed. Yeah, good one! I'm assuming that you've graduated with a diploma in philosophical logic, eh?


Mate, You can take any developed country in the world and you'll be hard to find more than a miniscule amount that have the same problems statistically as the US does. Dude, China has 1.3 billion people with a history of civil war and violent revolution, how many mass shootings do they have? Please don't say that you'll never hear about it because I live here and work for security organisations that analyse this particular type of information and I can tell you for a fact, it just doesn't happen because they don't have the guns! Sure, murders happen, but massacres? No.


If you cannot realise that the US, per capita, has more gun violence/massacres than any other developed country, you are free to argue you point.


See how it works? Great stuff isn't it...., mate.

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