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Four Word Story..............


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of secret ninja herbs up his gaping brown eye. In the MGM Grand with a pocket full of bullets and a deluxe gold plated fleshlight. His homeboys did too and they all oonzted and peed their boots while shitting their pants and sniffing each other instead of sniffing broads. Then I got lost but then got found and hit the road in my fly,bendin' corners in a drunken state with no regard for the law,running over random people and snorting pure cocaine simly running a muck. Slipped past sercurity and then I came and raised hell to a small problem. Where I was fucked in the ass without a napkin to wipe the gizz and blood from my hairy sphincter. Where you been steve? Chillin in the cut and peeing in butts with razor blade funnels,Im also gay now. Then I woke up with a pissed bed and a rhinoceros sized boner that killed circulation to both my arms. So now Im like WHAT THE FUCK NOW. ... Whats with the dots? I am really bored so I killed my cat because he was showing signs of almost pissing on my new girlfriends hairdrying machine from FUCK YO COUCH NIGGA.SHOW ME YOUR TITTIES! Ok I will fucker straight in the eyehole with a poison dart and blow my dartload,the end good night. Sorry about that but I went out and smoked all the crack. Eats with welding pliers,so after that I jerked off a little.I came all over beerad632's moms face piece she loved it alot. Also killing them sluts and them pussy marks. Listening to Blues Traveler, singing like a bitch,smearing jelly on my already massively jellied up jelly,but unfortunately forgot to remove the grossest thing ever. Did you ever saw the sex video of your mother? Yes, repeatedly like Frank the Tank viciously humped the red and black purple buldge like a motherfucking gangster then ate icecream. But the icecream was gross with peanuts and had some mold and dookie juice balls. Earl still ate it and he threw up and ate his vomit that came out of his bunghole. It smelled bad,so bad that that Milk Grenades farted out Miller High Life and had pee butt,and twelve ounce rejoiced! For the win yay! and grabbed a bag of pure tar heroin purchased earlier from three dirty liquor stores Habibs that ate Chinese chicken and smelled of death and had smelly armpits. When they took off the panties ya heard their dick hats and ball socks were made and catching fire spontaneously? Everyday Im hustlin' up in niggas cribs.Smuggling Mexicans across borders only to find out that sombreros of cocaine and burritos with heroin did not mix well. So he mixed tacos filled with donkey shit and many large riceballs and ate them fast like a redneck on good cocaine laced cigarettes....

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drinkin lots of Budwiser,chewing on some chew,fucking his little sister when a tornado struck and tossed his truck and destroyed everything everywhere in sight. So I keistered my fat caps,lived and then died back into Mexico. Sounds like a blast,but I had to shit but couldnt get out all the way down the sewers,but it came back and went back inside the sewer to rock this wall I saw. Looked good at first but when I came up so close its sloppy as hell. Threw up in my hand and covered it with puke. "Gross" I said,who is Roxanne Shante man? That nigga stole my rope chain so I stole a new one and I drank 40's but a bit to much and pissed myself,walked away with wet semen soaked pants and booty shorts and popped my collar,but it got stuck on my massive turkey gobbler neck which resembled a penis that is extraordinarily wrinkly and saggy like vagina. Shit fuck suck it bitch,suck it hard dick fag gay lord. I said hard bitch harder,and had an. Four word stories suck. Fucking ass licking these boots were made for sticking up Motionano's ass. YOUR MOMMA'S ANUS. DAMB CRASHED,BURNED,AND DIED ust like your comedy. Wow you're retarded damb hamb full of these boots are the gayest shits ever and I want o trash and smash this one broad from high school. She had these BIG lips and massive gunt and all the other manbearpigs danced the night creatures to sleep without their pillows and blankets filled with cheese and old smelly ham wrapped in brown paper. Though she was a monster masturbating with ketchup and glue with sausage hanging out her ass was a cruise ship off to toilet island. Where shitting in nonstop because its cool like supercool fantastic women with meat flap vagina protrusions. Them tig o' bitties and pickles with extra meat curtains with mayo that smelled like soggy rotting cow ass and wet bread on top of a protruding forehead. While licking nasty toes of my granddad,but he woke up and smacked me in the ass with a large rubber chicken covered with hot sauce and BBQ sauce made from old tampons so I ran to a local whorehouse and bought some chicken wings and washed them down with a nice big piece of soap and some steel dish washers but when I saw my homie from school. I was like whatup where the smoke at? and I went to go and get my mom to tell her that I left my blunt wraps in her cave. Do when I pulled my little dick out of my pants she slapped it until it fell off. Although my hammer on the ceiling hit her on her fat flubbery ass and bounced through the ceiling. Then outta nowhere a parachuter came out and skeeted onto panties and her tit,she said BABABOOSHBABABOOSH Howard Sterns...

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