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your current women issues...


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This guy I have known since H.S has had a crush(?) on me.

for forever. Its kinda scary now that I think about it.

I thought after all these years he’d give up and realize that I am only attracted to inanimate objects and have no desire to cup cake.

Sporadically he calls me to chill I use to hang out with him (shamefully) to get smoked out (wrong. I realized this and have avoided hanging out with minimal explanation.)

He always raises the question of taking things to the next level.

He recently tried again. I am interested in other things/people.

That don’t involve him (mainly because he is a MR.me too) and it seems that because I kept the breaking off of our somewhat relationship (consist of smoking and thee watching of movies) prolonged it is harder to do so. Douche.

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my current girlfriend of almost 7 months is going through a bunch of shit. Her dad is going to jail her mom got cancer a bunch of drama at school......I duno a whole bunch of shit that shes going through. Then she gets mad at me cause I was too fucked up to take her to some lame movie and now shes saying that we might as well be friends with benefits cuz all we do is fuck. She lives a good half hour drive away and with school we only get to chill once a week......so of course I wanna just fuck her as soon as I see her! I honestly do have feelings for her, but I guess I could see how she thinks that I just want to fuck her. I duno the whole thing is getting a little out of hand and Im think about just letting old girl go. but then I realize that this is a steady flow of pussy and I might as well keep taking advantage of it........fuck man, I duno what to do with this crazy bitch!




You seriously suck at life.


Your girl probably deserves better.


Food for thought.

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what the fuck is an MR?



Mr. Me too.



"I bungee jumped yesterday off a cliff and the cord snapped. Thankfully a pegasus was flying by at that exact same moment and saved me from an untimely death..." -no M.M two


"Oh my godness that happened to me too but it was a pink one and later we had sushi and exchanged myspace URLS. It was rad "- Mr. Me too

Mr. Me too's do everything you do but better.



We would have nothing in common. I am content with being a nerd and having an un eventfull life.

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Mr. Me too.



"I bungee jumped yesterday off a cliff and the cord snapped. Thankfully a pegasus was flying by at that exact same moment and saved me from an untimely death..." -no M.M two


"Oh my godness that happened to me too but it was a pink one and later we had sushi and exchanged myspace URLS. It was rad "- Mr. Me too

Mr. Me too's do everything you do but better.



We would have nothing in common. I am content with being a nerd and having an un eventfull life.


oh I have one of those too

only with more flying awesome cool things that yours didn't have.

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This guy I have known since H.S has had a crush(?) on me.

for forever. Its kinda scary now that I think about it.

I thought after all these years he’d give up and realize that I am only attracted to inanimate objects and have no desire to cup cake.

Sporadically he calls me to chill I use to hang out with him (shamefully) to get smoked out (wrong. I realized this and have avoided hanging out with minimal explanation.)

He always raises the question of taking things to the next level.

He recently tried again. I am interested in other things/people.



You should try this.


Next time your chiliin with dude and he tries to make the moves on you, go for it.

But be mad weird in doing so.

Like when you kiss him, dart your tounge around at warp speed all weird and shit like a fucking space alien.

And bite him mad hard on the neck while clawing the shit out of his back as soon as he starts fucking you.


He should lose his hard on soon enough and never bother you again.


Trust me, i know what I'm talking about.

It worked wonders for the chick I had a crush on all through highschool.

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how would that work?

that's like a giant fucking neon hollywood sign 20 miles high for freak kinky sex.

serious old man

you need to get yer skate on

you're loosing yer mind.

lets go drink some beers.

old ladies going out of town for the weekend

lets get drunks


definite /NOHOMO

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Mr. Me too.



"I bungee jumped yesterday off a cliff and the cord snapped. Thankfully a pegasus was flying by at that exact same moment and saved me from an untimely death..." -no M.M two


"Oh my godness that happened to me too but it was a pink one and later we had sushi and exchanged myspace URLS. It was rad "- Mr. Me too

Mr. Me too's do everything you do but better.



We would have nothing in common. I am content with being a nerd and having an un eventfull life.



^This post makes zero sense.


Where the fuck you get MR out of that?


Should I be regretting wasting my 4,444 post on giving you advice?

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how would that work?

that's like a giant fucking neon hollywood sign 20 miles high for freak kinky sex.

serious old man

you need to get yer skate on

you're loosing yer mind.

lets go drink some beers.

old ladies going out of town for the weekend

lets get drunks


definite /NOHOMO


I guess you'd have to have been there.

I have ZERO problem with kinky sex.

Shit wasn't even kinky though, it was just weird.


Looking back, I think it was on purpose.

To throw me off her trail.

And it def worked.




And as for the skating and drinking beer and shit,... you been had my number.

You wanna talk all this rah-rah on the internet, but you never hit a nigga up.

That's on you.

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I dont think that would work.

I think that would just make the calls more frequent.

Plus I really dont want his penis anywhere near me even if

there would be a possibility he would run away crying and never want to talk to me again.

I am just going to avoid him forever.

and ignore all incoming calls like I have been successfully doing for some time now.

The only thing I cant seem to get away from is the notes he leaves on my car and on my proch. ew.

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