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Huckabee wants Stephen colbert as his VP

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WASHINGTON (AP) – After his triumph in Iowa and third-place finish in New Hampshire, Mike Huckabee showed up Wednesday night for another Colbert bump.

An earlier bump pushed Huckabee to the front of the Republican presidential pack, the candidate assured TV comic Stephen Colbert.

"The only reason I'm the front-runner now is because of the Colbert bump," a mostly straight-faced Huckabee told the host of "The Colbert Report" on Comedy Central. "If it were not for that I would not be sitting in this chair, I would be probably somewhere serving hamburgers at a drive-in restaurant."

Colbert, in a split-screen interview, then ran Huckabee through a series of questions about the candidate's policies.

Example: Would he chase Osama bin Laden into hell, as rival candidate John McCain said Wednesday he would do?

"And beyond," Huckabee said. "I will charge hell with a water pistol if necessary."

Colbert, who abandoned his own 2008 presidential bid after the South Carolina Democratic Party voted to keep him off its primary ballot, said he was still willing to be Huckabee's running mate, as

Huckabee apparently had promised earlier. Colbert said his "foreign policy" experience — trips to Sandals resorts in Jamaica, the Bahamas — would help answer Huckabee critics that the

former Arkansas governor lacked such.

Just in case, though, Colbert then gave Huckabee a chance to take back his running mate promise publicly.

"Stephen, please, be my running mate," Huckabee said.

"Yes, a thousand times yes," was Colbert's answer.





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All I know is that if any of the republican canidates win I am leaving the country....

And boogie... really... all the republican canidates are horrible.... there is no hope if any of them win... no hope at all...

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fuck huckabee. id rather have giuliani as president. at least people would have basic social freedoms while their country was crumbling to the ground.


seriously america...i fucking dare you elect a christian minister as your president.


in a country full of idiots its not wise to dare them to fuck things up worse you know they do it...

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thats what blows me away. you can get on televison and say that in front of millions of people and the majority of people are like "yeah, hes still a viable candidate.". are you fucking serious? im not going to go the richard dawkins spaghetti monster route but im saying....that is some seriously foolish shit to think or say. i wish bill hicks was still here to drop some jewels on this subject.


and yeah, heavy lox. you have a valid point there....americans love their stupidity like no other.

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in my belief of things, there is room for god and science....at the same time...i know, i know, call me a rebel....but that's it.


however, i think we kinda need to keep god away from government.


what i do see wrong is that people are mocking others who believe one or the other. that's un-american, to me. not what this country was founded on or for. ya know?


i certainly wouldn't vote for a candidate who was "running on god" solely.

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in my belief of things, there is room for god and science....at the same time...i know, i know, call me a rebel....but that's it.


however, i think we kinda need to keep god away from government.


what i do see wrong is that people are mocking others who believe one or the other. that's un-american, to me. not what this country was founded on or for. ya know?


i certainly wouldn't vote for a candidate who was "running on god" solely.


the god and science debate is such a can of worms i wont address it right now because i dont have time and wont be able to do it justice....i will comment on my attitude towards others beliefs and why i feel i have the right to criticize…or in this case, mock.

the thing that angers me and a lot of americans is that when it comes to the majority of topics, criticism is perfectly acceptable. i can sit here with you and talk about eugenics, for instance. you can tell me why i am wrong and that i am ignoring blatant facts and i can tell you that you are reading into things, bridging huge gaps to create a point, etc. we may grate on each other a bit (nothing wrong with that though, we are both passionate about our positions...it happens) but for the most part we are having a discussion and an exchange of ideas. now you apply this same situation to someones religion, their belief in god, and all of a sudden you are an asshole for "attacking" a "sacred personal belief". my main problems are the fact that these "sacred personal beliefs" have, and continue to, encroach on others basic civil liberties and they have no substance, nothing to offer us when faced with real world problems...in general no positive effect on the progression of our society and understanding. its just "god did it" or "god will do it" and then the thumb goes up the ass and everyone waits around.

ive thought about my combative attitude, whether i am right (which i feel i am) in approaching religion as i do, or whether i need to be more diplomatic and sympathetic when speaking about religion. ive been wrong many times in life and it could be i need to "grow up" and discuss this in a more rational way but right now my feelings seem right. as i said, religion is on a pedestal and the sharing of beliefs seem at times like a one way street. religion can say "id like to teach creationism along side the big bang and darwinism" and they are just (in some peoples eyes) looking for an even playing field, but i cannot go back and say "i do not want my child being taught creationism because i feel it is an antiquated theory that has been (as much as it can be..science can only refute faith to a certain degree) disproved and has no place in a public classroom." without mocking a "personal belief" (which ceases to be personal when other people are forced to confront it and defend themselves against it). as the view stands to many, i am not pointing out that this view has no real world context...i am an intolerant bigot beating up on people of faith. its perverse.

i think it would do people a lot of good to look at this and ask themselves why it seems opponents of religion always seem so condescending. its not that we think we are intellectual elite (i know many believers who are much smarter than i, more successful, etc.)...its just that you cannot place something like an omnipotent god (who you can pray to in order to change things) against hundreds and hundreds of years of discovery and research of the world around us, have a serious discussion without selling your side short (would this courtesy be applied to any other topic?), and avoid altogether coming off like a dick. its so lopsided that all it takes is pointing to facts to back up your argument and all of a sudden youre beating up the retarded kid.

im getting longwinded as i often do but the point is that when you have a presidential candidate with certain ideas you disagree with, someone who is going to mold the world around you for the next four to eight years, you should have the right as an american to speak out against it. there should be no difference between attacking him over stating "i am for a flat rate consumption tax" and attacking him for stating "i believe the world was created by god and evolution is wrong". both have the potential to encroach on my life in some way, at some point, and i should be able to fight them tooth and nail without being labeled as anything but concerned for my country.

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dude, that book was sittin out at my friends house all summer and all break.



his parents are amazing...





i would wake up in the mornings and read that book while tryin to shake off a hangover.



fuckin ridiculous it is.


i saw a new one the other day at the bookstore...for kids....about how they are americans, too.


and all this time i thought kids were all foreign nationals....


<slaps self in forehead>

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