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Obama and Huckabee win Iowa caucuses

Poop Man Bob

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LMAO!!!! Obama is the only honest motherfucker running. You have no idea what yuo're talking about.

You have your head so far up Ron Pauls ass that you don't even pay any attention to anybody else running.

"he wouldn't pull our troops from an unjust war" <-LMAO! That's exactly what he's going to do. He was against the war from day one and never faultered on his stance.


"and he would institute programs that are more bricks in the national prisons walls." <- LMFAO!!! If you think poor and working class people being able to go to the hospital and get treatment is "a brick in a prison wall" then you my freind are a nutjob.

Go take your medication.



you're just making yourself look uneducated and ill informed. stop now.

the hole you're digging is getting deeper by the second.

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Dude have you listened to obama he is a fucking puppet he is just going to fill someone elses agenda...dudes a liar and side steps every question.


Shai, tell you the truth not gonna lie I know all of these things have been in place its just going to be odd for the people to adjust to them now.

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Dude have you listened to obama he is a fucking puppet he is just going to fill someone elses agenda...dudes a liar and side steps every question.




Where do you get this nonsense?


It's like you paople have no fucking idea who Obama is.


Yall got your head so far up nut-ass Ron Pauls ass that you have no idea what you're talking about.

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You've obviously never heard the man talk. You have no idea what yuo're talking about.



You've obviously never heard him talk because you can't back up what you're saying with facts you fuck. Shit use this as a soap box to turn some of us "Ron Paul dick riders" into "obama and the NWO anal recievers" Shit the reason we bring facts to the table is because maybe people who are thick headed like yourself might see the fucking light...


Who fucking cares??? As long as my wife can get treatment if she gets cancer or mangled in a car wreck... I don't give a fuck who's geting kickbacks.



Thats whats going to drive costs for treatment higher and higher.

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Where do you get this nonsense?


It's like you paople have no fucking idea who Obama is.


Yall got your head so far up nut-ass Ron Pauls ass that you have no idea what you're talking about.



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do you love your country enough to know about it's foundations?

do you know what our forefathers went through to give us the freedoms that

have been stripped away? by neo cons and democrats alike.



do you have any clue what i was talking about when i said that national healthcare is a communist idealism? do you know what happened to the USSR? know what kind of shit marx got them into?


sure, national health care sounds awesome. i don't have insurance on my health, only life.

but the reality of it is this: i want to be able to choose my own doctor. from past experiences

with doctors trying to put me on shit that made me feel horrible...anti-depressants fro insomnia. wow. i choose not to go to him. national health care would mean i would have to go to him if it was the one my government chose for me...otherwise, SOL. that, my friend, is not a good idea.


our health care system would be fine if we weren't giving in to illegals. and that's what dems want. they want people who break the law to have access to our country, and in most cases, better care than our citizens get. what kind of fucked up logic is that?

you break the law, we treat you like gold? riiiiight.


go read some more and come back when you can hold your own.

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Guest shai_hulud

Well, yeah, Some1. The issue I have with liberty being a "new, trendy concept" is that it's not. It just seems that way because we live in a highly centralized/bureaucratic society...which affords the illusion of comfort and security, until you realize that you have given a lot of your liberty away.


Knowing that the bad guys can't come and get you is comforting...until you realize that's because the Real ID system is designed to track everyone, not just the bad guys. That means you, that means your family and friends...everybody.


If health care were affordable and not run by out of control insurance companies blaming every cost increase on malpractice suits, then I doubt the idea of national health care would be appealing. But, something is better than nothing, if you're like me who is one of the one out of six who isn't insured.


A lot of things the Democrats want are good, only if the PEOPLE are involved in the process. The problem with democracy? In this society, it's the epitome of the tyranny of majority rule put into practice.


Also, I WANT a draft. It got people motivated like a motherfucker in the sixties...and I would be on the front lines rioting for change if it came down to brass tacks.

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Ron Paul is anti-public healthcare, anti-abortion rights, anti-stem cell research and has some wack-job idea that he can get rid of the federal tax system without the country collapsing... dude's a fucking nut.


Obama has his head on straight and his heart in the right place.

If he doesn't win this one cause a bunch of trendy bandwagon fucktards wasted their votes on a wack job then we're all fucked.


Real fuckin talk right here.



Some1- You didn't get my point about No Child Left Behind. I am a product of the very predecessor to that. If you know much of Bush's history as gubernator, it is that education was one of his top points. Unfortunately that meant years and years of standardized testing and bullshit curriculums.



I was using it as an example that reverting to state's rights on issues such as education is not necessarily the best path to go down.

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Also, I WANT a draft. It got people motivated like a motherfucker in the sixties...and I would be on the front lines rioting for change if it came down to brass tacks.


I would be for a draft if we weren't jumping into every countries business.

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Guest shai_hulud

No, DAO. What they WOULD be against is-


-Having to pay for it, even if you have private insurance.


-Not being able to pick your PCP (primary care provider).


-Having to take what you are given as far as treatment which nine times out of ten is the cheapest option. Generic drugs I can handle, but a doctor that simply treats patients by the book as opposed to dealing with them as individuals on a case by case basis...no. I have suffered for that, and it is hell (THANKS FOR NOTHING, KAISER).


I agree that something is better than nothing. On the other hand..sometimes, you have to be careful what you wish for, because you might just get it.

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Watch the videos I posted.


Especially this one.




I did they didn't tell me shit! I am watching this one now in hopes that I can see where you are coming from. You should be arguing his points verse what we are saying about ron paul.



upon further review this tells me nothing about his policies either wtf you suck at providing information...

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Guest shai_hulud

Some1- No, I want a draft, and a full interventionist policy in effect.


That would be pretty much a recipe for revolution, right there.

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