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Bad Night for ICB


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This was all over the news like last year or so.

Yall seriously need to start paying more attention to shit that's going on these days.


Every cellphone has a microphone in it that can be remotely turned on even when your phone is turned off.

So they can listen in on you just kickin it with your homies.

And hear what yous are talking about.

They only use that on Mobsters and drug lords and shit right now, but of course it'll soon enough work its way into being used for everything else.

If you don't beleive me, look it up. Then school your left nut.



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i agree ^

lets see it




notice how all the new ones come with onstar already installed


they did this to wrap up the owner of a strip club here about 2 years ago for some shit dealing with the 'no touch' laws






these dont mention onstar but this is the case

they did do that shit though it was in the paper and tv news like crazy


now i cant find anything...it disappeared

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Guest shai_hulud

It's like greyboxing a cell. A greybox was an old phone phreak trick to turn your phone's pickup on when the hook switch was pressed down without turning on the speaker. Voila...anyone with a phone now has a bug in plain sight and they don't have a clue.


With cell phones, it's all digital. All you would have to do is write a script that calls your phone, but disables the ringer and speaker, plus the display for good measure. If another call came in, then it could switch over to a more conventional tap and trace and give the incoming call priority. Same for outgoing calls.


The tracking feature is pretty easy to explain. All cell traffic can be triangulated off the signature of the signal and the proximity to the nearest three cell phone repeater towers. They do this for 911 calls, so they can automatically figure out your location in case the call is dropped or disconnected.


These are two very big reasons I do not like cell phones. Bluetooth? All it is is an open wifi frequency. It's no big thing to intercept wifi signals, I used to do it all the time. You just need a sniffer and a way to hear what's being transmitted between the handset and the headset.

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It's like greyboxing a cell. A greybox was an old phone phreak trick to turn your phone's pickup on when the hook switch was pressed down without turning on the speaker. Voila...anyone with a phone now has a bug in plain sight and they don't have a clue.


With cell phones, it's all digital. All you would have to do is write a script that calls your phone, but disables the ringer and speaker, plus the display for good measure. If another call came in, then it could switch over to a more conventional tap and trace and give the incoming call priority. Same for outgoing calls.


The tracking feature is pretty easy to explain. All cell traffic can be triangulated off the signature of the signal and the proximity to the nearest three cell phone repeater towers. They do this for 911 calls, so they can automatically figure out your location in case the call is dropped or disconnected.


These are two very big reasons I do not like cell phones. Bluetooth? All it is is an open wifi frequency. It's no big thing to intercept wifi signals, I used to do it all the time. You just need a sniffer and a way to hear what's being transmitted between the handset and the headset.



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just the other week some of my buddies got locked up after being involved in a bar brawl. this was at this dominantly asian bar which non of them were. at one point one of my buddies pulled out a taser and started tazing every asian dude in site.

Quoted again, because the mental image of this is fucking golden.

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Don't sleep on them $40 T-mobile prepaid phones.


Cops can't tap your shit with them.

Cops can't track your movements with them.

Feds can't turn on the hidden microphone and listen to your convorsations with them.

Cause there's no name attatched to them. (as long as you aren't stupid enough to pay with a credit card)


Plus the money you pay to put minutes on them usually ends up around the same as paying a monthly bill anyways.


And who needs bells and whistles on a fucking phone.




Anyway sucks man. Hope everything works out well in the long run.

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like 10 years ago, on news years eve We got in the brawl outside my moms crib after the beer ran out at a house party at my neighbors house. So, it's like a cage match on the street and 5 shows up. I run in my back yard, open my back door and start letting people I know in so we don't get locked up. Well, one of my boys gets caught out there and gets locked up anyway.

2 hrs later, the police show up at my crib and arrest me (someone snitched)

So when I get to the police station they're saying it's full so I'll have to bunk with someone, I tell them to let me in with my boy who got arrested earlier so, he must have been still drunk because when they opened the cell and he saw my face he was like "word! and he got up like I was there to bail him out.....you should've seen the look on his face when they closed to door behind both of us.

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Me and 2 of my other boys got all bagged up together for some totally phat graffito tagging once, and when we got brought to the police station another friend of mine was in there for assault, starts dying laughing cuz he'd been listening to the cops chasing us on the radio for like an hour


This was made funnier/more random by the fact that it wasn't even in my city

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It's like greyboxing a cell. A greybox was an old phone phreak trick to turn your phone's pickup on when the hook switch was pressed down without turning on the speaker. Voila...anyone with a phone now has a bug in plain sight and they don't have a clue.


With cell phones, it's all digital. All you would have to do is write a script that calls your phone, but disables the ringer and speaker, plus the display for good measure. If another call came in, then it could switch over to a more conventional tap and trace and give the incoming call priority. Same for outgoing calls.


The tracking feature is pretty easy to explain. All cell traffic can be triangulated off the signature of the signal and the proximity to the nearest three cell phone repeater towers. They do this for 911 calls, so they can automatically figure out your location in case the call is dropped or disconnected.


These are two very big reasons I do not like cell phones. Bluetooth? All it is is an open wifi frequency. It's no big thing to intercept wifi signals, I used to do it all the time. You just need a sniffer and a way to hear what's being transmitted between the handset and the headset.




that's some 2600 hundred shit shai...

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