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My Bouncer Story


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Ok kiddies, at the request of a certain drunk asshole i have a story to tell.

Well my friend Mark, dudes crazy and knows crazy ass people.

Well he use to know this guy who worked at a club downtown, as a bouncer

He tells me he was a huge ass dude, and didnt take shit from anyone.

So one night big homies doin his thing, ''bouncing'' and some mexicans start actin out.

Apprently they tried to basically rape some chick on the dance floor and stole her panties while she was still wearing them. So dude heads over and tells them to get the fuck out. Well they start getting all ''I know these people, we roll with these people.'' So the dude and hes big ass friends hurl these bean burritos out the backway. They call him a racist and all this shit and swear hes dead. So its like 3-4 and The guys leaving, grabs his shit goes out the back way. Well one of the fuckin dudes grabs him and another chops his god dman arm off with a machete. Well they run for it, thinkin hes left for dead, but dude makes it somehow. Well he goes in, gets the security tapes and over a span of 2 years hunts the fuckers down. Long story short he killed all 3 of them, ''Single handily'':lol:

The Prolouge: Dude gets convicted for manslaughter and gets a 20 year sentence, with 40 suspended/probahtion.

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I didn't expect pics.


Dont know how you could.

I just happen to be rooming with him in the pen and i got a camera in a cake.

Or i was out on a stroll and just so happnded to watch this guy get owned.

Commmmme on man, use your visual shit.

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Yet again i dont know how much was cut off but ill ask.

And someone swingin that thing pretty steady it wouldnt be too hard to take off part of an arm. I was lookin for news, but honestly so much shit goes on and is never in the media believe it or not. I have another story about a guy who picked up a prostitute and later found out...

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