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seeking vs. marc jacobs holiday extraviganza


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what did you guys do on wednesday night? who cares, it sucked.


I went to the super baller marc jacobs xmas party in NYC and fucking killed it, thank's for asking.





I've been a part of some fairly debaucherous shit in my life, but nothing even comes close to this. i'd heard stories of how nuts these events are, supposedly comparable to Truman Capote's parties back in the day (which i guess were a big deal). Tons of celebrities, fashion people, blah blah blah. They're also known for quickly spiraling into drunken orgies.




Top shelf liquor? Champagne? tons of food and desserts? over 100 nearly naked people hired to fan eachother, swallow swords and basically fuck on the dance floor? Half a million dollar price tag? $25k prize for best costume? the answers, again, are "yes".




Due to way over indulgence, I don't really remember much, only slivers and bits and pieces. This makes it a bit difficult to write the awesome story that should accompany these photos. Also, alot of is pretty incriminating -no homo- and i don't really care to put all that out there. oh well. Next year.


Most of you will be to young and ghetto to really appreciate something this decedant, but some of yall will get it. grown folks time.







i'll add more as they become available.

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  • Replies 83
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what did you guys do on wednesday night? who cares, it sucked.





now that's a fuckin party!

midgets and strippers, yo! :lol:

shit, and i thought i was having a good time at Chuck E Cheese's last night.


i seen this show the other day..i think it was about millionaires...

there was some dude who throws big parties/raves at his mansion

in the name of peace. his nick name is Peace Man or some shit..is this him?

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Guest R@ndomH3ro

sweet...looks like a mad good time.





but i like parties with bbq and colt .45......i don't know if i could fit in with them "up" types.

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ha, honestly, thats how it felt.

also, i forgot t mention that it was on the 65th floor of rockafeller center, so when you looked out the window, all you saw was nyc skyline in every direction. also, the entire dance floor seen in the first two pictrues, revolved, so while you were wasted, dancing and not paying attention, all of a sudden you'd look up and be facing a different part of the room, really confused.


it was so much insanity, it was almost blinding. double fisting wine glasses full of champagne all night long did not help to make it any less confusing either.

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also, i'd like to point out that despite my constant vacationing in foreign lands, my endless bankroll for dumb shit, and my hob-knobing with socialites, im not some wanna be scenester pgw herb. this shti isn't my world at all, i just get down on occasion in order to lend them a bit of street cred.



i'm nobody. but when you're a nobody that makes important people laugh you get invited to do cool shit. having the president of the company wanting to fuck you, even if they're totally and completely unsuccessful in every possible way, doesn't hurt either.

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Guest shai_hulud

I wish I had seeking's problems. No, I don't.


Where to next, seeks? Antarctica to barbecue some penguin meat?


JK. You know I love you.


Is it true that the nouveau riche get shitty drugs most of the time?

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Guest R@ndomH3ro

it doesnt matter..



seeking, continue going forth to where no normal person would dare or want to go.



Really, rich people are weird fuckers that forget out things called reality or the rest of the world.

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no clue about the drugs, i dont fuck with em, and there was so much free belvedere and absolute going on, i dont think coke was a priority for these folks. however i imagine they can afford the good shit and don't deal with stepped on corner boys. as for me, i got some upcoming trips, but i'll save them for future threads.



yes. gay people don't bother me at all. even dudes hitting on me doesnt bother me, as long as it's not excessive and they accept the fact that it's not going to work for them. plus, there's a certain amount of excessiveness that you have to accept at shit like this. infact, to be honest, it kind of adds to it in a strange way. ive never been in the middle of something so completely and totally decadent in every way. boobs getting sucked on in the middle of the floor, strange girls grabbing you and kissing you... if a dude grabs your arm now and again, you just charge it to the game and go get another drink. ll

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