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Short Fuse


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its either me, or most of the ppl i meet are fucking cocksuckers...

it seems lately that a lot of "new" friends i've tried to make have done nothing but piss me off or irritate me in some way after a few months of knowing them, to the point where i just don't seem to like them no more (nohomo)

i dont know if its just my nature, if im not giving people chances or what. maybe i just have a short fuse, or a low tolerance for stupid shit some of these people do...

or im anti social as fuck

in either case, i dont know if i should be concerned or what. i have a few people im good friends with and get along with fine, and they dont have the douche-bag characteristics that some of these other people do, but the good ones are few and far between...

is everyone just a cocksucker? or am i too quick to judge and should be more linient in the kind of people i accept as "friends"



/no emo

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There are three types of people.


Powder kegs (can't stand disrespectful annoying shit)


People who throw matches and lite fuses (annoying or dumb mouthy mother fuckers)


Normal people



I fit in to the powder keg catagory myself.

I dont go looking for trouble but It finds me and I react.

I hate most people I meet, even the people I like I hate.

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yeah i dont know where i fit in

its like after knowing someone for a while, they start saying all sorts of bullshit and acting like a complete dick, completely contrary to how they were before

either that or they are too boring in the beginning for me to even bother with them

this goes for girls too


i guess im in the powder keg catagory too, but there are seriously friends i have that i DONT hate and actually do respect etc

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its either me, or most of the ppl i meet are fucking cocksuckers...

it seems lately that a lot of "new" friends i've tried to make have done nothing but piss me off or irritate me in some way after a few months of knowing them, to the point where i just don't seem to like them no more (nohomo)

i dont know if its just my nature, if im not giving people chances or what. maybe i just have a short fuse, or a low tolerance for stupid shit some of these people do...

or im anti social as fuck

in either case, i dont know if i should be concerned or what. i have a few people im good friends with and get along with fine, and they dont have the douche-bag characteristics that some of these other people do, but the good ones are few and far between...

is everyone just a cocksucker? or am i too quick to judge and should be more linient in the kind of people i accept as "friends"



/no emo



Good freinds are good freinds.

The rest are just aquantances.



But it's always good to have alot of aquantances on your side.

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Guest shai_hulud

Yeah, I'm definitely a powder keg.


There's one friend of mine who has a really big mouth...he has a bad tendency to tell people my business in front of me, and it's gotten to the point where I don't hang out with him in groups of people anymore.


He had a party for his birthday yesterday, and I didn't go.I felt bad...mostly because I don't think he does it to be mean, but he doesn't think about it. I've flashed on him before, and told him that if he kept doing it we couldn't hang out anymore...but, he's one of those people that knows all the folks I know, so...it's not like he's going anywhere. I just decided it's easier to take myself out of situations where he might say something to set me off, even if it means I miss out on fun times here and there.

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from my experience, all the "kewl kids" i knew were assholes, even though i hung out with them at one time. I got tired of their bullshit though. I bet they're going to go on to live with their parents 'cause they didn't get the calvin klein modelling job they were so sure they would get and just get addicted to something. the "uncool people" are a lot better friends 'cause they basically won't give you bullshit and are actually loyal.


btw, cosigned ^. That's partly why i left the kewl kids. I told them things I trusted them with and they used it to get giggles out of bitches. Which left me with nothing.

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Guest shai_hulud

He's not really that cool.


He's one of those guys that feels like since he doesn't have any secrets, no one else should either.


He strikes me as someone who got picked on a lot for being smart. I got picked on for being smart, too. But, I don't go around acting like I'm more intellectual than everyone else. I like to drink beer and watch bad movies and have a good time with people, and not disdain everyone for being less highbrow than me.


I just learned how to fit in. I think he's still getting the hang of that.


I don't have a lot of secrets, but I like to know that I can trust people with confidences. And, I want to know that I can hang out with them and not be embarrassed by what they say or do.


I know a lot of people. A lot of them are uber-scene people, some of them are even well known. Some of them are good friends, but most of them are acquaintances.

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instead of going out and talking to people, i stay in my house and watch the twilight zone/lurk on 12's. and do lots of pushups. if you ever see me out, im probably drunk or high as hell, because thats the only time i can stand to be around people. so to answer the question .... im pretty sure most people are cocksuckers (or just fucking retards)

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"Pussies don't like dicks, because pussies get fucked by dicks. But dicks also fuck assholes: assholes that just want to shit on everything. Pussies may think they can deal with assholes their way. But the only thing that can fuck an asshole is a dick, with some balls. The problem with dicks is: they fuck too much or fuck when it isn't appropriate - and it takes a pussy to show them that. But sometimes, pussies can be so full of shit that they become assholes themselves... because pussies are an inch and half away from ass holes. I don't know much about this crazy, crazy world, but I do know this: If you don't let us fuck this asshole, we're going to have our dicks and pussies all covered in shit!" - Team America: World Police



i think this really sums it up.

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I hate most people I meet. Really, I hate people as a general whole. Im antisocial as fuck, I hate going to the grocery store even. Small talk insults my fucking intelligence. Most people that encounter me can feel my 'fuck off' vibe without me even speaking to them. This works out great, but handicaps me in certain situations.

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There are three types of people.


Powder kegs (can't stand disrespectful annoying shit)


People who throw matches and lite fuses (annoying or dumb mouthy mother fuckers)


Normal people



I fit in to the powder keg catagory myself.

I dont go looking for trouble but It finds me and I react.

I hate most people I meet, even the people I like I hate.



this is me to a tee.


i'm always an asshole, prick, or a jerk; but thats why mami loves me.


even when i'm out with her i try to be nice but every mother fucker is, in the long run; out for them selves.

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i get along fine with most people i meet, but im brutally honest to the point people dont want to be around me. which is fine, i dont mind when people are honest with me about the dumb shit i do, but when the tables are turned some of my friends are like lawyers they deny everything thats happened. but who cares, after a few drinks we all forget and shit is back to normal until one of us fucks up again.

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