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speaking of random/import/independednt beers


has anyone been to that weird ass bar in port costa??


they used to have it so you could go in the fridge and get your beer on the honor system, then you had to go the register to pay for it.


also they had a polar bear (stuffed).

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and what is that coopers? The export model or something? I prefer the look of coopers pale3


i had never seen it before. they had all the regular coopers at the store (no long necks, just stubbies) and this one. i figured i'd give it a try cos i've missed drinking a regular lager that wasn't lame.

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Guest shai_hulud





No, I knew that. Besides, I said I do not like Foster's.


How's your head feeling, ABC?

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i dont fuck with american beer. my girlfriend is italian so shes all about that piss water beer they serve over there that is equal to the shit they have over here. peroni i think its called.



she also has welsh in her from her father, so i tried giving her some real beer but she cant take it.



it makes me sad... but i guess i wont have to worry about her taking my good beer, i'll just have to bring her a case of mgd or some bullshit.

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speaking of random/import/independednt beers


has anyone been to that weird ass bar in port costa??


they used to have it so you could go in the fridge and get your beer on the honor system, then you had to go the register to pay for it.


also they had a polar bear (stuffed).



I went to a bar like this in South Carolina. It was total kid in a candy store status.


Some favorites from there:










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they make it in newcastle too....



i think the name is owned by molson breweries, they've been going around the world buying up smaller breweries in past few years. iirc, they're the 3rd or 4th largest brewery in the world.



*oh, i drank 11 pints of beer last night and 2 cans of rockstar vodka and woke up with absolutely no hangover. fucking sweet

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