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women and kids


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Guest shai_hulud

Feral means not domesticated. They're usually the offspring of strays. This is why you should get your cats spayed/neutered. They live longer, and are less likely to fight with other cats if they go outside all the time.


Plus, if male cats aren't spayed, they'll spray all over your stuff.

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I talk to animals. Just not in a baby talk way. I speak to them as if they were people.


I haven't been bitten by an animal since I started treating them with respect.




A friend of mine called me Dr Doolittle for a while, after coming with me to visit this girl who had a dog, three cats, and a ferret. I used to walk in and greet all the animals like they were roommates.


Talking to kids and animals like they're kids and animals is for the birds.

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Guest shai_hulud

I stand corrected...I get those confused. Carry on.


I lived with these douchebag hippy kids who didn't want to get their dogs fixed because it "wasn't part of the Creator's plan." No shit, they actually said that.


They would fight and shit all over the house, too. The dogs, that is. One of the dogs pissed in front of my door, so I blasted it with a fire extinguisher. The hippy kid connected to the dog wanted to fight me until I pulled a knife on him and told him if he didn't like it, that he should get the fuck out.


They all ended up leaving a week later. I think I pissed on that kid's sleeping bag before he left, though.

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yo im fucking sick of this, its driving me nuts. anyways this isnt really about women with kids. its about women who own pets, and treat them like children. its fucking disgusting to me.. i dont know why but whenever a woman starts talking to their animal in the "cute" voice ALL the time and treating it like a person and talking to it like a person it just gets to me real bad... anyone else had this shit happen?

so im thinking women who have pets who treat them like children deep down inside want a child. do i get a prize for thinking this? no... do i want one? no..

would i like a women with no kids and pets? yes


my mother

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im tired of both situations, broads with kids (especially when they got played by some dick head you knew was an asshole a mile away and they act like they were clueless, yea right bitch! i knew he was gonna knock you up and run the first second i saw his ass....fucking shoot yourself and your unwanted baby...)


and girls who have dogs and take them fucking everywhere, shit drives me nuts, talking to them, dressing them up, all that shit is gay gay gay.

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i always see white people with their dogs in the car chillin. last week i saw a guy in a convertible with his dog riding shotgun.



white people always jog with their dogs.


why is it that there's always a white chick jogging with like 15 dogs on a leash at once. they use those long leashes that have a big square handle with a thin wire coming out.

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