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i think stay gay with it is tryna get an invite from me.

twinky the kid

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peep it.



i do feel a little bad for the guy though...


----------------- Original Message -----------------

From: <a href='http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=275458962&MyToken=15f43db4-154b-4275-ac74-767e1d7efb5e'>i'm watching you...</a>

Date: 05 Dec 2007, 20:30



well i thought i already told you who i was. i right...


i did. because i ''stay super neato wit it''.


please? its all that fucking assholes spitfires fault.


he told me spyD was dead so i made teh thread and i are get banned.


that and because i defended aesop rockski. and because i'm from the west bay.


and because i hated that bitch VAJina for always winning because her cunts full of sand.


none of that shit was my fault. i was always in the wrong thread at the wrong time. innocent bystanderd caught in the cross fire lolcatingoner.

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Guest shai_hulud

it must be really hard to try to get back on 12oz once you get banned

but i was thinking

do your invites get taken away when you get banned?


I know how to get around IP blocks. However, I'm not planning on getting banned. I could see how it might happen to me.


Then again, I noticed a paradox. Now that 12oz. is invite only the new members should be a little more respectful and mindful of the quality/intelligence of what they say. But, the exact opposite seems to apply here to the majority of the people who have signed up since I took a break last year.


I'm not trying to be mean or single anyone out, but I'm not the only one who feels this way.


Also, people used to get banned all the time. Smart, Gliks, and seeking would just go on rampages in the past. However, I can't remember anyone getting banned in the past month I've been back.


Well, in Channel 0, anyway....I'm sure kids get their cards pulled in Brickslayers daily.

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and because i hated that bitch VAJina for always winning because her cunts full of sand.




That is so amazing. Please tell him to come back. Glik$ and I can have fun with this one.




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update for vaj!




----------------- Original Message -----------------

From: <a href='http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=275458962&MyToken=815812f5-9b26-4f8d-b4a8-24dcb0102cfe'>i'm watching you...</a>

Date: 06 Dec 2007, 16:50



what's wrong with my profile?

you dont think cops have acounts on 12 oz? and the ones that dont cant get them if they wanted them?

im not a pig. but vaj is. she a dirty disgusting whore of a pig that loves nothing more than to roll in her own pile of shit and then bitch and moan about how it stinks. but then act as if her own shit dont stink.


hey dude on a serious note tho... whats been crackin on 12 oz? anything big like booty ot titty contest or anything i'd be interested to know about?

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Guest shai_hulud

I thought we wanted LESS jackasses on the board.


Then again, things have been slow lately.


Fuck it. Invite him, but make a big show of it...introduce him as "your friend from Myspace."

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