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Vote Ron Paul for president you beezies.


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Please Ignore Ron Paul


2 Dec, 2007 By: Kris Political


An Open letter to ‘Old Media’.


Sometimes I wish I understood, but could not seem to comprehend why you do it, but then minutes later I did not give a damn any more. And that is why you will fail.


Why are you so set on who you want the presidential candidates to be? Is it that you see that the Status Quo is threatened? Is change such a bad thing? Maybe the reason doesn’t matter. In the end of each day, no matter if you are a democrat, republican, liberal, conservative, neo-con, corporate power representative , or what ever else … We are all still United States Citizens. We all care about America, right … Right? The sad truth is that we do not. Perhaps liberty is not a concern of the powerful, and If you do not care, then I can not care for you. And that is why you will fail.


For years you force fed what you deem to be important down the throats of Americans citizens. Minimized most of what the public should be concerned about while sensationalizing the mundane and trivial. Did you do it for the all powerful dollar? The same dollar that is now worth half of what it was worth a few years ago? Even as I ask, the reason does not matter, and that is why you will fail.


I must admit that you almost had me. At one time I felt that the United States reigned supreme, the greatest, the infoulable, the just. Those were happy times … so I happily ignored reality while I sort-of-listened to your newscasters tell me how it really was. Oh yes, I remember … The ‘Sold’ war. The logic, your logic, to me it made sense. it was simple really, simple enough for the average channel surfer or newspaper reader to get: To defend, we must go on the offense. To protect ourself, we must attack them. And years later, after the reasons we went there had changed and changed again … And when there was no army left for us to fight … new reasons were given to us as to why are still there and why we had to stay. But, like so many others, I could flip through the channels, not feeling anything as the casualty toll rose and rose. And that is why you will fail.


If not for you, maybe I would not have ever given a damn. I do not remember exactly when, or how it happened, I can only remember the ‘why’: Giuliani Vs. Clinton, or maybe Rommy Vs. Obama or maybe it would be McCain VS. Edwards. Flick, flick, flick, same, same, same, ‘one of these guys WILL be your candidate, we say so.’ I change the channel again. I could not care less because I did not care at all. And that is why you will fail.


I must thank you for opening my eyes. You see, somewhere in the haze, something began to stand out. Every once in a while I would be trying to ignore you while waiting for the next rerun of my favorite show and you would continue to tell us who our president would be. Then you went out of your way to tell us that there was someone who has ‘No chance’ and you did not know why they were even trying. At first I dismissed it, after all, you were telling us who was ‘winning’, and you could be trusted, but the more I heard about the guy who absolutely had ‘No CHANCE!’ This man, ‘Ron Paul, would never … could never …’ the closer I began to listen. Somehow if you hear shouting for so long, it simply becomes background noise and the smallest whisper can be heard. In all of your screaming about who was winning, the only thing I picked up was the name that you said, could not. And that is why you will fail.


“Google Ron Paul!” A sign said. It was somewhere on a side street in MD, as I drove home one day. Because of you, I remembered that name. I wanted to see what it was about this person that made you so sure he could not be in the running. So I went home and looked up the name. I do not even have to tell you what happened then. Almost any American that does it for themselves already knows what I’m talking about. I will never forget that it was your bias against this man that made me remember him. And that is why you will fail.


Now as I close out this letter, I imagine that for every person who looked into this so called ‘No Chance’ candidate you think to your collective selves: ‘ “So What! You are in the minority, you still have no chance! No Chance! No Chance!” ‘ I would just like to point out that our numbers (even though they continue to grow substantially), do not matter. They truly do not. Have you realized why yet? No? It’s because the average person that listens to you is exactly like I was. You tell them who you think our next president will be and they will happily sit back and except that you know what you are talking about. On their recliners or couches, fine with the status quo, they do not think they count and they will not make an effort to vote. After all, You told them the battle has already been decided. With the exception of the ones who look in to the only person who can not win, the rest will not give a damn at all … ever. Meanwhile this minority, this revolution, it does what it does, these amazing things that have never been done before, these are the people who are out there making a change, and then there is you, continuing to do the best thing for us by ignoring Ron Paul. And that is why you will fail.

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I wish ron paul would win, but lets face it, the vast majority of america are close minded jesus loving hicks...


i wouldn't be so sure. just the idea of liberty in a time when americans want change can have big effects on the masses. ron paul wants to give us our country back.

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Guest shai_hulud

I think I'm going to get yelled at for saying what I'm about to say, but here goes.


I'm a Libertarian. However, I'm not a Social Darwinist. I think that the federal government has done some good- Social Security, Roe v. Wade, etc.


While I think that the states should have more autonomy (it's definitely going the opposite direction). I just worry about some states making it harder for women to get an abortion or for immigrants to get neccessary services. Both of these are human rights issues, in my mind.


I'm not pro-abortion. It's a horrible decision to have to make. But women should have the right to make that decision, and not have the state say, "only in cases of incest or rape."


Immigrants are why this country exists. A lot of fat, old white guys seem to want to forget that. They deserve to be able to drive to the shitty, underpaid jobs the fat, old white guys would never do. And, when they get hurt doing these menial jobs or crossing the street to buy food for their family, they shouldn't be turned away from recieving medical care.


As far as drugs go, the states are already starting to decriminalize pot anyway because they're sick of having their prisons fill up with non-violent potheads serving one-year (or longer) bids for possession. Most cops these days, when you ask them, are far more concerned about speed and heroin...as they should be. Legalizing or decriminalizing drugs across the board would be a disaster of epic proportions.


I'm not saying Ron Paul supports everything I just pointed out, but he has made some points that I felt less than comfortable with. Overall, however, I think he IS one of the more enlightened candidates out there.

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Thats not what im saying. Im saying the only reason half the people who want to vote for him is that he wants legalize drugs. Beyond that they dont really look for other things. As long as everyone gets to smoke their legal weed. I usually look for a few good reasons rather than one gay one.


your kind of over generalizing here. while the whole legal buds thing would be cool, that is nowhere near the real reason i am behind this guy. i already said it thirty fucking times. power to the states, fuck the F E Ds. this is not about potheads wanting him for president so buds would be legal. shit is already legal in my state, i just want what WE voted for to be acknowledged by the oppressive ass federal government. they break OUR laws, they stomp around in california likes its their backyard. go back to missouri or whereever your anti progressive drug laws are in effect.

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Ron Paul will never win, and if he did this country would break up and become 51 new countries. Abolish the IRS and you abolish public education, welfare, social security, NASA, and a whole bunch of other things. Plus he is pro-life. The only thing I can stomach about this guy is his willingness to accept the fact that when it came to 9/11, we were asking for it.


sounds like a great list of reasons to vote for him!


its pretty simple, if you dont vote ron paul you simply do not cherish freedom, do not believe in anything this country was founded on, and are a statist bedwetter who believes that the government should take care of everyone and everything from cradle to grave. it means you have no sense of personal responsibility and a deep hatred for God given rights. ron paul haters actually have no faith whatsoever in human action and in the end always believe in the total omnipotent state. they have this hobbesian notion that without a gigantic leviathan police state that everyone would kill each other, or starve to death and poor minority kids would all be extinct because some evil hearted conservative or libertarian voted against funding some bureaucratic socialist scheme to get votes by promising to fix problems they, themselves, created.


give me liberty or give me death.




So basically, vote for Ron Paul if you want your kids to grow up without a grade-school education, let alone a high school education. Vote for Ron Paul if you want your parents to live out on the streets because they can't collect SS because it won't be there. Vote for Ron Paul if you think going to Mars, or anywhere else above our atmosphere, is silly. Vote for Ron Paul if you wish we had never even gone to the moon. Vote for Ron Paul if you don't want a military at all, whether they are in or out of Iraq. Vote for Ron Paul if you are stuck in 18th century politics and are too confused by the 21st century. Vote for Ron Paul if you are an anarchist.

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So basically, vote for Ron Paul if you want your kids to grow up without a grade-school education, let alone a high school education. Vote for Ron Paul if you want your parents to live out on the streets because they can't collect SS because it won't be there. Vote for Ron Paul if you think going to Mars, or anywhere else above our atmosphere, is silly. Vote for Ron Paul if you wish we had never even gone to the moon. Vote for Ron Paul if you don't want a military at all, whether they are in or out of Iraq. Vote for Ron Paul if you are stuck in 18th century politics and are too confused by the 21st century. Vote for Ron Paul if you are an anarchist.



no. vote for ron paul if you want your kids educated in schools that don't have the government sticking their noses in to make sure your kids aren't carrying nail clippers ot the classroom or getting permission to be given an aspirin.


vote for ron paul if you want your parents to be taken care of with money we saved from not being the worlds police force.


vote for ron paul if you'd like to see private industry be given a chance to develop some more innovative space vehicles.


vote for ron paul if you want a military to keep its nose out of your business and not integrate into your cities police forces.


vote for ron paul if you think that our founding fathers were right in keeping big brother out of your paycheck, out of your house, out of your schools, and out of your life.


vote for paul if you are tired of fiat currency with no gold or silver backing it. if you like the idea of printing money like notebook paper, don't vote for him.


vote for ron paul if you want your kids to grow up without fear of their government.

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1) He votes anti-abortion. On the flip side, once those kids are born, he also votes against head start and against health care for children.


2) He votes against incentives for clean tech, but seems to support oil drilling pretty much anywhere - can someone explain this to me?


3) He votes against stem cell research from what I can tell - sounds like his support of the market place and individual/states rights is limited to things he doesn't care about. Am I wrong here, can someone explain this one?




These questions are still not answered. Casek, your links don't automatically answer a question, in fact they only raise new ones. Like why does he want to drill for oil in the Alaskan National Wildlife Refuge? Why did he vote to ban gay couples from adopting? Why did he vote no for grants to Hispanic and African-American colleges? Why does he support a constitutional amendment for school prayer? Why does he claim to support state rights on abortion and yet voted for the outright banning of "partial-birth" abortions? Why did he vote to allow employers to interfere with union organizing? Why is he against minimum wage increases? Why did he vote against net neutrality? And if he's for the free market then why vote no on allowing telephone monopolies the right to provide internet access?


All these and more are reasons to worry, yet all his small percentage of supporters can do is verbally assault people who bring up any doubts about this man's ability to lead a nation.

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no. vote for ron paul if you want your kids educated in schools that don't have the government sticking their noses in to make sure your kids aren't carrying nail clippers ot the classroom or getting permission to be given an aspirin.


vote for ron paul if you want your parents to be taken care of with money we saved from not being the worlds police force.


vote for ron paul if you'd like to see private industry be given a chance to develop some more innovative space vehicles.


vote for ron paul if you want a military to keep its nose out of your business and not integrate into your cities police forces.


vote for ron paul if you think that our founding fathers were right in keeping big brother out of your paycheck, out of your house, out of your schools, and out of your life.


vote for paul if you are tired of fiat currency with no gold or silver backing it. if you like the idea of printing money like notebook paper, don't vote for him.


vote for ron paul if you want your kids to grow up without fear of their government.




There won't be any classrooms to police if Paul has his way. Where will this magic funding come from? Will we all go to McDonald's Elementary where we'll learn how to flip hamburgers and replace the chocolate syrup in the milkshake machine?


Where will the money for our parents come from? How can we save money from not being "the world's police" when we aren't actually producing any money in the first place? Walmart doesn't even want to provide healthcare for senior citizen employees, do you really think they'll willingly donate towards social security?


Private industry has had it's chance to participate in space exploration!! Who do you think builds all the shit that NASA uses? Private industry does!! Our taxes allow private industry to get the contracts to get the work done and not go out of business.


I don't know what the fuck you are talking about with the whole military getting into the cities police force business.


"Big Brother" did not exist in the minds of our founding fathers. And they would weep if they thought that education was going to be discarded from our country.


Are you serious about the paper money thing? Hah!


Ahhh, enough is enough.

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So basically, vote for Ron Paul if you want your kids to grow up without a grade-school education, let alone a high school education. Vote for Ron Paul if you want your parents to live out on the streets because they can't collect SS because it won't be there. Vote for Ron Paul if you think going to Mars, or anywhere else above our atmosphere, is silly. Vote for Ron Paul if you wish we had never even gone to the moon. Vote for Ron Paul if you don't want a military at all, whether they are in or out of Iraq. Vote for Ron Paul if you are stuck in 18th century politics and are too confused by the 21st century. Vote for Ron Paul if you are an anarchist.


haha. i love the way statists think.


they think that humans simply cant exist without suckling the state's tit. we all know you are scared to take personal responsibility for yourself, but you know, some people actually can live their lives without state dependency. those freedom loving patriots actually will take responsibility for themselves and their families. it is hilarious and actually insulting to the whole citizenry of the US to actually say that people are complete idiots and would all be dead if it wasnt for the government.


but you are totally wrong about ron paul being an anarchist. anarchists arent congressmen and do not take pride in an oath to the constitution. and ron paul supports a strong national defense much to the chagrin of some 'anarchists.' he is simply a non interventionist. he has never said anything about 'abolishing the military.'

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you're just as ill-informed as ever.


you think our money is something other than fiat currency? do you know what "fiat" means?


i think i just made the rest of your arguments looks stupid by calling you out.



the end.




Sorry, I wasn't wearing my glasses and thought you wrote "flat", not "fiat". No, I don't know what "fiat" means, but I'll look it up. The fact that you somehow think my misreading one word means that the dozen or so other points I raised are invalid shows that you are just as insecure as ever.


You are insecure.

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haha. i love the way statists think.


they think that humans simply cant exist without suckling the state's tit. we all know you are scared to take personal responsibility for yourself, but you know, some people actually can live their lives without state dependency. those freedom loving patriots actually will take responsibility for themselves and their families. it is hilarious and actually insulting to the whole citizenry of the US to actually say that people are complete idiots and would all be dead if it wasnt for the government.


but you are totally wrong about ron paul being an anarchist. anarchists arent congressmen and do not take pride in an oath to the constitution. and ron paul supports a strong national defense much to the chagrin of some 'anarchists.' he is simply a non interventionist. he has never said anything about 'abolishing the military.'





This is a perfect example of what I just said, that you are unable to respond to any valid points without making verbal assaults. You say the same shit over and over again and whenever it's questioned you turn around and attack the person rather than debate the words. Is it because you have nothing to counter? I think so. Is it because the questions I've raised and the points I've made are valid? I think so. You do nothing to prove me otherwise with your ranting and raving about dependency.

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Ok, so if you think that Ron Paul is somehow magically going to transform our money system then you're seriously misguided. And despite what you think, we do have a fair amount of gold and silver reserves. If you think we should have more, then go open a mine in Africa and dig some out, then donate it to the country.

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money is goin to be a completely abstract thing soon enough.



paper and actual existent backing is going by the way side.



i actually feel like this whole sub prime mortgage meltdown is somewhat reflective of this.




we are a transitioning economy, its like money is changing platforms.

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These questions are still not answered. Casek, your links don't automatically answer a question, in fact they only raise new ones. Like why does he want to drill for oil in the Alaskan National Wildlife Refuge? Why did he vote to ban gay couples from adopting? Why did he vote no for grants to Hispanic and African-American colleges? Why does he support a constitutional amendment for school prayer? Why does he claim to support state rights on abortion and yet voted for the outright banning of "partial-birth" abortions? Why did he vote to allow employers to interfere with union organizing? Why is he against minimum wage increases? Why did he vote against net neutrality? And if he's for the free market then why vote no on allowing telephone monopolies the right to provide internet access?


All these and more are reasons to worry, yet all his small percentage of supporters can do is verbally assault people who bring up any doubts about this man's ability to lead a nation.


total misrepresentations.

does mr paul also support war in iraq because he brought forth a war resolution? he was merely following procedure.


he wants to decriminalize drilling of oil in alaska to increase supply of oil to lower prices at the pump.

mr paul doesnt vote for ANY 'GRANTS' for anyone. he does not support a constitutional amendment forcing school prayer, he simply is for allowing localities to exercise their constitutional right to freedom of religion without forcing anyone else to do so. its called tolerance, something secular humanists dont have.


as for unions, you dont understand the voluntarism that is being destroyed by unions. he doesnt support any federal labor laws for they are unconstitutional, but also because the laws FORCE employers to work with unions even if they dont want too. it is the same if you FORCED any employee to work for a company. contracts should be voluntary and no arm of the state should force either part against their will to contract with someone they dont want too. whether it forces employers to work with unions, or workers to join unions, or if it forces workers to work for a certain employer. you have a right to work for who you want, when you want, where you want, and for whatever wage agreed upon. you do not have a right to force an employer to deal with you or a certain group of workers. unions do engage in some legitimate things though. if they limited themselves to voluntary contracts and en masse quits, they are totally legit. but if they go on strike and limit competition, it is real bad. it is no different than divorcing your wife, then surrounding your house, and not allowing some dude to in there and date her. but we all know the left's contempt for voluntarism and how they love to run everyone's lives.


he is against the minimum wage because he isnt a total idiot. not only is it unconstitutional, it is utterly destructive. it outlaws the lower classes jobs and makes 0 economic sense.


he voted against the tausen/dingell bill because he further increases government favored monopolies power. that is hardly 'free market.' and net neutrality is nothing more than economic price control. it is more government regulation of the internet. remember whenever the government names something the 'citizens privacy act' or the 'liberty act' or something like that, you might as well just assume it means the opposite of its title.


i'll allow mr liberty to continue about the partial birth abortion ban...


"Unfortunately, H.R. 760 takes a different approach, one that is not only constitutionally flawed, but flawed in principle, as well. Though I will vote to ban the horrible partial-birth abortion procedure, I fear that the language used in this bill does not further the pro-life cause, but rather cements fallacious principles into both our culture and legal system."


"Another problem with this bill is its citation of the interstate commerce clause as a justification for a federal law banning partial-birth abortion. This greatly stretches the definition of interstate commerce. The abuse of both the interstate commerce clause and the general welfare clause is precisely the reason our federal government no longer conforms to constitutional dictates but, instead, balloons out of control in its growth and scope. H.R. 760 inadvertently justifies federal government intervention into every medical procedure through the gross distortion of the interstate commerce clause."


"Despite its severe flaws, this bill nonetheless has the possibility of saving innocent human life, and I will vote in favor of it. I fear, though, that when the pro-life community uses the arguments of the opposing side to advance its agenda, it does more harm than good."




its always good to know the whole story rather than simply short changing everything.

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"All these and more are reasons to worry, yet all his small percentage of supporters can do is verbally assault people who bring up any doubts about this man's ability to lead a nation."




"If ye love [sECURITY] better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen."

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There won't be any classrooms to police if Paul has his way. Where will this magic funding come from? Will we all go to McDonald's Elementary where we'll learn how to flip hamburgers and replace the chocolate syrup in the milkshake machine?


the flipside of freedom is responsibility. you know, i heard cuba and the former USSR had/have great education programs.


Where will the money for our parents come from? How can we save money from not being "the world's police" when we aren't actually producing any money in the first place? Walmart doesn't even want to provide healthcare for senior citizen employees, do you really think they'll willingly donate towards social security?


what are you talking about? the private sector creates no wealth? if walmart doesnt give you proper healthcare coverage, it must be that their employees find working their beneficial or they wouldnt do it.



I don't know what the fuck you are talking about with the whole military getting into the cities police force business.


bill clinton started merging federal and local police. we live in a country in which the several states no longer retain jurisdiction for most criminal offenses. local police are militarized by the feds. they are training them. the peace officer is just about a thing of the past.


"Big Brother" did not exist in the minds of our founding fathers. And they would weep if they thought that education was going to be discarded from our country.


hardly no founding father supported compulsory government education. and for whats worth, the founding generation made casek's fear of the government look miniscule.

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This is a perfect example of what I just said, that you are unable to respond to any valid points without making verbal assaults. You say the same shit over and over again and whenever it's questioned you turn around and attack the person rather than debate the words. Is it because you have nothing to counter? I think so. Is it because the questions I've raised and the points I've made are valid? I think so. You do nothing to prove me otherwise with your ranting and raving about dependency.


dude, we no longer need to respond point by point. you are an uber liberal, im a minarchist that loves liberty. refer to my sam adams quote.

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Ok, so if you think that Ron Paul is somehow magically going to transform our money system then you're seriously misguided. And despite what you think, we do have a fair amount of gold and silver reserves. If you think we should have more, then go open a mine in Africa and dig some out, then donate it to the country.


i dont think ron paul can wave a magic wand and create a liberty oriented society in one day. but he can sure work for legalizing monetary competition. that is his realistic goal. but since you have no clue what fiat money is, i see no need to further debate monetary policy with you. compared to the money they print/create out of thin air by adding 0's to the treasury's accounts, they have literally no reserves to speak off. fractional reserve banking is a total racket that can only be held a float by ever more coercive contradicting laws to avoid bank runs, defaults, and monetary collapse. but there is no doubt there will be another monetary collapse. its just a matter of when.

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