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So apprently black people invented mailboxes and streetlights


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yo this thread is on a fuckin roll. funny shit


Fox news told me black people invented aids.


George Bush doesn't care about black people.


Kanye West kills doctors.


black people invented anything thats remotely cool or completely fucking ignorant.


facts of life.


Black people invented lightposts and mailboxes so they could have something to lean on at the corner.


I can't believe I just said that.


wheres my thanks for the assist.


didnt black people invent newports?


no they invented Kools
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Guest shai_hulud
rip to that nigga jan adams





It's SO disrespectful, but...oh, my God...that picture...I'm laughing so hard that tears are coming out of my eyes.


I'm definitely going to hell now.


Oh, yeah. I thought of another one. Black people also invented.....





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i noticed growing up that black kids would always bring kool-aid to school and eat it in the powdered form. they'd just take the kool aid and pour a ton of sugar in it and shake it up. then carry it in bags like crack and pull it out of their pockets from time-to-time to lick it.


then i remember when white kids caught on, they cornballed it up because they'd take the kool-aid to school with measuring cups and spoons and ziplock bags and mixing bowls and rulers and mix it in accordance to the instructions on the back and read the directions aloud word-for-word.

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i noticed growing up that black kids would always bring kool-aid to school and eat it in the powdered form. they'd just take the kool aid and pour a ton of sugar in it and shake it up. then carry it in bags like crack and lick it.


then i remember when white kids caught on, they cornballed it up because they'd take the kool-aid to school with measuring cups and spoons and ziplock bags and mixing bowls and rulers and mix it in accordance to the instructions on the back and read the directions aloud word-for-word.



Black people eat top ramen straight out of the package, i dont see it so much anymore but when i was in school i did

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Jesse Harris - who was black - was on welfare or something when I was in first grade, he was one of about half my class who were all in similar situations. He stole my lunch so he didn't need to eat the shitty school lunches provided by the Philadelphia public school system.


I told on his ass so quick! He is one of the sources of my liberal white guilt. He may have invented something by now though, so I don't feel that bad.

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