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Resignation Letter


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I don't even know what "mopped the rest of what people swept up" means.


And I wasn't trying to come off as some huge jerk.

But really.

You just had that million page thread about your relationship problem like two days ago.

Now here you are again.


I hope you work through what you need to work through.

Get your head straight.

Then come back and make a thread telling us about your revelations about life.


We'll be in your thoughts, little dude.

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i want two squares under my name like blood and porc too!



I tried to help you out with that.

By giving you proper respects.

But I have to spread it around before I give it to you again.


Everytime it tells me that, it makes me feel dirty for some reason.

Speading around reputation.


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people were saying the same thing

but little by little in different post.


you came in and just busted the thread with a whole rundown without quoting anyone.

you finished what needed to be said,

pretty much .


no more threads about me and moon.



Can my new nickname be The Finisher?

That sounds tough.

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New signature addition with "The Finisher"

sounds good


Yeah, but I can't call myself The Finisher.

It has to be you guys calling me that.

That is why I put it out there.

That I would like my new nickname to be The Finisher.


You can't go around calling yourself your own nickname.

That shit is nerdy.


Now, making up your own nickname and forcing people to call you it, that is what cool kids do.


PS-I gave you props, Deloner.

But the thing is, if you have to ask, you probably don't deserve it.



Now, give me props too.



Just kidding, I don't care about props.

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Guest R@ndomH3ro

I like how this guy says he is resigning but still posts and lurks in this thread.













bwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa



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oh, im pretty sure its that chick that writes HART. i dunno though


im sorry but whats this shit about "quitting 12oz... ill miss you dudes" do you have friends in real life porc? i dont even really know anyone on here.. but hey, thats what channel 0 gives you, friends! and thats cool everyone become e-buddies and come here to talk to them. no hating or anything, sad to not see your witty remarks in the 831 drama thread. this is a soap opera to me, bump the people who post flicks.


peace out porc, have a good one.

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why the fuck wont multi quote work

well to sneak. im bouncing out after tonight.

but fuck . i can never promise that.


to del. you need 100 props.


and to Support local lurker.



the way my life reflects in here is not how it is in person.

i have real friends. that are basicly brothers. and i do more than what you think.

fuck posting flicks. never did and never will .

not worth it to me. and my witty remarks make me laugh and they are for me no one else.



ive had a life before this and will have one after.

aint nothing new.

fuck it

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