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Pretty faces


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I am not in a position to say what is right and what is wrong.

Just for myself, I would never get cosmetic surgery.


There was a time that I often thought about taking a box cutter to my face.

Because I thought dudes were interested in me for the wrong reasons.

I never did it.

Because dudes told me not to.

I don't think for myself.


Recently, I have noticed that the less I try, the better people think I look.

I get more compliments when I wear little-to-no make up and don't bother combing my hair..then I do when I go all out trying to fancy myself up.

Gay dudes are pretty into me when I get dressed real flashy.

Everyone else, not so much.

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This very beautiful girl with dark brown hair, and bright green shirt parked her tiny vintage 60's car right next to me.

First I just jumped away from the car that almost ran me over.

I've noticed that some pedestrians don't look at the driver at all when they try to find out where the car is going to turn. Instead, they look at the car's bumper area, as if the car's 'face' would tell them something.


I always look at the driver through the window.

She was really beautiful, light blue eyes. can't remember more.

I immediately felt like staring so I turned away.

This happened in Cork, Ireland few years ago. I will never see that person again

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i have just made very good friends with a

group of the most beautiful girls i have

ever seen they are the shit. they were

singing to me earlier about wantihg me to go to

a club tonight with them. i loved it.

BUT as we are friends i dont think they would want dick.





^Unless you're ugly or a loser, you could still get some.


Girls only use that "oh were freinds, I wouldn't want to mess that up" line on losers.


Im sure I'm not the only one on here who's banged many female freinds over the years.

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I love being told I'm beautiful. Every girl does.


However, I do NOT like:

being "hollered" at

being told i have a fine ass

being told I should be a model or any other lame shit

being followed around by dudes at the gas station trying to "holler"

getting creepy ass "come to me" eyes


how do you distinguish between being told you're beautiful versus being "holllered" at

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I do it all the time with genuine intentions. Girls love it if done properly.

Say it, walk away, don't look back. They'll be thinking about you rather than their boyfriend till at least the next day. You ever see them again, you have an in.


Sometimes you gotta just say the most random shit to them though, because that works too.


Who cares what they think, you're doin something nice.

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