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Cyclists in the city.

Manute Bol

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"cyclists" cruising on sidewalks, slaloming between pedestrians and smiling like they were saving the planet makes me want to kill them...


it's like the fucking "one less car" sticker... that's like the gay pride... if you ride a bike you do it for you, nobody cares.. so live your life and ride on the street


I don't hate bikes, I own 4 for the moment and recycle those i find on the streets but i hate the attitude of those "new-born" cyclist who think that's so cool to ride everywhere on the sidewalks, pedestrians zones and so one... and then just lock their bike just in front where they want to go even if the bike disturb the people walking.. bikes were before cars but pedestrians were before bikes.. the problem is the lack of respect..


and those fucking critical mass, if you really want to make something ride on the streets, because the more cyclists are riding on streets the more the cars get used to.. but if you always ride on sidewalks you can wait forever to earn "respect" from the cars...


and don't say it's dangerous because riding on sidewalks between aged people kids etc.. is way more dangerous.. but do what you want if you let me do what i want...

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I have another problem to raise.


Little fucking kids in bikes are getting out of control.


Ages 12 to 16, they cut in front of my car while I am driving, go slow as fuck and take up the whole street in big squads of 20 of them, and are very disrespectful.


Usually I just honk and pull by screaming at the top of my lungs "GET OUT OF THE FUCKING STREET FAGGOOOOOOOOTTTTTTTTTTT."


But I think one day I am going to get out and shit stomp some 16 year old BMX homo.

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Guest shai_hulud
"cyclists" cruising on sidewalks, slaloming between pedestrians and smiling like they were saving the planet makes me want to kill them...


it's like the fucking "one less car" sticker... that's like the gay pride... if you ride a bike you do it for you, nobody cares.. so live your life and ride on the street


I don't hate bikes, I own 4 for the moment and recycle those i find on the streets but i hate the attitude of those "new-born" cyclist who think that's so cool to ride everywhere on the sidewalks, pedestrians zones and so one... and then just lock their bike just in front where they want to go even if the bike disturb the people walking.. bikes were before cars but pedestrians were before bikes.. the problem is the lack of respect..


and those fucking critical mass, if you really want to make something ride on the streets, because the more cyclists are riding on streets the more the cars get used to.. but if you always ride on sidewalks you can wait forever to earn "respect" from the cars...


and don't say it's dangerous because riding on sidewalks between aged people kids etc.. is way more dangerous.. but do what you want if you let me do what i want...


And just to show that I'm non-partisan, I agree with EGG.


There's a lot of...zealots, I guess, that feel like they inhabit some higher moral plane simply because they ride a bike. I don't care for these folks much, either.


A lot of these recent converts probably drove cars until gas hit three bucks a gallon. But, they STILL act as if it's their road and I'm lucky to be there with them. That's just faulty logic.


I know one of the guys who were around when Critical Mass first began. He lives in SF. His name is Chris Carlsson, and he's a really nice guy. He doesn't go out and do Mass because he's anti-car. He's pro-bike. There's a big difference.


However, I don't do Mass. I felt like riding forty hours a week, rain or shine, was plenty. On Friday at 6 PM, I would either be at the bar or at home, eating or taking a nap.

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I hope all of you continue your hating of bikes and bike-riders.


Soon enough we'll cross paths.


If I even over hear a conversation such as this in person, I'd brick each one

of you in the head and beat you with in an inch of you life so that you could

live dissabled till the end of your days.


P.S. Seriously, fuck you.

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I guess the sidewalk is dangerous if you're on a crowded block and speeding like a fucking demon. If you're just cruising at a cool pace, my ass would be on the sidewalk. Just because I would be too nervous with all the terrible drivers on the road. You get bumped into going 40 mph that dude in the car isn't going to get a scratch but you are FUCKED.


Not to say I would do anything fucked up to warrant a big bad biker to do anything in retaliation to me but leaving someone disabled for their opinion on biking? Rofl. That type of thinking needs medical evaluation. If someone tried to beat me that bad for anything less than ass raping their mother and they didn't succeed all the way, ohh weeeee it would be some wild shit popping off for them.

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I'm sure he don't do it but even thinking that shit would be cool gets me pissed.


I've seen him do it.



I share my dudes pure HATRED for fucks riding their bikes in the street, slowin me the fuck down constantly, fuck them. Especially fuck the queers that use faggy ass hand signals, FUCK.


I don't, however, partake in his bike vandalizing antics, except to laugh when he jumps out the car in a drunken fit weilding his boxcutter

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i've commuted via bike since i was 17. i've spent plenty of time in full traffic, and most of the time i'm going atleast the same speed as traffic, if not quicker, if you're complaining about us slowing you down maybe you should rethink it, i'm sorry you missed a light once or twice... ooh god. so you fuck up someones bike? because your 2 minutes really matter? i'm sure you're worth atleast $7.50 an hour.


faggy hand signs? i'm sorry?! you don't want a heads up as to what i'm going to be doing? because it seems all the complaining thus far has been about you not knowing where there going, etc. seems like you assfucks who have issues w/ cyclists on the street would appreciate that small gesture.


this thread makes me want to fight.

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Takin down a sign is bitch made? What the fuck, I got mad traffic signs in my room...I must be a fuckin pansy and a half




you got a grip of salt in your asshole because of cyclists. so much that you'll take time out of your day to take down a sign. plus you watch homie mangle bikes because his vaginas all loose about it too. you're a bitch. he's a bitch. period.

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your a fucking idiot manute bol. whats your fucking problem with bikers? sorry they dont decide to hop in their gas guzzling SUVs and drive 3 blocks to the fucking store you lazy ass fucking fat fuck.






and im sorry they are too poor and gay to drive an suv. oh wait, no im not. get off the fucking road when there is a fucking bike path 12 feet to the side of you in plain view! and you guys make yourselves look like fags with all your spandex and shit. chasing and beating one of those homos running away in their gay little pedal-locking shoes would truly be a treat

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you got a grip of salt in your asshole because of cyclists. so much that you'll take time out of your day to take down a sign. plus you watch homie mangle bikes because his vaginas all loose about it too. you're a bitch. he's a bitch. period.



I'm a bitch who would tear your fuckin head off...but I don't need to go all interweb tough guy, it's a waste of time.


You're right. And mad cool too.

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