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man talk

Toe Cutter

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k ur right.... i was being a little cocky their...


anyways....i like you so i wont be giving you any more sweat. just try and be respectfull here when guys say stuff. (not that u aren't already just felt like it was my duty to state that for the others, like my job typa thing)


anyways yea my fault....




so does this mean me and milky G cant post here whaaaa? nigga pms, highheels, spending hubbies money,blood and cramps, chocolate, roses, long walks on the beach, romance novels, hoop earings, and oprah....i just woman talked your thread do something

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"sex demon thrill magic"


ROFL wtf


Mang, you was talking about sticking your manhood in stacks of delicious grilled cheese sandwiches.

That is what my brain went directly to.

Sex demon thrill magic.

It makes perfect sense, dude.



Women talk.

Is something I know little about.

I almost cried while watching Ugly Betty yesterday.


It confused me.

Emotions are something new to me.

I haven't yet mastered how to control them.

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so does this mean me and milky G cant post here whaaaa? nigga pms, highheels, spending hubbies money,blood and cramps, chocolate, roses, long walks on the beach, romance novels, hoop earings, and oprah....i just woman talked your thread do something


look im not going to waste my time telling you this is a restricted thread for special members only, but you should know better.


as long as you know you arent really welcome here untill you pm me a registration form and a short essay on why u think u deserve to read over a mans private thread, then yea i guess expect rude comments from all the rest of the guys.


and its not just protectong our privacy. i dont think a lot of the girls here would want to here the things we talk about in here, kinda vulgar somtimes and sexist.....

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I am not going to take it upon myself to speak for all the ladies on here.


Yes I am.


I think that by now, there is little-to-nothing that could be said that would be too vulgar or crude for us little ladies to read.

Channel 0 is a hotbed for wiener talk.

It's nothing new.

Nothing is shocking.


Most females on here have had to endure endless remarks about their boobies or their lady parts and dudes wanting to conquer their passion holes.

Whatever could be said in this one thread that is supposed to be "man talk" but seems to have veered way off topic and now is just a jumble of randomness..either way, nothing said here could offend any of us.

I would be willing to place money on that.


I have grown up around dudes.

I basically only hang out with dudes.

Dudes call me dude.


Dudes aren't that mysterious.

And anyone that would get offended by "man talk" is a complete baby and should have their internet revoked.

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Mang, you was talking about sticking your manhood in stacks of delicious grilled cheese sandwiches.

That is what my brain went directly to.

Sex demon thrill magic.

It makes perfect sense, dude.



Women talk.

Is something I know little about.

I almost cried while watching Ugly Betty yesterday.


It confused me.

Emotions are something new to me.

I haven't yet mastered how to control them.



I know, it was a fly statement, I didn't think you had it in you.

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Guest shai_hulud
look im not going to waste my time telling you this is a restricted thread for special members only, but you should know better.


as long as you know you arent really welcome here untill you pm me a registration form and a short essay on why u think u deserve to read over a mans private thread, then yea i guess expect rude comments from all the rest of the guys.


and its not just protectong our privacy. i dont think a lot of the girls here would want to here the things we talk about in here, kinda vulgar somtimes and sexist.....


I have been resisting the temptation to comment directly on your rather singular views. However, those first two paragraphs slayed me.


But, there is a solution!




Here's a link to the site that sells the software this board runs on. You can always do it yourself...and, in this case, it might be a good idea, seeing as how Raven and the other mods are evenually going to get fed up with you and your silly notions of "privacy". You're going to have to learn MySQL, PHP, and HTML, and find a place to host it...or get your own server and host it yourself. I would go with the first option. Just so you know, it does cost money...


Also, people have always been nice and respectful to me because I make the effort to be nice and respectful to them. Notice I haven't cursed at you, or made fun of you for the sake of being mean. I believe that what you think this board is and why it's here is inaccurate, to say the least.


If you want privacy, buy a diary. DEFINITELY don't post things on someone else's bulletin board, then expect people to ask you for permission to comment on your thoughts or views.


Good luck. If you get hung up with Invision, maybe Raven will be able to give you a pointer or two...and in the process, you might learn how much work goes into this little shindig.

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ok thanks man. but i have no idea what you just said. but i think it was trying to help me with somthing. so thanks for the effort.


im not really worried about girls viewing this thread anymore. i was kinda stepping up for the rest of the guys on here. ive never really had too much of a problem with it so if you guys are cool with it than theres no problem letting girls in if no one minds.

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Guest shai_hulud
ok thanks man. but i have no idea what you just said. but i think it was trying to help me with somthing. so thanks for the effort.


im not really worried about girls viewing this thread anymore. i was kinda stepping up for the rest of the guys on here. ive never really had too much of a problem with it so if you guys are cool with it than theres no problem letting girls in if no one minds.


I think what I said was fairly clear. There's no way to make private threads on this board. Everything you say here is being read by a lot of people. Some of them are nice, some aren't. But, since you aren't a mod or the administrator of 12 Oz., you have no more authority than the rest of the users here do. One time, Smart said that this place isn't a democracy...he's right and wrong. We have no say or vote as far as the way 12 oz. is run, but you aren't any better or worse than the other users.


Also, bear in mind that everything you say here is being archived. You can go back to 2003 and read my old posts if you want to (my user name is the same, without the underscore). They aren't very good. Over time, I got better at expressing myself, and people actually began to respect what I had to say (I think). I got messed with and yelled at here and there, and dished it out, too.


The point is, this is no place for people who don't have, or can't develop, a thick skin. You are going to get treated like a fool if you say foolish things. If you say things that are funny, or smart, or relevant, then you will gain respect.


I've seen a lot of people come and go. Some of my friends have been permanently banned from the board, for what I thought were not the best reasons. I will say this- I think the mods have cut you a lot of slack, a lot more than my friends got...and if you want to keep posting here, then you might want to take a cue from the way other people behave. Sure, we're crude, and immature, and sexist, and racist at times...but, it's all in good fun, and I don't take any of it seriously.


Then I said you can always start your own bulletin board...but it's not cheap, and it's a lot of work to develop it and maintain it. I know a thing or two about computers. I know how much time and money goes into 12 oz. That's why I try to be nice and not waste anyone's time here.


If you are 13 (I'm still not sure), then maybe you will learn about this stuff in time. If you're just some troll, then I wasted a lot of time typing this.


I don't know, it's not that important. It's just words on a screen. Do whatever you want. All I ask is that you stop playing the victim. Pepole are only being mean to you because you have been giving them reasons to be mean. The only person who can change that is you.

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Guest shai_hulud
I don't understand what you are saying.


Simple Math..








With this on the side




=totally awesome lunch.


I challenge anyone here to a corndog eating competition.

Even if I lose, I still win.


I could probably eat two boxes of those. I don't have the money to find out if that's possible right now.


And, yes indeed....you can't lose at a corndog eating competition.


I'm eating mac and cheese with lots of hot sauce added. Another good lunch...

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Guest shai_hulud
Sorry, all I eat is beef jerky and jack daniels.



Don't take this the wrong way, but I kind of feel sorry for you.


Well, mostly for your digestive system. I'll bet your morning constitutionals are like eighteen miles of hard road.


Eat a salad now and then. Really.

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I am always challenging people to eating competitions.

Corndogs, nachos, pizza, chimichungas.

I am always the first to throw in the towel.

Does that make me a loser?



Like I said, there is no loser when it comes to snack attacks.


One of the better points to moving back in with my family is that I don't have to pay for groceries.

And they buy me whatever I want.

Because I do 95% of the cooking.

It's a pretty sweet deal.

Also, not paying rent is a plus.

And having a chair in the shower is something I have grown to need in life.

Having to stand up in the shower is bammer.


I used to make veggie corndogs by hand.

And have eating competitions with large groups of friends.

Everytime, at least one person would vomit.

Being drunk makes people think they can eat more than their stomachs can handle.

It was still super awesome.

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they should make a lazyboy chair for the shower, that would be fucking epic


with cupholders... because drinking beer in the shower is one of the greatest feelings in the world


its right up there with chainsmoking while you take a huge crap.





man talk.

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Guest shai_hulud

When I still ate meat, I had a White Castle eating contest with my friends. I managed to put away 12 or 13 burgers. I felt like I was going to have a food baby. In a way, I guess I did, later on.


I'm a pretty big dude (5'11", 200 lb.). I can hold my own. I usually make batches of homefries and eggs that could feed 3 or 4 normal people, and face the entire thing.


Super burritos are like snacks. Large pizzas are no problem. When I go to my best friend's house, it's like a routine- she clears all the old veggie food out of her freezer and fridge and lets me go to town.


Another situation where everyone wins.


Also, I can't drink if I'm eating. Maybe a beer or a glass of wine. They're strictly seperate pleasures for me. Also, I can't do any heavy-duty eating on an empty stomach. I need a litlle cushion there, otherwise I get full really fast.


There was a recipe thread on here a while back. I should dig that up.


I don't really piss ice cubes. I imagine it would be like passing a stone, but much colder and a lot more puzzling.

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I thought having a chair in the shower was only for old people?


I am old.


My mother has been in a wheelchair most of her life, and all of mine.

I came up having a chair in the shower and using a hand-held shower massager to bathe.

Now, having to stand just bores me.

And I feel like I am getting ripped off from the whole shower relaxation experience.

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Guest shai_hulud
How does that feel?

The pissing of ice cubes?


You must be super tough.

I bet you get a ton of chicks.


No sarcasm.


I don't think I'm tough. Well, maybe. It's hard to say. A lot of people nowadays are sissified. I can take a punch. I've slept outside in the rain. I've hitchhiked with sunburned feet (laugh all you want, but YOU try it sometime). I have an ulcer, but I still drink quite a bit. I can bang my head till my ears ring. I'm not sure if any of that is stuff I should be proud of, but whatever.


Girls don't like me because I'm tough. I don't know why girls like me. I'm nerdy and awkward, and I smell funny. I'm moody, and I'm not the best boyfriend- lots of people can attest to that fact..i don't beat my girlfriends or anything...i just get bored and it manifests itself in ways that aren't that pleasant to be around. I wouldn't say I'm a ladie's man, but I don't think I've done too badly. I'm not a slut, nor am I a prude.


I don't think I answered either of your "questions".

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