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Changing jobs as soon as you get it.


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i say think long term. you said that the second job has more career potential while your current one sounds like 'just a job'. explain the situation to your friend, who should understand, and explain to the boss that you're glad for the opportunity to work there but something opened up that is more in your long term career focus. they might be mad that you wasted their time, but they cant really fault you for pursuing your goals.

and if they get mad at you, fuck 'em. you wouldn't want to work there very long anyway if they are like that.


*all this is after you get the new job, of course. take a day off for the interview.

This is the way it is in my eyes.


The way I see it now, is that you should be whoring yourself around to get the best deal you can, not only money wise but also conditions wise. As in the past I stayed loyal to employers, it was to my own detriment as I now realise, and I shouldn't have been so sedentary on the search for a better job.


I guess it is easier when you have contacts/education to fall back on.

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Hmm...this is tricky.


I jumped boat once for another job. Left my first on bad terms (Quit on the spot) and started working at the other spot.


A week later, the other place (which had just opened) came to me saying "We overhired, sorry."


So I was jobless, with no where to turn.



Moral of the story: Don't leave your first job badly...just in case the second doesn't work out as well as you thought. The grass isn't always greener.

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Karma dont pay the bills. And how is looking out for yourself hurting anyone, its a new job, they have not even began to know who this guy its yet. Believe me they would care less, and if this guy is your friend he will understand whats best for you.


To me Karma is alot of things when people hurt people, but come on for a job change i hardly think anyone would lose sleep over it.


But thats just me. Im gonna always do what i got to do to make sure i take advantage of every opportunity life gives me. But this is one of those decisions you have to make sure you do the right thing. And sometimes that is not the easiest thing.

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