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yeah, you don't need to worry about ink splattering everywhere if you're careful...

seriously, take handstyles a little slower. you'll be happier with the result, and you won't have ink all over yourself.


if you really need to thicken it just use bucket paint.


EDIT: use bucket paint instead of ink. not mixing paint and ink.. thats otherworldy game-peeping steeze, like soy sauce & kool-aid

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Re-read what I said you fucking tool. It's like you have nothing better to do than instigate.


oh my bad, your other posts combined with red tictac led me to figure what you said was dumb, which it still is. excuse me for not conducting a research project on every one of your posts.

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oh my bad, your other posts combined with red tictac led me to figure what you said was dumb, which it still is. excuse me for not conducting a research project on every one of your posts.


i think both of you have too much adolescent testosterone floating through your veins and both of you need to shut the fuck up and quit arguing.



use corn starch for water based inks. for oil based paint, evap some solvent and use linseed oil. for alcohol based inks, evap some alcohol and leave it as it is




if everyone who wanted to bitch would at least put something contructive at the END of their statement, evetrything would be cool....

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I called homie an idiot cause he'd rather argue. Dude had no reason for posting other than to talk shit.


And wtf are you guys talking about, just experiment? Ink is the one thing you wanna know what you're doing so you don't fuck it up. Plus I'm not tryin to fuck up some ink that I actually paid for.



But thanks dB and injury for the knowledge

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hey look olink, we arent tryin to be dicks to you.


i think we may be failing to articulate the whole idea we are trying to convey here....




ok, so here goes, try to read into what im tryin to say rather than the words im typing...


i wasted literally gallons of ink learning all of this stuff, and i also wasted many hours reading and doing research in other places than 12oz.


do you have to study hours on hours to learn how to make great ink?






will studying inks make me able to make great inks right off the bat?









i noticed, that with every mistake i made with my ink, i learned one more thing that didnt work, and also, it forced me to dry non conventional things like gas-x, pH stabilizers etc.


without all those mistakes i would not be half as wise as i am today.


every mistake is a milestone. every milestone is one step closer to becoming a proper ink chemist.


so dont sweat the small stuff. we all make mistakes, pros and toys, but the difference is, the pros learn from their mistakes, and the toys dont learn anything at all.






smile next time you make a mistake. smoke a joint, and never turn down the allure of a bug sprayer to get rid of a shitty ink batch. if you put enough of any ink onto a wall, it will be hard to buff.




also it helps to make your ink in small batches. i used to start out with 4 ounce batches, and 8 ounce batches. now that i have my formula to a comfortable spot, i make it in gallons.


ounces first, pounds, err i mean gallons later... got it?



holler if u need help, and i appologize for any douchery on my part. just drop me a PM if you need any further ink help.

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anybody ever use one of those broad tip martha mops? theyre kinda like those tiny OTR ones just i think a little bigger. anyway my friend got one and cleaned the shit out and filled it with red int, closed it up. there was some foam ring he threw out that is under the nib, and it dripped like a motherfuck when he tried it. so anyway i got one and filled it with silver ghetto krink and left that foam ring in, and it still dripped like a motherfuck. i used it for like minutes dickin around on a board and said fuck it-i had paint everywhere. i left it sit for like a week and i guess the paint sealed whatever was leaking, but all the paint evaporated and the nib is full of fuckin turpentine haha. anybody got a clue why its drippin? oh and its coming out by the nib so i cant tape around tha bottom

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It might be the wrong place to post this, but ah what the hell.


What's a good brand of marker to use for sketches? I have these shitty "Elmer's Painters" that I racked from Wal - Mart and they SUCK royally. They were all that I could find a hurry though. :rolleyes:


So, needless to say I need to get some GOOD markers for my blackbook. I've heard something about Zigs??? Anybody heard of these? Regardless, what are some good ones? Thanks, guys. I usually just draw my shit in pen and pencil, but that's getting boring, haha.

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anybody ever use one of those broad tip martha mops? theyre kinda like those tiny OTR ones just i think a little bigger. anyway my friend got one and cleaned the shit out and filled it with red int, closed it up. there was some foam ring he threw out that is under the nib, and it dripped like a motherfuck when he tried it. so anyway i got one and filled it with silver ghetto krink and left that foam ring in, and it still dripped like a motherfuck. i used it for like minutes dickin around on a board and said fuck it-i had paint everywhere. i left it sit for like a week and i guess the paint sealed whatever was leaking, but all the paint evaporated and the nib is full of fuckin turpentine haha. anybody got a clue why its drippin? oh and its coming out by the nib so i cant tape around tha bottom


the solvents in the paint are basically eating something inside, maybe the foam ring, most likely the valve mechanism though which is probably not HDPE rated (HDPE is a weak plastic also for containing most oil based solvents, but it can carry some after it is made to a certain thickness)


when things inside are getting eaten up, they produce gases which become pressurized in there and every time you open the valve the paint is shooting out.


also if your silver ghetto krink has silver spray paint as an ingredient, they are kinda like fizzy drinks without the bubbles. lots of gas still in the liquid.



hope this little tidbit helps.

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It might be the wrong place to post this, but ah what the hell.


What's a good brand of marker to use for sketches? I have these shitty "Elmer's Painters" that I racked from Wal - Mart and they SUCK royally. They were all that I could find a hurry though. :rolleyes:


So, needless to say I need to get some GOOD markers for my blackbook. I've heard something about Zigs??? Anybody heard of these? Regardless, what are some good ones? Thanks, guys. I usually just draw my shit in pen and pencil, but that's getting boring, haha.


dont laugh but crayola pip squeaks. they are small and come 64 to a pack and you can get em at lwagreens for 5.99


i bought two boxes thinking they would run out quick, but they surprisingly have alot of ink.


dont count on your sketches lasting 10 years tho...

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on a lighter note, my little graff video live mix thing is about to hit 1000 complete views in under 30 days. fuckin great. it is so motivating.


and i dont know if posting my link is spam, but it is a graff video so i guess it is good.

the video is assorted graff footage, the music is assorted drumnbass that i played during a live mix for CantStopRunning.com (an invite only graff site)


so here you go, enjoy.



feel free to leave any crits/comments for the video if you like.

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anybody ever use one of those broad tip martha mops? theyre kinda like those tiny OTR ones just i think a little bigger. anyway my friend got one and cleaned the shit out and filled it with red int, closed it up. there was some foam ring he threw out that is under the nib, and it dripped like a motherfuck when he tried it. so anyway i got one and filled it with silver ghetto krink and left that foam ring in, and it still dripped like a motherfuck. i used it for like minutes dickin around on a board and said fuck it-i had paint everywhere. i left it sit for like a week and i guess the paint sealed whatever was leaking, but all the paint evaporated and the nib is full of fuckin turpentine haha. anybody got a clue why its drippin? oh and its coming out by the nib so i cant tape around tha bottom


Okay, I'm pretty sure I know what happened.


For your friend, the foam piece that you're talking about is in the upper-part of the valve, which is right near the opening of the nib. The foam ring's main purpose is to catch any excess ink that comes into the valve to prevent what exactly what your friends problem was: dripping. So, for your friend, next time, leave the foam ring in, and maybe try not to flood the valve/nib as much when you're writing with the marker.


As for you, it has nothing to do with the foam piece. Instead, I think your problem is your silver ghetto krink. If your GK is what I think it is (thinned out rusto), it is most likely too thick to pass through the nib. So when your GK can't pass through the nib, it has to get out somehow (providing and assuming that the nib has been depressed), and that is through where the bottom of the nib meets the marker.



So, solutions:


For your friend- leave the foam piece in.

For you- get much thicker ink (I'd personally say stay away from thinned paint... unless it's like 75% thinner, it barely ever flows through those nibs). Also, when you first get a marker and empty it, take the nib, and with a clothes pin or a small point, poke holes vertically in the top of the nib to increase the flow.



(I also assume by "red int" you meant "red ink")

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on a lighter note, my little graff video live mix thing is about to hit 1000 complete views in under 30 days. fuckin great. it is so motivating.


and i dont know if posting my link is spam, but it is a graff video so i guess it is good.

the video is assorted graff footage, the music is assorted drumnbass that i played during a live mix for CantStopRunning.com (an invite only graff site)


so here you go, enjoy.



feel free to leave any crits/comments for the video if you like.


Dude those videos are sweet. Very nicely done

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It might be the wrong place to post this, but ah what the hell.


What's a good brand of marker to use for sketches? I have these shitty "Elmer's Painters" that I racked from Wal - Mart and they SUCK royally. They were all that I could find a hurry though. :rolleyes:


So, needless to say I need to get some GOOD markers for my blackbook. I've heard something about Zigs??? Anybody heard of these? Regardless, what are some good ones? Thanks, guys. I usually just draw my shit in pen and pencil, but that's getting boring, haha.


Hey what DB was saying was completely right... what markers you use in your blackbook is completely up to you. For elitists, touch makers, copics, and prismacolors seem to be the most popular. But those are expensive if you plan on buying them, and harder to rack in large numbers than cheaper markers.


Personally, I'd have to say the best medium quality and lowest priced marker out there is sharpie. It has virtually every color you want, and they're so easy to get (cheap if you plan to buy, easy to rack if you plan to do that).


Zigs and Decos are paint markers, which makes them handle VERY differently than say crayola markers or prismas.


Overall I wouldn't worry about what markers are "good." I'd say to get a lot of different types, and try them out. Also, mix and match... mix and match. Use anything and everything.

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Hey what DB was saying was completely right... what markers you use in your blackbook is completely up to you. For elitists, touch makers, copics, and prismacolors seem to be the most popular. But those are expensive if you plan on buying them, and harder to rack in large numbers than cheaper markers.


Personally, I'd have to say the best medium quality and lowest priced marker out there is sharpie. It has virtually every color you want, and they're so easy to get (cheap if you plan to buy, easy to rack if you plan to do that).


Zigs and Decos are paint markers, which makes them handle VERY differently than say crayola markers or prismas.


Overall I wouldn't worry about what markers are "good." I'd say to get a lot of different types, and try them out. Also, mix and match... mix and match. Use anything and everything.


Alright, alright thanks. Where can I get some Zigs? Decos? Prismas?

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