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is it possible to remove the top d put in ink in the bingo markers..


Oh man, dude. You just earned yourself my undying hatred. For life you lazy bum, for life.

1. Use the thread search and read the last 26 posts about the different ways to open bingo dabbers. I fucking SWEAR it's in the last three pages...

2. Read the first 10 pages of this thread for the REALLY useful information.

3. Make me stop hating you. I'll accept cash.

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^^^i think REVER was tryin to talk about the dalo markers. and if u could remove the top of it and put the dalo ink inot a bingo marker


You might be right. I guess if REVER was trying to communicate he could have taken a second to re-read that sentence he wrote to make it readable...Instead of that illegible string of letters.

Either way i hate him.

If you want to put DALO style paint in your fucking bingo mop, just read their product description and scoop up some oil-based paint you genius you.

If you're just as dumb as i suspect you are; YES. Yes you can take to top off to add ink. Use a chainsaw, that's the only way i know of.

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what the fuck does gangs mean?


Gangs - derived from "Gangster" as in cool, awesome or worthy of sacrifice, can also be used as "Gangsular" as in, stupid stoner talk.


And for fucks sake, Rever ain't talking about Dalos, hes asked about bingo markers before and for your infomation just yank, or unscrew the top off.

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Latest contraption;




Dove Ultrawide. Boiled the Dove container to remove all deo remains, put silicone in the bottom + glued the twisty bottom to prevent leakage, took the deobar holder and wrapped it a couple of times in electrical tape to give it a snug fit (usually it's ment to be able to slide through the container, we don't want that) again without leakage, threw a doodlebug nib in place. Works wonders .)

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^^NICE! Thats some old classic shit right there!

Used to call them "marsh markers" back in the early nineties.

Same deal, but we would put a rolled up tube sock, really tight but wide,

and stuff it into a deo stick container with marsh ink. Super wide and messy

as all get out. Looks good and I bet it leaves a unique mark.

Again, NICE!

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Heres one from last year, made out of piping (inspired by Nitwits giant marker);







Basically a section of plastic pipe with 2 ends with rubber stoppers. Couldn't cut through the plastic so i torched the top one for some time and stabbed it until i got a hole wide enough to throw in a nib. Nowadays it has a better nib as krink among other things eat sponge for breakfast. Spraypaint lid wrapped with electrical tape around the base to make it fit real good used as cap.

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i think the only difference between flowpen and hard to buff... is the ink itself and the names that are printed on the markers. i havent used a flowpen in forever and i dont really remember what the pump system looks like compared to the H2B, but i know that with a hard to buff you also could get drips if you hold down the nib, you just get more with the flowpen because of it's ink.


could anyone disprove this?

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Hi, i could need som help here. Ive tryed alot of diferent things and red everything i could find, amout markers/mops and ink.



I Tryed to take some barock ink, some Grog ink, and some leather dye and put it in my big Edding marker it didn't flow well enough and you could se the surface behind the ink. Then i tryed to boil my mixture and put in my molotow pump marker that didn't flow well enough either and i still could see the surface through the mixture. Then i tryed to put my mixture in a homemade deo mop, it has a huge head so one should think it would flow realy well but it didn't.



I also tryed to mix some metalic silver oil paint whith white spirit, and put it in a Coxy mop but it didn't flow well anough so i tryed to thin it whith some more mineral spirit but now the paint is so thin that you can see the surface through the paint, and it still dose not flow well anough.



I realy hope some of you gues can help me here.

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thats pretty mad. the second one hasnt been filled yet i assume? im going to make one similar to the first one outof a deoderant stick.



Here's the first test made when i originally put it together, streakiness due to worthless waterbased ink (only used for testing homemades the first time at home). Since then it was used out in the field with krink but it really ate the sponge up, nowadays it sports a doodlebug nib and regular ink. The nib is 6cm x 3cm.


I wouldn't post homemades or recipes that haven't been tested properly, too many people are into that already .)

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Hi, i could need som help here. Ive tryed alot of diferent things and red everything i could find, amout markers/mops and ink.



I Tryed to take some barock ink, some Grog ink, and some leather dye and put it in my big Edding marker it didn't flow well enough and you could se the surface behind the ink. Then i tryed to boil my mixture and put in my molotow pump marker that didn't flow well enough either and i still could see the surface through the mixture. Then i tryed to put my mixture in a homemade deo mop, it has a huge head so one should think it would flow realy well but it didn't.



I also tryed to mix some metalic silver oil paint whith white spirit, and put it in a Coxy mop but it didn't flow well anough so i tryed to thin it whith some more mineral spirit but now the paint is so thin that you can see the surface through the paint, and it still dose not flow well anough.



I realy hope some of you gues can help me here.


first of all.. let's help you out by telling you it's not safe to be inhaling all them vapors when you boil that ink or thin down shit or whatever. I don't know if you're just some young kid who isn't really up on his spelling, or aren't concious about the health precautions, or some foreign guy who doesn't know how to spell too well in english or whatever. anyway, I just had to put that out there.


now, with the Edding markers. from personal experience they contain some felt on the inside that the ink soaks into for storage. I think what you could do is take some of that out, or poke holes in your nib to get the ink flowing out better. I also think when you boiled your ink it made it that much more thicker so after you put it in your Molotow it wouldn't flow.


as for your paint, I think you need to only use 1/4 thinner to how much ever paint you've already got. So say you got your marker 3/4's full, fill the rest up with the thinner and then shake that shit up.

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