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Im starving for attention look at me/dudes checkin out other dudes forever thread


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Re: i want to cmeup later 2007ola


well i've already started so you can join...all the right parts are already jiggling and bouncing, some of the bad parts too.


this is the time of year where i stay inside most of the time cause it's cold, drink more beer, cause i'm inside and bored, sit on my ass playing video games and watching movies and drinking more beer, and eating more food.

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Re: i want to cmeup later 2007ola


As lame as it sounds, I don't much care for sweets.

I make them for my friends and family, because that is what they like.

But I am not so into them.


I prefer to drink my sweets.

In the form of excessive coffees and Sparks.


I am more of a cream gravy type of girl.

It is pretty versatile

From covering pancakes, to biscuits, to potatos of all forms, chik patties.

You name it, I will drench that shit in cream gravy.


I have been pretty lazy the last two weeks.

Drinking more, doing less.

And some how went down 2 holes on my belt.

It's magic.


And now this magic will come back to bite me in the ass.

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