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you can be super girl

or batman

whatever floats your boat


Actually I'll stick with Drunken Master. I could teach you my drunken style. You can teach me how to stop speeding bullets and leap tall buildings with a single bound.

And together we can put an end to this trend of people pretending that they actually like Guiness.


Is that a fair truce?

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christ, i keep coming in here to look at this unfortunate piece of shit.


ps - is it bad that i feel good about the fact this guy is most likely getting raped weekly? i need to locate my compasion i guess.


killing a cop or guard makes you a hero to other prisoners.

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Actually I'll stick with Drunken Master. I could teach you my drunken style. You can teach me how to stop speeding bullets and leap tall buildings with a single bound.

And together we can put an end to this trend of people pretending that they actually like Guiness.


Is that a fair truce?



This shit had me laughing.

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