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thanks tabloid. the wood was just ply wood i bought at home depot, then i hit it with a can(s) of glossy black. i used paint markers to do the squares, and sometimes the grain of the wood worked against the markers. so i'd have to go back over them, and if they bled, i'd just make the line thicker to cover up the bleeding. i do plan to work with these again, as well as try some other stuff. i'm definitely going to post more in here, this thread is very motivating.



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thanks for the feedback. i wasn't really sure how i was feeling about that thing, and i'm still not sure if i really like it.


while i was in college, i took this "humanities of the arts" course (it was a required class). the teacher was cool, but most of my classmates were fucking idiots. one day she brought in clay for everyone, and said "sculpt something in the next 15 minutes, then name it, then we are going to talk about our final piece individually." i instantly said "fuck this." so i just started making hot dogs, and bending them around each other, and through each other, and attaching the ends to a foundation of clay. it was stupid. but other people did things like hearts, or keys inside hearts, or mr.bill looking things. then they named them things like "unchained love" or "missing hope" --real deep shit (sarcasm). so finally it gets to me, and i stand up and look at this mess i made, with a ball of clay next to it, and i announce "mine is called "chicken sandwich" and that's the special sauce next to it." the teacher asks "really, and what does that mean to you?" i was stoned, and my only answer was "i think i'm hungry?"


if i had to name that drawing i did above --i call it "buck rogers is fucked!"

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Yeah thats a tough one Earl im trying to picture another color over those splatters and none come to mine the colors themselves go well maybe a more neautral color like bronze or rusted would have worked a bit better but it might not have gone with the blue. Maybe a dark blue or purple would have worked well. Nice work though.

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