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joker have you tried using oils?(probably)...I want to see it thick and juicy with those clean wips


I have messed with oils in the past and only left one painting out of the trash. I can't remember who I gave it to but I do have a picture of it somewhere. It was in the days (style wise) when I was doing the blob-like stuff... like the 12oz poster.


I liked working with oils and think often about trying them again. However, kinda costly to get started.

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this was the piece (published in WYWS #1 with you and rust on the cover, yes?) that started my attempts at 'abstract' stuff - although at the time there was obviously no distinct title to for it.

i'm sorry. ha.


actually, now that i think about it....was there another piece, slightly more 'traditional', i believe outlined in white, that just sort of 'dissintigrated' when it got to the R? like, fully rendered on the JOK side, then just kind of fading out and intentionally uncompleted?


Not on the cover of WYWS but on the inside for sure. Yeah, back then there wasn't the moniker "Abstract" to go with what I was doing. I think most just called it wild style. I don't know where the Abstract thing came from.


I don't recall the piece you're talking about but that doesn't mean I never did it. I did a lot of goofy shit back then and painted a lot as well. I didn't get photos of everything either. I think I have documentation of about 30% of the paintings I've done over the years. That's just no good...

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also, joker failed to mention that the entire book was done with the (i believe) the same 4 colors. all yellows.


Fuck... I forgot about that part as well. Mainly because he and I started a second book but it never got past the pencil stage. And I think I remembered the first book as being only pencil, but you're so right... it was in all yellows with black outlines. God damn... that book was so nice. It's painful to think about it.

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i know that piece wasnt on the cover. but it was in the issue i believe. i still have that one someplace.


i, like bojangles, dont read into stuff too much. it either confuses or annoys me. i am working my way through the newman book, but its a beast so ts gonna take some time. 5 years so far. ha.

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i wasnt saying it a slam at all, just explaining why i wasnt commenting in depthly.

ive never had any kind of art training, or schooling so most of that stuff and the references go over my head. its easier just to ignore it. plus, the more i know, the less i enjoy things. i already hate just about everything, ive gotta hold onto what little i have left.

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i wasnt saying it a slam at all, just explaining why i wasnt commenting in depthly.

ive never had any kind of art training, or schooling so most of that stuff and the references go over my head. its easier just to ignore it. plus, the more i know, the less i enjoy things. i already hate just about everything, ive gotta hold onto what little i have left.



I'd just like to take this moment to say "ditto".

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Yeah hit me up, except these quick sketches i dont got much. But hit me whatever you think you want we can work something out.


One thing ive been noticing is that i can not get a single style down the same im consinstantly inconsistent and that makes me feel good. I just wish i could get some of this down in paint.


Joker KOH Seeks can someone break down the sketches ive been doing, i have zero peer feedback i know theres know real foundation for us in outlines but i got at one point take a direction. You guys are so good at discipline I am knowhere near it.


/All over the place

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I just spent the last two hours reading every post in this thread.


Not 100% sure why, but it's inspiring to see the non-traditional artwork really getting some heavy applause and praise.


I haven't touched a brush in a few years, but I really would like to paint again...soon.

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haha. motherfucker used correction tape.



my only feedback is that im constantly surprised by how many different variations you can do of things. its all obviously done by you, but there are still a lot of different 'styles' under the same umbrella. that, and the number of sktches you can bang out. beardo is the same way. give dude 20 minutes and ten pieces of paper, and he'll give you 10 sketches better than anything you've ever done. it's fucking assinine. ha.

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Here are my contrabutions to the thread.. this first one is an apricot being eaten by yours truely. done with oil pastel. This is one series of four, all with different color.






Also heres a watercolor i did of a Pinecone, theirs also three othters of these but in different mediums, sharpie, oil pastel, and then this is one of two that i did in watercolor.




Well thats all FOLKS! If you want to see more just post it and i'll take some more pictures.

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poseia these are sick, obviously your just throwing ideas about, but Id love to see these finished. On canvas framed etc.


Sort of in the green and yellow style i have seen from you in the past (late 90's? 12oz mag?)


That would be awesome. Id buy it.

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beardo is the same way. give dude 20 minutes and ten pieces of paper, and he'll give you 10 sketches better than anything you've ever done. it's fucking assinine. ha.


ha.. please


anyhow, you fans of abstract styles can give a holler if you'd like a copy of this little zine i put together. been years in the making and has finally came to fruition.. even has a couple re-worked pages originally slated for that book joker and i were compiling.


8.5x5.5 b/w on decent paper and a nice coverstock. $4


shoot a PM for paypal info or other inquiries.


12oz VIPs are already hip to this and packs hit the mail this friday.



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