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thanks for the crits. the camera kind of washes the silver and white into one color, but the blue is outlined in silver, and the red is outlined in white. this is what i used to make it.




the silver joint looking things, were what i used to blow the ink around. i didn't have any straws lying around, so i had to improvise. i also didn't have any water color tubes, so i couldn't really mix to many colors. so the three primary inks were all i thought would work.


i was going to outline the silver(blue) with a .01 micron pen --but decided against it. if anyone has any ideas, throw them at me. i think the next thing i do is going to be a little more simple, and with geometrical shapes. bare with me on all of this, i have no art education at all --zero.

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Very true about juxtapose.



One of my friends at school, his father did a bunch of prints for him. So I got to see plates and shit of the work. It was pretty awesome.



I also really like the process of his work. From the collage work of comic art to the painting and sculpture of that collage as a whole new abstraction.



I should post some of his work in here.

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Jeremy Fish, I actually like some of the things he's done. Most of the stuff he's done for Upper Playground seems retarded but he's done a few things in the past that I liked. Maybe just the pieces of his that I own. Biased?


Juxtapose has ruined art. I don't care if Roger is running the show now... the history of the magazine has tainted it forever, for me.

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fuck sam flores, fuck jeremy fish


i like both of these guys, but i also grew up on skateboarding and skateboard art. i also have a weakness for cartoony character driven work --which probably stems from the skateboard art appreciation.


how do you feel about david kinsey and mike giant's work? i guess those two could be lumped in with the two names above. at least in the sense of where their work is represented, and outlets it's used.


camille garcia, or whatever her name is (i'm assuming that's who you meant above), i can agree with you on. it's just a matter of opinion, but i don't really like her work to much. i've never been to LA, but Juxtopoz kind of gives off a generalization of what the LA artworld is like. maybe i'm just a crusty east coast asshole, but sometimes that magazine makes things look fake, fraudulent, and bullshit --what i expect from many aspects of LA (that's just my close minded opinion though). i don't know if i'd say Juxtapoz has destroyed art, but i can see why some would feel that way. either way, it's just a magazine to me, and sometimes it's hit or miss.


joker --why exactly do you feel it's destroyed art? i'm not attacking your comment, i'm just looking for insight from someone else's eyes.

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i like portions of the second one, first one i'm not a huge fan of. i do appreciate/envy/respect the amount of work you can do within a clearly defined genre. it's such a fucking struggle for me to do two paintings with the stripes going the same direction, cause i feel like i've already 'covered' that subject. i know it's stupid, but it's how i roll (self defeatingly).


im not totally anti jeremy fish, but i am pretty anti anything that is so marketable and easily digestible. to me, it just seems like he's doing the same safe, boring, cliche shit over and over. i cant hate on him for finding a niche and making money, but i also dont have to like it.



go to the store and read a copy. you'll see articles and advertisements for the same 10 people in nearly every issue. if the artists names don't ring a bell, their interchangable art will be familiar. it's total horseshit. they somehow managed to take 'pop art' and make it even more soulless than it was before.

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kinsey bores me and i dont like him. fuck him.


i like giant. his stuff doesnt move me like it used to, but he definitely has his own way of doing it and has done it forever. also, his technical ability owns, as does the sheer amount of work he produces. plus, he comes across as a very honest person who's really just enjoying life. the rest of the people usually strike me as leaches sucking off their little shot at fame.


the problem with juxtapose is that the people in it rarely strike me as genuine 'artists' or people with a severe need to create. granted, i dont really know shit about any of them, but i also dont want to.

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seeking --i definitely hear you on the comment about repitition in juxtapoz. that's one of the things i always notice --it tends to promote the same people all the time. there are some saving moments in most issues, but you're dead on about the ads and people within those ads. it gets to the point where it feels like the people magazine for pop art.

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it's such a fucking struggle for me to do two paintings with the stripes going the same direction, cause i feel like i've already 'covered' that subject. i know it's stupid, but it's how i roll (self defeatingly).




It's hard for me sometimes as well, I feel the same way and was just saying that today.



I think that's why they're starting to "break up" a bit (moreso in the bottom one) and become more "painterly" as Poesia said.


I have a few new ink drawing to show soon too.


I think I'll be focusing more on those until I feel refreshed.

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I hear you guys on the Juxtopesque Art, i guess like all cultures its a gift and a curse for Artist's of our genre to start to get exposure. It is difficult to say the least to accomplish the essence of the original artwork that brought them into the culture yet still progress. Fish i like his stuff as design but as fine art not sold, that goes for 90% of those type of artist. Juxtapoz has taken Aesthetic design and called it fine art in too many cases. THere are exceptions but not many, I think fine art needs to more than great color usage and clean painting skills. There is no real heart in those artist. Sam flores's art would work as poster art much the same way Art nouveau was not considered fine art but rather decorative. But that decorative was fine art as it stood the test of time, yet the original artists such as Mucha and the transitional salon artists like Klimt made the transgression nicely.


In our time someone as original and straightforward as Giant is respected but the 5 other Artist that branched off his pen work will always be nothing to me. Even if it looks nice its got to be taken further or in a direction that know one could predict.


Its funny though how Artist like Flores took alot of direct style almost to the actual hands of artists like Schiele and touches of Mucha. Now with directions in Eastern art not yet have i seen something original although his art is very well executed. Thats not enough. I was actually thinking about this the other day if someone like Joker or someone of the like could actually breakthrough to that Juxtapoz crowd. Not that he would want to but is that style really paying attention to what Art is, and would they really understand it.


I really think that artist like Joker and some others that aren't in the limelight have more genuine work and the ability to progress it further than most of these coffee book artist. I would hope that soon we will see a change. The saturation of meaningless although very well executed aesthetic art is pissing me off. If i could at least see a couple of new directions i think it would help the movement of our genre. But thats just me.

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My issue with Juxtapose has always been that there is a niche and a handful of artists within that niche and those are the ones who get constant recognition within the magazines pages. Granted there are always new artists exposed but what usually bothered me about them was that they were obviously influenced by the handful of Juxtapose alumni. And if they weren't they were heavily influenced by someone who is already famous for the style they're doing. The ads always proved that point. The only change I've seen since Roger has taken over is that the shift of genres is pretty obvious. Now it's mostly street / urban artists and not Shag, Coop, Garcia etc. but it's the same street artists you see in magazines already dedicated to the genre.


I have no desire to be in Juxtapose, never have. It's not my target market.


Those interested in a Joker book will be happy / unhappy to know that one does exist... only digitally. About a year ago a friend of mine and I put together a book of my work (about 124 pages) to shop around to publishers. There were a few interests but all fell through. Most publishers who had no interest kind of hit the nail on the head... lots of street art books already out and none of them are moving. What bugged was the one person who put the idea into my head to do a book to begin with didn't want anything to do with it once I had a working model. (No, not Raven) The good news, for me at least, is that I'm glad it never got published because about a month after all the shopping around for publishers I looked at the digitial file again and hated it. So if it had been published I would have hated myself for letting it get printed the way it is.


There was also a book that Kema and I worked on for about six months, about three years ago. All blackbook work. We were sending the book back and forth through the mail and just knocking out page after page. No repeated outlines from previous books or anything like that. And I'm not going to lie to you... the thing was amazing. I've never been so proud to be a part of something as much as I was to be a part of that book project. The plan was to print the book and sell a limited number of copies. We were down to the last five pages, I sent the book to Kema... and it never showed up on his door step. To this day he and I both are pretty upset about it.


A Transcend book? Don't see it happening unless someone outside Transcend does all the foot work. Sadly enough.

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Damn Joker that is serious losing something like that. I lost all my books but if i lost something recent that i worked on so much and that Beards also was intense with shit i would put down the art for awhile and contemplate not doing anything for awhile. And the Book thing, that will happen when its suppose to happen. Your more than graffiti art, and selling through that one channel alone probably will never be understood correctly. The style has never really been understood. But it will be when the time is right.


I agree about the Transcend book though, its hard enough dealing with the art let alone put the energy into developing its path. Thats why i think marketing people or curators are worth there weight. As an artist although tough sometimes we need to leave certain things to the professionals. I just wish someday we can do something i would hate to see our group not have some kinda article for our history.


Whats weird is that when you first started to break through with your style and She and then me and others we really didnt have a plan. You made Transcend the SINS website got a good vibe going, i think we surprised alot of people and maybe opened some peoples eyes to thinking differently about graf. But then you know the rest alot of more styles coming in and the normal people starting to do new stuff which was exciting at the time. But life gets at everyone and the constant Artfag talk hate gets old. I remember thinking back then at one point and thinking to myself what next, i cant really get any more abstract. So i went backwards. I think we all kinda hit that wall in our own certain way. I think most due to our being not in much communication and being so far away, but that graffiti was changing as it does. Our style was no longer a shock and people were trying it. The show i missed i still regret it, i wish i could have been there. We just kinda took a break.


But since i have been on the oz and actually communicating with the crew for the first time i think to myself is there still that collective, is Transcend still that group you made. And i think yes it is. We still have the eye for what we do. Its hard to explain but its almost a idea of our line and structure of space. Its something we have all sort of built together.


To me i think that looking at whats out there right now, reading through magazine after magazine website after website going to the occasional show. Im not impressed with the art today some good stuff but to much of the same stuff. And that is why i think that what you do what transcend does is still valid, i think we can still have an impact. People would not understand im sure at first what it is we are doing, but like when we first came around they caught on. I say this, because i see it clearly, not sure if it will happen ever, but i think i still have something to contribute to the genre. I know it will not be taken in right away, but it is honest it has a purpose and it is the idea of what you started.


maybe one day soon.


Im working on my part i got more ideas than time.

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A Kema/Joker book would've been off the chain, going by my own dissapointment with that turn of events I can't even fathom the extent to which its creators would be bummed... that really sucks man... especially with all the shite that does make it in the world.


What about not having to go through a publisher and making a really limited run or something? I'm a broke bastard but to be honest I've been so psyched on everything transcend has done for so long that I'd ignore that fact and make at least some financial contribution to the project, I'd love to see it happen like the Kema/Joker book.


Poesia/Joker, if this isn't a completely gouche thing to ask, what's the history behind your 'abstract' styles? I realize that's a pretty terrible way of characterizing your work, because when people throw around the term I feel like it's considered more a deviation from soemthing concrete (in this case lettering), so I guess a more appropriate term might be an essentialist work with letters- taking the most basic and bare bones form of a letter and altering it... but that aside, how'd it come about/progress?

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A Kema/Joker book would've been off the chain, going by my own dissapointment with that turn of events I can't even fathom the extent to which its creators would be bummed... that really sucks man... especially with all the shite that does make it in the world.


What about not having to go through a publisher and making a really limited run or something? I'm a broke bastard but to be honest I've been so psyched on everything transcend has done for so long that I'd ignore that fact and make at least some financial contribution to the project, I'd love to see it happen like the Kema/Joker book.


Poesia/Joker, if this isn't a completely gouche thing to ask, what's the history behind your 'abstract' styles? I realize that's a pretty terrible way of characterizing your work, because when people throw around the term I feel like it's considered more a deviation from soemthing concrete (in this case lettering), so I guess a more appropriate term might be an essentialist work with letters- taking the most basic and bare bones form of a letter and altering it... but that aside, how'd it come about/progress?


I dont think money would be the issue, its the time to put it all together as you know Most the crew is very Detail oriented and most hate there work the moment its done but it is great nonetheless. So dealing with the like of that would drive most crazy. But a challenge i might have to take on once this year at work gets off the ground. Im freeing myself of alot of material bullshit cars and such to focus back to what it is that strived for becoming an adult. I have gotten everything i needed in life and more, but this is one thing that has left a hole in me. I need to fix that.


And the style thing, you have to ask joker for me it was an unspoken thing we vibed off each other. No real disciplined intention.

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Yeah, that line is too thick. It's from a dried up Magnum. As said before, in a bit of a rut.


I've got a new canvas I just finished today (that I actually kinda' like) but it's too glossy to photograph. I need some matte spray.




Post some other stuff up and I'll give you honest answers.

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go to the store and read a copy. you'll see articles and advertisements for the same 10 people in nearly every issue. if the artists names don't ring a bell, their interchangable art will be familiar. it's total horseshit. they somehow managed to take 'pop art' and make it even more soulless than it was before.


Are you referencing beautiful/decay or juxtapose.



I like the stock of the paper that beautiful/decay is on. I think that is my main attraction to it.


And the neon colored issue. It looked like a giant lisa frank commercial. I thought that was amazing.

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