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Yo I may never be doing this again, but the circumstances have come down to it and I need all of your help. There is this modeling contest and I want all of you guys to vote for this girl..




She deserves to win and I need all of your help to make that happen, please visit that website and vote for her until next Tuesday. All it takes is 1 click a day and you can make a world of difference. If all of you guys can just help me out that would be great

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  • Replies 62
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your real brave e-banging on a computer screen, if your in LA we can meet up right now and ill give you a buck 50 across the face, pm me if your down.


seriously man, fuck you and your homegirl....


internet gangsturz...

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Dude I was on FishFry st in the ghetto last week. This was like deeeeeep fucking ghetto like its 11pm there were like 8 year olds on the street dancing to reggae music coming out of some dudes car. I tried to go into some church that this drum show thing was going on at they wouldnt let me in until I finally told them I was a drummer they were like OH NUH UHHHH WHY YOU NEED TO COME IN HERE!? I was like I was told to be here and they were like PSSSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHHT I AINT SEEN NO INVITATION so I turned around had stick in my back pocket they were like OH YOU PLAY YOU SHOULDA SAID DAT DEEEAAAN AIGHT GO RIGHT IN BROTHA.



Seriously being able to play the drums lets you straight in to the black people club...

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