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Future Droid

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grunge = 10,000 dollars


for those of you who dont know what a grunge is, its when you dig up a chick less than 3 days dead, jump on her stomach and pelvis area, and whatever comes out of her vagina, you have to eat





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grunge = 10,000 dollars


for those of you who dont know what a grunge is, its when you dig up a chick less than 3 days dead, jump on her stomach and pelvis area, and whatever comes out of her vagina, you have to eat





Haha, who the fuck thinks up these things?


There is no way that that's ever even been almost done.


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i donno man, for a million dollars... its like what if you just got sooooper hammered and sucked a lil D... its like the next day you wake up with a bad hangover and you can pretty much you can do whatever you want with your life.... im not saying i would for sure, but i'd def have to think about it

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let a girl crap on you: $1400 - $3000



So like, if it was $1350 you wouldn't be about it? or $1200? why $1400? seems like you have really put some thought into this.


Then after 3000 bones you wouldn't be hovering under some chicks ass? cause its too much? i need explanations.

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i donno man, for a million dollars... its like what if you just got sooooper hammered and sucked a lil D... its like the next day you wake up with a bad hangover and you can pretty much you can do whatever you want with your life.... im not saying i would for sure, but i'd def have to think about it


hahahahah YES! this is the exact type of conversation i was hoping to provoke

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So like, if it was $1350 you wouldn't be about it? or $1200? why $1400? seems like you have really put some thought into this.


Then after 3000 bones you wouldn't be hovering under some chicks ass? cause its too much? i need explanations.


no not much thought, just thinking of my lower and upper limits for being shat on.


1350, solid shits, i may negotiate

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$1 million is a lot of money. Seriously think about it compared to your paycheque every 2 weeks and how long it would take for you to accrue a cool million.

You could get smashed, suck some D(probably 5 minutes?), then knock the guy off and dispose of the body?

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eat out a chick wit hep-c: 20K, dental dam, 5K


clevland steam a hobo: 3-4K


feltch your homie: 30,000


mung a corpse: 1M


give a dog head till YOU cum: 78K


fingerbang a senior citizen: 900


shoot jizz inot your own mouth: 780


whack off dad (medical purpouses): 40K


titty -do grams: 150K


eat out pet cat: 66,000


convert a fleshlight into a two way device so you can share it with your dad: 9K


"mess around" with some AIDS blood: 900K


fingerbang retards anus, male:200K female 50K

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you can't really put a price on a situation thats hypothetical. some of us know people that have vandal squad so set on catching them that I bet they would offer thousands for information..but I doubt any of us would consider it. or at least I hope none of you would, I know I wouldn't, haven't, and won't.

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i donno man, for a million dollars... its like what if you just got sooooper hammered and sucked a lil D... its like the next day you wake up with a bad hangover and you can pretty much you can do whatever you want with your life.... im not saying i would for sure, but i'd def have to think about it



with this comment and the questioning as to whether tarantino is gay....im starting to sense some homo issues in you.

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