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Guest R@ndomH3ro

Fuck that...I am a big pussy when it comes to allergies.


I get sick all the time because of bad allergies...sinus infections, feel shitty all day, hives!


Allegra works


Even thought they tell me the shot would be better...but I really really really hate shots.

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I just suck it up and not be a pansy...


^^I'm with you on this one.


I never had allergies until last year. Now that spring

has sprung, I'm sneezing and I have a constant head

ache that was around for like 5 days. Meds... fuck that.

If my body wants to be all weak around some airborne

spores that have always been there every year...


My body's gonna get the punishment. Maybe next

year it will learn to not get fucked up by flowers.

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Yea I get that but recently Dr's are freakin me out. I haven't been to one in like 5 years. I think they are gonna tell me I am already dead if I go and I just cant handle that type of realization this far along in my life...

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Not to get all hippy on you, but people have

survived so much shit, for so long... Your body

will tell you if you need to do something about it.


I haven't been to the doctor in about the same time

as well. I need my teeth cleaned and physical, but I'll

be damned if a doctors going to make me afraid of anything

that requires meds they own stock in. If you are dying...

you will know before a doc tells you so.

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Yea I get that but recently Dr's are freakin me out. I haven't been to one in like 5 years. I think they are gonna tell me I am already dead if I go and I just cant handle that type of realization this far along in my life...


i hate docs, too. just for what they did to me when i said i couldn't sleep. fuckers.


one thing that helps is cayenne pepper pills. a couple a day and you'll feel a little better.

not cure, but a little better is a big thing for those of us with sinus problems.

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yeah allegra works.....


but i dont have any left.....fuck...i was trying to paint on saturday and spent more time sneezing than painting........my eyes got all itchy and snot was comming out my nose like a faucet.....fuck allergies to the fullest...


p.s. i didnt always have allergies...but if you live in sac long enough you develop them...living in a valley isnt good for the lungs.

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Not to get all hippy on you, but people have

survived so much shit, for so long... Your body

will tell you if you need to do something about it.


I haven't been to the doctor in about the same time

as well. I need my teeth cleaned and physical, but I'll

be damned if a doctors going to make me afraid of anything

that requires meds they own stock in. If you are dying...

you will know before a doc tells you so.


Dude fuck that I go to the dentist my toofus needs to stay in tip top shape! Bitches dont like dudes with vintage british grills...

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i don't have insurance, so no allegra for me


just go to your primary care doctor...or have someone you know go to their primary care doctor...and get the free samples....if youve got a cool doctor theyll give you enough free samples of allegra to last you through spring.

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zyrtec. scrape up like 20 bucks go to a walk in clinic and tell them you need zyrtec because your allergies are bad. i swear by that shit. hopefully they stock it there, because they don't make zyrtec generic... so you're gonna drop about $90 a bottle. but you'll be set for the season. i've had a 100 bottle last me since september 06.

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