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So you like the Stoli Almost Free?

That shit is my favorite, I dunno, what I am going to start drinking tonight, bourbon shots vs beer? Or maybe wine??


Help deciding please!!


STOLLLLLIIIIIIIIIIIII is doep because its liek 30-36 bucks and good vokda unlike greyyy goose wihch is like 75 bucks...


but go bourbon shots with beer chasers n shit son. hollah.

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I haven't really been wasted since Friday night...due to all the bullshit goin on right now (refer to my God Hates Me thread), I'm sure me and the ex are gunna have a horrible fight within the next few days, and I'll prolly end up goin on a week long drunken rage

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Ex was like yea basically its fucked up that you moved in with my sister I hate hearing about you from her like you are best friends I dont want to be friends with you because of this. I know you needed to move out of your house and this was the only opportunity at the time. But since my boyfriend broke up with me and my parents are fighting I just dont want to deal with this at all.


I am like WTF is wrong with you. I just want to be friends if only that your the only person I can go out act like an asshole around and you dont care and you act the same. If you dont want anything to do with me even though while you were in Spain you built this shit up like I wanna be friends I wannna go out and hang out with you all this shit so happy like and now you just want to say fuck it and go back to not speaking to each other thats fine thanks for the big fuck you. So then we just said bye.


We didnt speak for 3 years and now I guess its gonna be forever...bullshit...


So I say fuck it...

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I've come to terms with the fact that my ex is never gunna be out of my life...she's gunna be that girl that no matter what happens, we always go back to eachother at the end of the day, and eventually we're prolly gunna end up getting married since noone else can take us for more than short periods of time

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go the draught

my girl just got home from work

bought me a box of cigars

i love cigars so much

and her too

but cigars

my new vice

must be smoked with a glass of brandy

and i have just the one


st agnes

time for smokey smoke

and maybe some pokey poke

woo boy

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