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Well dude I get it. You like my graffiti. I don't, but you do, and that's great.


You've said it like 6 times. This thread is about alcohol.


And serious Labat Blue sucks. That's my opinion, but it's also stone cold fact.

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Just add the myspace link from this page or the last, and post in this thread whenever you have somethign relevant.


But most of all, to truly be in the team, you must do some of the things described in this thread inspired by a obsessive devotion to the liquid goodness of alcohol


I just hope nobody starts a TEAM METHHEAD thread or then we are all fucked. Haha

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As I stepped out of my truck to go into the bar I observed the empty streets and see the band I play with on occasion packing up their stuff at 10:00pm. I glance at my rear view mirror for the temp -6 degrees. Nobody is going out tonight. I drive back home I hear a loud clank. I look back one of my hoegaardens has frozen and instead of the top popping off from pressure or magic the neck of the bottle actually cracked off. Completely frozen inside luckily so beer didnt spill anywhere. So what else was I to do but drink to the remaining 5's (which amazingly were not frozen) fallen comrade. Followed by the rest of my magic hat variety pack at home.



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But you are down just for your screenname, haha.


Hey Some1, I read your message, and that shit sounds unreal. Definitely gonna have to keep that in mind!! Ask ZeroCool about his plans, maybe you can work something out.


The bar/birthday party I went to was shitty. Only stayed for 2 drinks, talked to a cool Croat chick and her German friend then bailed when my mates left, as they were speaking in foriegn tongues (probably about which one wanted to fuck me, but anyway).


Maybe we should get your Cubase working so we can write a TEAM ALCO themesong!!!11

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And yeah, that sounds cool some1.

I could have bought this magazine that was essentially a Cubase guide today, that came with a cd containing a heap of effects and shit, but was scrimping on spending another $17 on a magazine after I have blown nearly $30 on them in the past week. Stupid overpriced GuitarWorld

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Fuck you live in cott?


And double damn considering you have no booze. How you meant to be in the team when you have none of the sustinence of life?

And fuck getting up for anything at 5am. I know nothign about rowing, other than my mate who attended Scotch had to do it for school.

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Bombay and tonic is my drank come summer time!


17$ for effects arent bad at all. I am getting gigs tonight for the next month I am psyched...


The dude that I play with in the summer who has a Jager sponsorship is coming back from miami this weekend gonna link up get fucking knuckled should be a good weekend since the last 3 were spent doing nothing.

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The new one is 5 star. Fucking every glamour in the town is there looking for some $$.


Think the Cott crowd, add 15 years to the age group (which is beneficial, just like a fine wine, you know the saying), and you have the crowd there.


I never went to the old Raffles as I heard it was boiler central, and I was too young to appreciate them then. Alot of my clientel from work were there though, which was bizarre.

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Bombay has an odd aroma to it do to being made from a shitload of botanicals including juniper berries. You can go ghetto and pour that shizzo straight into a half bottle of OJ and go to town or take a classy route and do some sort of martini or cocktail. Just go to the site.



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Wicked in to G&T especially when you wanna mac the bitches. No smell to it and for some reason I'll drink a couple feel fine then WHAM all at once drunkeness straight to the dome. Wake up in the morning no hangover gotta love that bombay!

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Never had Stoli if it was vodka or tequila i was going with the stuff that was free.


Let me tell you.




Jump on this train if you get a chance. Its so smooth going down with a little kick at the end. In my opinion it beats Patron


Although I never had the platinum Patron...


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