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cold remedies? flu remedies?

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i was thinking of seinfeld just now and how he had that thing where he didnt puke in like 15 years or something and i was like man i havent puked in a while, and then i remembered oh yeah i did... not only did i puke like a week before christmas from drinking a bottle of the goose i shit on a sidewalk in the country club. my girlfriend was pissed. "THATS SOME HOMELESS SHIT!" she yelled.

i dunno how that relates but i thought about that just now.

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i was thinking of seinfeld just now and how he had that thing where he didnt puke in like 15 years or something and i was like man i havent puked in a while, and then i remembered oh yeah i did... not only did i puke like a week before christmas from drinking a bottle of the goose i shit on a sidewalk in the country club. my girlfriend was pissed. "THATS SOME HOMELESS SHIT!" she yelled.

i dunno how that relates but i thought about that just now.


im going on 17 years. but i also dont drink

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i usually swear by this shit but only when i first start feeling sick. ive been fighting this for like 2 days now and today i gave in and was like fuck it.


i tried this once.....took some of these when i started to feel sick....but got sick anyways....plus drinking that nasty seltzer water was gross.:(

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