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"whatever happened to just writing? if you have skill or not, as long as you have passion for writing, crews and beefs shouldn't matter, i will only rep one crew ATW, because its the only crew with my friends in it and i know they got my back as much as i have theirs."


Some of us got good and were tired of toys like you blowing up everything. this shit is a FREE FOR ALL. don't forget it!

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"whatever happened to just writing? if you have skill or not, as long as you have passion for writing, crews and beefs shouldn't matter, i will only rep one crew ATW, because its the only crew with my friends in it and i know they got my back as much as i have theirs."


Some of us got good and were tired of toys like you blowing up everything. this shit is a FREE FOR ALL. don't forget it!


and you are? dont be mad if a toy hits a spot before you, because , after all, it is a FREE FOR ALL.:D

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I just like how you expect people to take your OPIONIONS as valid, when you don't even state your name? And don't give me this I'm to cool to state my name bullshit, I don't need to blah blah blah, cause how come we don't know that YOU SUCK AT GRAFF, just sound like a sideline observer, and maybe you always have been.


lol. last time i checked, 99% of the posters here remain anonymous. why should i out myself to please your curiosity? and to those illiterate ones who claim i have contradicted myself please take note of the word "potential" as pertaining to my initial post regarding SOCK. do i regard him as a toy, currently i do, however, i also see some potential in his hand. thats hardly a contradiction considering there are some who i deem toys forever. for example, there is ZERO hope for kas. he should quit today. and again we gotta revisit the whole boner thing. i dont recall who it was that said it but to say you'd rather see an oz tag than a boner throw up is just fucking retarded. thats like apples and oranges. and thats not a dis to oz its a simple ode to the proper lineage of what gets respect in the graff game. tags are at the bottom, pieces are at the top and throws come in between. i dont give a fuck who/what u think i am and u can question my graff knowledge/history all u want. it does not change the fact that mother fuckers in this city are lacking skills. done.

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christ how many weeks has ^this^ mufucka been trolling this thread???


if you really wanted anybody to give a flying FUCK about your opinions, you could go ahead and start choppin every single tag you've listed as "hopelessly toy". but nah, go ahead. keep cloggin this poor dying ass thread with your drama startin', unfounded, NAMELESS, batshit insane opinions.

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christ how many weeks has ^this^ mufucka been trolling this thread???


if you really wanted anybody to give a flying FUCK about your opinions, you could go ahead and start choppin every single tag you've listed as "hopelessly toy". but nah, go ahead. keep cloggin this poor dying ass thread with your drama startin', unfounded, NAMELESS, batshit insane opinions.


insane opinions? how bout this. answer these questions since my opinions are insane ..


is kas hot?

is ads hot?

is caze hot?

is dsl hot?

is galax hot?

is solo hot?

is pine hot?

is sock hot?


if u can HONESTLY tell me that you believe any of these mother fuckers are hot then i will never post in this thread again. key word ... HONESTLY. why dont you pussies stop trying to sugar coat the fact that there is ALOT of wack ass graff in this city? philly is fucking joke. who in this city is piecing besides the likes of enem, pre, etc?? take a ride by 5th & cb moore and look at all the wackness on that wall. lol. fuck all of you clowns. this thread aint dying because of me, its dying because of all the wack bullshit many of you support.

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bringinpihllyback...dont you get it dude?? nobody gives a fuck about what you have to say, if you dont have pictures then your not contributing and nobody gives a fuck about what you have to say. this forum is for fucking pictures, nobody gives a fuck about your opinions. do us all a favor and shut the fuck up already. seriously. shut the fuck up.

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insane opinions? how bout this. answer these questions since my opinions are insane ..


is kas hot?

is ads hot?

is caze hot?

is dsl hot?

is galax hot?

is solo hot?

is pine hot?

is sock hot?



"LEAK (very nice)"


How you gonna call a bunch of writers toys, and then say LEAK's stuff is very nice. The day you explain that shit is the day you should be aloud to post on here again. I ain't hatin on LEAK. Props to him he murdered shit last year and got up all over the place. But his hands and fill ins were shit.

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bringinpihllyback...dont you get it dude?? nobody gives a fuck about what you have to say, if you dont have pictures then your not contributing and nobody gives a fuck about what you have to say. this forum is for fucking pictures, nobody gives a fuck about your opinions. do us all a favor and shut the fuck up already. seriously. shut the fuck up.





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