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Actually, most of what I've heard from the advance screenings is that it's actually quite good.

AICN early screening review

Okay, they just had one of the first screenings of ROCKY BALBOA here in Orlando at Downtown Disney and I was lucky enough to score seats. There will be some general content spoilers, but I'm not going to get into any specifics. Hopefully some or all of this gets printed...



Let's just get one thing out of the way first: It's REALLY good. This is the Rocky we've come to know and love, the Rocky that went the distance with Apollo Creed (as opposed to the Rocky that street fought Tommy Gunn...).



It's not a lot of boxing or training really. There's a lot of character scenes here. Which is not to say it's aimless, there's simply not a lot of "action" for a long time, and the movie manages to build character and excitement for the main event. Meanwhile,Stallone manages to talk about some big stuff (namely man's will versus the chaos of nature) without getting too cheesy. People will want to call it cheesy, but think about it. How many movies in recent years have truly had a heroic figure?



We need this movie...you see, they don't really make movies like this anymore, at least none that are any good. This is more than just a great Rocky movie; this is an ode to man, a celebration of the heroic ideal, a testament to the strength of our volition, a view of man as he might and ought to be. Here, we have in Rocky someone who does what's right and follows his calling based on his beliefs and will, damn the people who would disillusion him. (Echoing the real life story of the people who would mock Stallone for attempting a comeback)



As for style, Stallone shoots the movie in a way they don't really make movies anywhere, and it's a welcome change of pace. He utilizes a lot of gentle cuts and cross fades, and amidst some really great photography, especially the grainy night shots. People forget that Stallone can be a really good director.



Acting-wise, I wish Stallone didn't get so much crap. He's really a lot better than people give him credit for. Go back and re-watch the original Rambo, or even the original Rocky. He's instantly watchable and fills his characters with great idiosyncrasies in subtle ways that feel natural. Here, he gives one of his best performances and one of the best of the year. He totally inhabits this character, every single moment, the way his sentences kinda trail off at the end, his inherent sense of self and goodness, that look he gets in his eyes when he's hurt or has to dig really deep...



Oh, and allow me to quell what was one of my biggest fears going into the movie: Rocky is supposed to fight Mason Dixon based on the outcome of a videogame? I know that sounds like a terrible idea on paper, but it's not QUITE the entire truth. As the simulation is presented in the movie it actually comes off as something you might see on ESPN. It's actually really good and fits in with the reality of this alternate sports universe, where Rocky actually exists and is one of the all-time greats. In fact that's what was so surprising...this is a universe Stallone has created. Here, Rocky is a living legend. Everyone recognizes him walking around town, his restaurant is a local favorite, he's one of those disarming celebrities that's actually as nice in "real life" as one might hope him to be. Everyone loves Rocky. Yet at the same time, everyone is well aware that Rocky has no chance in hell of winning. But that's the position Rocky's always in, isn't it?

The movie is not perfect. There's this scene set to a terrible adult contemporary song in the beginning and then this terrible moment in the bar, both near the beginning of the movie, that are obviously terrible and dripping in cheese. Luckily, other than that, the movie soars. It's my favorite movie of the year. Not perfect but my favorite.



Because on top of everything I loved about it as an individual movie, at the end of the day, it's a new Rocky movie and it's GOOD. When the training music cues, if you're a movie fan, you'll have no choice but to clap and cheer at the sheer culmination of this moment. A moment that could not exist UNLESS there were 5 other movies preceding it. Same for the incredible match between Rocky and Mason, which is not only great in itself, but also has the weight of 6 movies. Rocky is BETTER because it's a sequel, but it's also a great movie in and of itself.



I'm so happy to have seen this.



And before anyone says plant...which is unfortunately inevitable...I will say this, I have a BNAT application in and if selected I'll see you at the Alamo Drafthouse and convince you in person that this is one of the year's best.

If you use this, just call me "Sean." Real clever, huh?





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