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SO some folks will remember that one thread from back in july or so when a young writer suggested that hiding paint in a pringles can was a good idea......we all had quite a good time with that one.....


...Anyway, i was shocked to see that this concept was resurrected by an entirely different source.



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icon1.gif Re: silencing cans Today, 10:06 PM




I was just thinking about this - if cans fit in a pringles tubes, grab a few pringles tubes, cut them in half and stick a sock or some other padding through each, glue the halves together in a six-pack arrangement or similar.





Then you'd have an easy way of keeping cans spaced out in your bag so they don't rattle together and chunky gut from eating all those pringles.




Third Rail/The Yard/Paper Chase....it's like junk food to me sometimes.

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haha. what happened to when kids didn't try and think so much about

hiding cans and just went out painting?


i used to carry mine in a milk crate. fuck a backpack.




i know who is to blame....marc fucking echo.




fuck a nigga named marc.


The same guy started a thread in the yard and said he though it would be a good idea

to try and make a harness to hold your paint.


He said he got the idea from Getting Up.


He was too stubborn to give up the idea, even when a bunch of people gave counterpoints.

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And no I cannot roam the streets with a milkcrrte or 10 cans in my waiste so shut the fuck up.




dude! why don't you and "the pringles kid" just shove cans up your asses. they won't rattle,

you won't feel "out of your environment", and mark ecko probably does the same thing.



you all win!

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haha. what happened to when kids didn't try and think so much about

hiding cans and just went out painting?


i used to carry mine in a milk crate. fuck a backpack.



That was a long time ago when niggas used to put their cans in a backpack. These days the cops roll up on you if you're even out at night with a backpack on and sometimes even if you have a grocery bag that don't look right. I'm pretty sure the kid's talking about for grocery bags so the outline just looks like a regular 6 pack and so the cans don't make alot of noise as you're walking down the street or climbing shit. I think it's kind of a good idea although I seriously doubt that I'd ever go through the trouble of gathering all these pringles cans.


And if you were walking around with a milk crate full of cans, chances are the only walking you were doing was from your car to the wooded trail that led to some train tracks where you didn't have to worry about anybody seeing you walking around with a milk crate full of paint.

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