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Graffiti Removal as Art

Anthony from Brooklyn

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Covering someone elses art with some stupid, poorly made squares of paint is something my 4 year old niece can do. Suppressing real artwork with these stupid blocks makes the walls they are on look stupid, and most people I know that despise graffiti think these coverups are even worse because of how trashy they make places look. Looks like the city cant afford matching paint.

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hah. I remember Twist had an article about buff paint being art in GRAPHOTISM. i still have the issue.


it's funny how some of the shit that gets hit nowadays are already fucked-up-looking in the first place. the paints all old and peeling off. then once it gets hit, that's when buffers actually paint over it and it doesn't even match the original.


it's like:


spicing up bland city landscapes versus white-washing

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  • 3 weeks later...

i've seen the movie, it's really good.

i even wondered if there's a hidden

sense of humour in it.


by the way, i think this is the final

proof that the cia was right when

they promoted abstract expressionism

as the superior, originally american

form of art in the 50s.

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  • 2 weeks later...

There's some other guy, Jim Laird in chicago, who has made an art career out of photographing painted-over graffiti, even to the extent that he proposed creating sculptures based on the shapes of painted-over graffiti. (they look fucking stupid though, of course, who wants a giant sculpture of a irregular shaped blob/box?) What drives me crazy though is how people go into so much about shapes and colors of the buff, but they never talk about what's underneath and why thats important too. those people are just happy in their little white boxes of apartments, happy looking at off-white boxes on their walls... modernist bullshit.

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