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rest in peace - TOWER RECORDS is out of business


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I actually got caught stealing at Tower Records once. This was after I had already taken several thousands worth of merchandise over the previous year or two.


I got off, even though I was on two bails and probation. Gotta love having a friend's mom be the judge!


you ran them out of business.....if a muzza gives you attitude drop him on the spot

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tower always carried the local shit to though, they made it a point to let everyone have a outlet for what they were doing.. most stores that size don't do that you have to jump through hoops to get your shit inside there..


yeah....tower had lots of local mags....i remember there was always hella local punk rock mags in the store...i once found a magazine on self mutilation in there....some gross and graphic pics...yuck!


Was that the one with a cool interview with "Skill"? Or was that Crime Time?


Big Time was the one with the latin chick in front of a car on the cover.....some1 stoled that mag from me!:mad:

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Guest spectr

Yeah nowhere i have ever been has anywhere near as good a selection of mags as tower. I would go in there a couple times a week to check for new graff mags and try to cop them before they sold the whole 5 copies they had in the store.. well only the good mags that is they somehow always had this overstock of crappy european mags they couldn't sell..

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I think Can Control and Volume One were the first graff mags I ever read.


I remember walking through the high school cafeteria in '95, and this dude (who turned out to be one of the reasons I started) was reading one of them. I was blown away.. "they got magazines for this shit?!"

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I think Can Control and Volume One were the first graff mags I ever read.


I remember walking through the high school cafeteria in '95, and this dude (who turned out to be one of the reasons I started) was reading one of them. I was blown away.. "they got magazines for this shit?!"


yeah same here... early 90's seeing magazines on graffiti took me by surprise. i always thought it was just strictly gutter street shit and taboo.

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So i came back from tower a little while ago in (blank).


Music if 10% off


Books 20% off


Mags 30% off


yeah, there was a lot of people in there buying stuff but they need to price that shit a lot more "discounty" if they expect to move all that merch by the end of the month. I think the time to go for mags and books would be around the last week. I predict they'll be giving stuff away by then.


I scooped up a pile of US graffiti mags and left all the euro garbage to rot...euro graffiti has this artistic pretentiousness(sp) about it I can't stand. That one dude from Germany is the shit though..


EBP.....I don't see your flick anywhere in that new issue. What page is it on? All i see is TKO stuff.

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Guest spectr
Euro graffiti has artistic pretentiousness? Ummm....


what i think you might have meant to say is

graffiti pretentious? no never..

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Well, i dunno if that's the right term to describe my distaste for euro graffiti....there's just this certain...i dunno, vibe? , that bugs me.


Like i said, there's that one dude from germany that did, uh, Kolor Kamikaze i thought was the shit, Flying Fortress, Mr. Andre, but yeah, most of it is lame lame lame


there was this asian chick working at Tower whom i asked if there were any graffiti books left. She said no. She could be cute if she got some stuff to clear the acne off her face.


Some genius was playing some hard ass bullshit speed metal over the P.A. which made it difficult to concentrate on what to buy.


Some teenager saw me looking at Clout and asked me "do you write dude?' and i came back with "Only my dentist knows for sure."


I don't think he got it. he asked me again and i told him no. Some people.....is writer ettiquitte a passe' concept these days or what? Fuck me, I'd never ask someone that.

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Fuck i haven't read any of the entirity of this thread I get the jist from the title, but like the first few responses were about that's where you do your graff mag buying. Fuck that I'm probably the reason they went outta biz Graphotism Vol 9-?? all free thanks to good ol TR. Not to mention countless others. I have two "towers" of mags that are just about as tall as my shiter; which they're next to. Unfortunately they get pissed on by drunken me every now and then, that's why the European mags go on top to act as a piss catcher. !GINZ!

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