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Debt, etc....

Tyler Durden

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Ha ha, i have cut down on food costs by stealing food from the company fridge.

I go to clubs/bars without cover charges, do my laundry at friends houses, bulk food, etc....

it sucks but hey, it working!




i was also thinking somehting sort of along lens' lines

if you can barely eat, get a second job in a restaurant, then you can at least cop some free food

..or try to get a job that mitigates some of your necessary expenses.

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this is brilliant, coming from somebody who's what, 23? 24? years old and 13K in debt.


naw man i know exactly what im doing, yes im in debt but im maintaining it, and i can get it down in a heart beat if i so choose to.


everything in life is a mindset, people just never want to take the proper actions to correct their intial actions to fix the problems at hand.


im 24 goin on 25 and i feel that im way ahead of my years as far as insight and seeing shit goes, just cuz im in debt doesnt mean shit...

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people always say 'I'll eat nothing but rice and beans for the next 6 months to save money'.


in most cases it's bullshit because there's something bigger that you are wasting your cash on like booze or that DVD collection.


Yeah, thankfully I dont drink/go to bars.

The only thing I really spend money on is gas to go paint.

I need to find some way to circumvent that too....


Speaking of which, I wanted to ask you a question about something so check your PM's.

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my girl was doing some of this shit when i first met her. i had to put her on angelofdeath's 12 step plan.


obviously you have to start paying this shit off. you have to cut everything, everywhere. eat the bare essentials. forget about cd's, drinking, cigarettes, movies, the mall, whatever. forget about it. just think, gas, living bills, food. thats it. next thing you know you'll be sending in 4 digit payments to get these fuckers paid off.


now the trick is to not let it happen again. as a rule, i dont buy anything on credit that i cant pay off at the end of the month. i use credit cards for convienence while shopping online, at gas pumps, etc etc. then i cut a check at the end of the month. perhaps for a guy like me, credit cards might actually be a good thing. for most they are not. with a credit card, i tend to actually spend money more so than if i didnt use plastic. if i have to pay in cash, i hardly ever spend money. i'll say no to everything except food when im starving. if i want a 900$ gun, i'll have to think about it for a year before i buy it. then i'll start shopping around. then i'll still probably pay for it on credit, then pay it off at the end of the month, just because i cant part with that sum of cash right away.

now, paying your debts off at the end of the month, is just a rule, there are exceptions. say you need a car repair taht you cant pay off, you might have to charge it or borrow money to be able to go to work. i'll consider this good debt. for instance i dropped 500$ on a used chainsaw that retails for 1300$. this might sound rediculous, but if things go right, i'll be making thousands in fire wood profits this year or this year and next year combined. i also consider good investments things that hold thier value. cars not being one.....lol. the right guns hold value. gold is an inflation hedge. etc etc.


im rambling. sorry.


but seriously, dont fall for a debt consolidation scam. budget your money yourself, and you'll be thankful.

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i realise my mistake now but its been hard to get it paid off... cuz shit keeps coming up


naw man i know exactly what im doing, yes im in debt but im maintaining it, and i can get it down in a heart beat if i so choose to.



sorry dude. but make up your mind.



i try not to charge anything i can't pay off in a month.

or i try not to charge anything over what i have in my savings account.

basically try to use the cc just to improve my rating and maybe help out here or there, vacations etc.

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Anyone going nuts to pay thier credit cards is a fool...


It's the least of all your debt problems..


If you have a mortgage, or even backed rent, they can take your home..

If you have'nt paid your phone bill, they cut your line..

If you did'nt pay back a bank loan, they freeze and divert your assets..

It's what's called "secured debt"..


Credit cards on the otherhand can't take your home, can't cut your services, can't freeze or confiscate assets...and actually they will just keep giving you credit and new cards!


They WANT you to owe them money, and they want you to be able to keep owing them more~

they just keep collecting interest off you and anything that never gets kicked back to them

is either bought off by collection agencies or covered by thier grand insurance policies..

not to mention, they're getting paid usage and membership fees by retailers anyway~

so as long as you use the card, they're making money~


Besides making it more difficult to secure large bank loans (which people with a high income can get regardless),

you can let the CC debt follow you all your life next to nothing will happen..

This is called "unsecured debt".

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what do you guys think about:


i was thinking about getting a AMEX card and switching a lot of my balance from my visa to it, because it says it has a fixed apr of only 3.99% on there for the entire time it takes you to pay it off...


and that 3.99 is a lot lower than my 8-15% im paying on my visa (i give a range because im not sure how high it is, but it was low when i got it because it was through my bank)


what do you guys think about this?

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naw man i know exactly what im doing, yes im in debt but im maintaining it, and i can get it down in a heart beat if i so choose to.


everything in life is a mindset, people just never want to take the proper actions to correct their intial actions to fix the problems at hand.


im 24 goin on 25 and i feel that im way ahead of my years as far as insight and seeing shit goes, just cuz im in debt doesnt mean shit...


if you knew what you were doing, you wouldn't be 13 THOUSAND dollars in debt.

You know how long it takes the average dual income famlily to save 40 grand? 8 years.

So you think that you, a single income, are in control of your situation? Naw, you're way in over your head and living beyond your means because you made piss poor decisions.


You aren't way ahead of your years as far as insight and seeing shit goes, because if you were, you'd realise that being 13 K in debt at 24 years old is a shitty fucking place to be. I read a banter between you and seeking in another thread about buying a projector? WTF could you possibly need a projector for? Don't you have some rediculously large TV? and umpteen thousand DVD's? WTF is the point of all that crap?


Do you realise that with 13 thousand dollars you could have put down a fatass down payment on a house, and actually have a place you owned and was producing you equity to put all your crap?


Real insightful.

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what do you guys think about:


i was thinking about getting a AMEX card and switching a lot of my balance from my visa to it, because it says it has a fixed apr of only 3.99% on there for the entire time it takes you to pay it off...


and that 3.99 is a lot lower than my 8-15% im paying on my visa (i give a range because im not sure how high it is, but it was low when i got it because it was through my bank)


what do you guys think about this?



amex you have to pay off every month. it's not a credit card, its a charge card.

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