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Animal Cruelty Videos


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yeah the link lance uppercut posted explains. the guy filming was a tv producer and they can't find the chick after they identified her anymore. But china don't have laws so I guess there hands are tied.


but "crush fetish"? I mean what the fuck yo, I get off on sticking my dick in sexy women and you got these dudes running around starting the fucking "International Crushing Association" and whatever nonsesne. I think they should all lie down infront of a steam roller or apply for a job at the fucking recycling center if they like crushing shit so much.

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In all seriousness. I can see why they would skin an animal alive. If any of you have ever skinned an animal you would know how hard it is to skin them after theyve been dead for awhile. It takes forever,very frustrating.In their case i guess its a cheaper and faster way to get fur and make more money. Kinda gay that they are actually still alive,but what the fuck can you do about it,right?


But fuck chinese bitches who stomp kittens in highheels.

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skinning alive v. skinning freshly dead, i've never skinned a live animal but def. a few dead ones. (i'm a butcher....) i imagine there is a difference, lots of things change in your body during extreme pain and/or death. various things are released into the blood which affects basically every aspect of the body. perhaps high pain's release of adrenaline would somehow loosen the skin up. just theorizing...


anyway, fuck all that shit. i (clearly) have no problem w/ the taking of an animal's life for food. however, for entertainment, esp. "crush fetish" makes me fucking ill and violent. fuck those people.

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I was talking about this video with my girlfriend tonight. I told her about how that article described that the lady was identified and subsequently disapeared, leaving her family worried. I honestly hope she died. I'm not sure if I've ever felt this way before.

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I saw this video, someone thought they would be funny and post it on another forum. It was this really small kitten, Im not a cat person, I reakon dogs are where its at. But this kitten looked soo cute. Anyways, there was this asian girl in the video and she started stomping on it with high heels, peircing its stomach and latter shattering its skull, you could see the brain and shit literally come out. Never before have I been soo pissed off before on the internet, I use to watch some of those Ogrish.com movies and they never really made an impact, but how the fuck can some people kill such an innocent/defenceless creature. I actually hope these motherfuckers get killed.


Im not going to watch the video, but can someone tell me what happens in it, just curious




Someone chops up a kitten with a knife. I didn't watch the whole thing cause I figure it's pretty much the same thing all the way through and I don't want to puke. Bet they won't catch the guy.



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