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fella i know hung himself from a tree last night..

Jake Stevens

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I feel like a lot of people like to refer to suicide as it was selfish, like how you said that he left a lot of people in tears...and lots of people say this..but I know the feeling of fake-ass appreciation. I don't know anything about this case, but for example, in any suicide situation, these people may have said they liked him a lot, but did they ever really hang out with him? Did they ever listen to him? Did they actually care about him, or was he just an accessory of a friend to them? Its something to think about sometimes, because just because these people said they liked him or whatever, it doesn't mean they really cared.


i know that adn agree but this kid was like a ring leader of his mates.. they always do everythin together play on the same team go same school etc.. i dunno im jus back from my mates and she still dont know anymore.. shits mad..


there is a old remains if a house in a fields where i live and the house has no plantlife in it at all and when ya in the house even as a 20yr old it gives me the shits.. somethin bout that place.. i know somethings up with it.. i heard old stories of people gettin killed in that place but i never believe... until i also read stephen kings books.. now i think everythin is haunted! im goin back to read pre-school kids books a lot safer and the have lovely pictures..


edit* kinda off topic at the end..

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over the weekend this kid billy from around the way. dropped to the floor,seziured for about 30 seconds.Then his eyes rolled behing his dead and his soul left his body,i unfortunantly witnessed this and had some trouble sleeping that night and conducting myself correctly.He overdosed on a high mix on xanax n cocaine."kids like this make me worried for the future of this world"- first police officer on the scene

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There's something to be said about people considering suicide selfish.


I used to agree with this mentality- how could I not? You leave a grip of people on the planet sad and you never have to deal with the reprocussions... seems inconsiderate enough, right?


Then I got to thinking about the hell that some people's day-to-day must be (and I'm not talking about people with cushy lives gone sour for a second or a bad break-up) to actually go through with hitting the kill switch and it occured to me that it's pretty selfish of others to expect someone who's condition, be it physical or mental, shows no signs of improving to 'tought it out' and 'hang in there' just so they don't have to go without a friend/relative.


People should be more understanding when it comes to stuff like this. I'm not saying every suicide is the most nobile or geniune thing, but there is a certain amount of respect that should be given when a person decides to hit cancel on their life.

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over the weekend this kid billy from around the way. dropped to the floor,seziured for about 30 seconds.Then his eyes rolled behing his dead and his soul left his body,i unfortunantly witnessed this and had some trouble sleeping that night and conducting myself correctly.He overdosed on a high mix on xanax n cocaine."kids like this make me worried for the future of this world"- first police officer on the scene


wow...the same exact thing happened to one of my best friend's cousin about a month ago, minus the seizuring. xanax and yay, along with booze were involved. uppers+downers and booze are never ever a good combiniation before falling asleep. it is really fucked up considering the kid's apartment that he was in was his best friends, who found him all blue, unresponsive, the next morning. and we all know who sold him the yay that night, motherfucker is nowhere to be seen. real sorry you had to actually see that shit go down man. i've seen that shit happen to a few people, but they were lucky to come out of it.

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I feel like a lot of people like to refer to suicide as it was selfish, like how you said that he left a lot of people in tears...and lots of people say this..but I know the feeling of fake-ass appreciation. I don't know anything about this case, but for example, in any suicide situation, these people may have said they liked him a lot, but did they ever really hang out with him? Did they ever listen to him? Did they actually care about him, or was he just an accessory of a friend to them? Its something to think about sometimes, because just because these people said they liked him or whatever, it doesn't mean they really cared.


hit the nail on the head. it seems in some cases that those people were directly or inderictly the cause of the persons depression or decision to take their life because they didnt feel like their "friends" actually cared about them enough to be there for them.

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ok now i just been over in my mates house to see how she was..


cops all there asking questions i get pulled in and told to stay in the kitchen with the lil sister.. she 3.. so i there messin about not taking too much notice to whats going on.. few mins later the police ask me into the sitting room and ask me bout the kid.. i was like wtf?


i answer there questions all grand... then they tell me that i have to sign something.. its a murder case now..



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I personally haven’t had much experience wit the whole suicide thing, except once a dude jumped in front of a train I was on and being retarded I opened the doors, only to see his mangled body. Scared me for seriously, it was a train full of school kids as well. People are fucked up that’s all I can say.

Did that happen about a year ago in melbourne?

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Wow, I actually expected a bunch of people ot yell at me for saying that shit in this thread, but I got the opposite. gitme ma props.



Nah, but I totally agree with 26sidedcube in what he said...a kid at my school killed himself last year, I never knew him, but it seemed like a lot more people knew him when he died, and it became cool to put RIP <his name> in their AIM profile...I feel like its even more disrespectful for people to pretend they cared when they know deep down that they didn't at all.

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What's strange is here I am thinking Ireland's still so fucked up that a suicide thrown in the mix wouldn't exactly be noteworthy. Sure, heartbreaking to see someone throw their potential away, but when your island's dividing itself up into more and more factions, no longer with even the intent of religious righteousness and purification, but simply for right out business... I wouldnt have thought to think a suicide was exactly straying from the norm.


There's my ignorance showing... Im sorry for your ex's sister's boyfriend's family's loss.


edit: oh, now it's a murder case... somehow my brain just wants to fit it into the big Irish wanker generalization.

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ah, the ol' hanging from a tree thing...

a buddy of mine who lived out of state, whom i had met through a friend who moved from his state to my state, and he came to visit a few times, hung himself; apparently using a shoelace from a tree in his backyard. he was an amazing skater and a dope kid, major bummer.

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Nah, but I totally agree with 26sidedcube in what he said...a kid at my school killed himself last year, I never knew him, but it seemed like a lot more people knew him when he died, and it became cool to put RIP <his name> in their AIM profile...I feel like its even more disrespectful for people to pretend they cared when they know deep down that they didn't at all.


that sort of shit pisses me off. people acting like they're shattered when someone they don't know that well dies.knowing dead poeple is the new black....




edit - that wasn't aimed at anyone in this thread.


sorry for your loss jake s

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that sort of shit pisses me off. people acting like they're shattered when someone they don't know that well dies.knowing dead poeple is the new black....




edit - that wasn't aimed at anyone in this thread.


sorry for your loss jake s



dude, i not acting all shattered.. im just in a bit of shock.. the kid not that close to me, just i know him and it just a bit of a shock to me and the whole area.. i know what your saying soon as someone dies people all pop up syaing how wonderful that person was.. fuck them they where not around when he/she was alive or prob treated him/her like shit..

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