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Led Zeppelin V.S. The Beatles


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There is hardly a piece of contemporary music to be found, regardless of genre, that hasn't been influenced directly or indirectly by the work of the Beatles. The same can't be said about Led Zeppelin, whose influence, though far-reaching, isn't as broad as the Beatles. In terms of rock and traditional band-based music, Led Zep is probably much more important. But the Beatles' legacy lives on in almost every facet and genre of popular music. The Beatles are by far the single most influential musical group ever. I don't think any other band comes even close.



That's a crock of shit. They were just the first band to be over hyped to the level that they were and still are. Everything they were doing was just in keeping with the times and similar to other shit out at the time. Led Zepplin had far more influence than the Beatles. The Imigrant Song was the first metal song for crying out loud.

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I seen Tom Petty in concert tonight...



Lightening all over the place, all concert, in an outside venue..


It finally POURED during the last song of the encore...


Damn, it feels good to be alive (and one of the very few minorities/city dwellers at the concert..


dude, i'm jealous. that's fucking awesome. i would love to see Tom Petty live. i should have made the 6 hour drive to see him last month. shoulda, woulda, coulda... hopefully, he comes around here again, sometime in the near future.

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There is hardly a piece of contemporary music to be found, regardless of genre, that hasn't been influenced directly or indirectly by the work of the Beatles. The same can't be said about Led Zeppelin, whose influence, though far-reaching, isn't as broad as the Beatles. In terms of rock and traditional band-based music, Led Zep is probably much more important. But the Beatles' legacy lives on in almost every facet and genre of popular music. The Beatles are by far the single most influential musical group ever. I don't think any other band comes even close.


That said, I'd rather listen to Led Zeppelin.


This is the most on point post but I'd rather listen to the Beatles. I love both bands, and yeah they really aren't comparable but both have so much influence but NOBODY can touch what the Beatles did for music, and so many genres of music at that. I mean, let's look at the White Album, you got Helter Skelter that sounds like a punk song out of 1967 with the thrashing guitar, you got Revolution 9, some of the most tripped out sound collage shit, you got Happiness is a Warm Gun, some ironic sounding poppy riff with darker lyrics, you've got Long, Long, Long, some really slow stuff with a artsy interlude, and that's just a few of the songs. Zeppelin had some good stuff too, but when you look at LZ 1-4 vs. the last 4 or 5 Beatles albums, LZ 1-4 sounds more of the same compared to the Beatles just breaking so much new territory on every album up to Abbey Road. Not to say LZ 1-4 al sound the same but you get my drift.


Anyways yeah, LZ vs. Sabbath would be a better comparison but I'd put LZ above in that case.


Beatles vs. Stones? Come on, Stones don't have shit on the darker side of rock & roll compared to the Velvet Underground (Heroin and I'm Waiting for the Man come to mind), and the VU was at their prime right at the height of the flower and love movement of the hippies, doing the complete opposite...

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"beatles are gay and got into some drug but they are still gay"



haha, wha??


Drugs scientifically are a natural detterrence to homosexuality but in some cases though rare overwhelming man-on-man action can cause the 'drug' to have no effect on the level of gay inside the blood stream. We are therefore led to believe that drugs will only effect gayness if it is substantially kept at a mild level throughout the patients lifetime. If rusty trombones and/or Boston reacharounds are an everyday occurance in said patient's average lifestyle only minimal effects can be expected of drugs but we do encourage above average use for best results.









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some people don't mind the mmf




Been dazed and confused for so long it's not true.

Wanted a woman, never bargained for you.

Lots of people talking, few of them know,

Soul of a woman was created below! Yeah


You hurt and abuse, tellin' all of your lies.

Run 'round sweet baby, lord, how they hypnotize.

Sweet little baby I don't know where you been

Gonna' love you baby, here I come again

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some people don't mind the mmf




Been dazed and confused for so long it's not true.

Wanted a woman, never bargained for you.

Lots of people talking, few of them know,

Soul of a woman was created below! Yeah


You hurt and abuse, tellin' all of your lies.

Run 'round sweet baby, lord, how they hypnotize.

Sweet little baby I don't know where you been

Gonna' love you baby, here I come again

I love you

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That's a crock of shit. They were just the first band to be over hyped to the level that they were and still are. Everything they were doing was just in keeping with the times and similar to other shit out at the time. Led Zepplin had far more influence than the Beatles. The Imigrant Song was the first metal song for crying out loud.


Ya know, no offense but did you actually listen to any of the Beatles last few albums? Magical Mystery Tour, White Album, Abbey Road, Sgt. Pepper, all that? Fuck being overhyped, their early shit was overhyped but their later shit deserves the press, all classics.


I mean LZ influenced rock, Beatles influenced music. Both great bands, in the end they're uncomparable...

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I've never been a huge Beatles fan, but I did spend some time listening to them just to see what the hype was all about. Shit was overwhelming, it was like meeting Adam and Eve, and seeing in their faces tiny bits of everyone I have ever met in my life. It really made it hard to listen to. Every once in a while I'll pop in Abbey Road, but that's about it.


Led Zep is just plain badass and always awesome to hear.

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Ya know, no offense but did you actually listen to any of the Beatles last few albums? Magical Mystery Tour, White Album, Abbey Road, Sgt. Pepper, all that? Fuck being overhyped, their early shit was overhyped but their later shit deserves the press, all classics.


Others were doing similar shit at that time. They were just trying to fit in with that whole Height/Ashbery hippy shit. And that was their best work. And you're gonna compare that to Zepplin???

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A God on drums, a bona-fide Satanist for a guitar player, a damn banshee for a singer, and the smoothes bass player of that time period, thats a hell of a line up.


The beatles had a dude who kinda sucked at drums...couple of decent catchy tune writers, and another guy.


As far as Im concerned, if you want to listen to what the beatles always wanted to be, listen to every Beach Boys album. Pet Sounds is better than anything the beatles did and THEY KNEW IT.

Lennon and McCartney were both jealous at Pet Sounds.

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I've never been a huge Beatles fan, but I did spend some time listening to them just to see what the hype was all about. Shit was overwhelming, it was like meeting Adam and Eve, and seeing in their faces tiny bits of everyone I have ever met in my life. It really made it hard to listen to. Every once in a while I'll pop in Abbey Road, but that's about it.


That was probably the Acid you were on. I remember watching Willy Wonkas Chocaolate factory on Acid and thinking the shit was profound.:biglaugh:

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A God on drums, a bona-fide Satanist for a guitar player, a damn banshee for a singer, and the smoothes bass player of that time period, thats a hell of a line up.


Yep, amazing lineup indeed, for the same 3 fucking boring instruments that have since been creatively exhausted.

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There is always going to be a matter of personal opinion in which somebody can say they like one band or another more than an other band. However, when you take any band and pick them apart, you could not come up with a better band. There music has truly stood the test of time. When you consider the time period from which The Beatles evolved, (after Revolver) there was no music even close to being as intense or complete as that of Paul, John, George and Ringo. This is the only band that I can take any one of their albums, and I mean any one, and listed to it straight through and not only love every note, but honestly say that nothing could make these songs better. They are absolutly complete. Now I'm a music freak and listen to everything, especially Rock N' Roll from the late sixties and seventies, and there is no doubt in my mind that The Beatles are the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be.



i am a huge fan of Zeppelin, but i'd take The Who over them anyday!

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Ya know, no offense but did you actually listen to any of the Beatles last few albums? Magical Mystery Tour, White Album, Abbey Road, Sgt. Pepper, all that? Fuck being overhyped, their early shit was overhyped but their later shit deserves the press, all classics.


I mean LZ influenced rock, Beatles influenced music. Both great bands, in the end they're uncomparable...


Actually, I tend to agree with some of the "thats a crock of shit" post. The beatles were doing the same thing that Buddy Holly did. They wanted to be Chuck Berry. They wanted to write catchy, pop tunes that were based off of early blues tunes. Those dudes, just like Zep, just like the Stones, just like pretty much anyone at the time were trying to emulate Robert Johnson, and Skip James, but do it in a "pop" format. If anything was a big "influence on music", it was Amercian blues music. The beatles were just an attractive packaging for it.

Led Zepplin, from day one had a sound that no one else had at the time. The Beatles were just the most popular version of the satndard fare at the time. Were they huge and influential? sure, dud they set tones, and precendents of their own? absulutely. They were a great band. But I feel like Zep actually...stands alone amongst their peers, wheras The Beatles sounded just like a lot of the shit from back then. They just had better publicity people. More hype than their peers.

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There is always going to be a matter of personal opinion in which somebody can say they like one band or another more than an other band. However, when you take any band and pick them apart, you could not come up with a better band. There music has truly stood the test of time. When you consider the time period from which The Beatles evolved, (after Revolver) there was no music even close to being as intense or complete as that of Paul, John, George and Ringo. This is the only band that I can take any one of their albums, and I mean any one, and listed to it straight through and not only love every note, but honestly say that nothing could make these songs better. They are absolutly complete. Now I'm a music freak and listen to everything, especially Rock N' Roll from the late sixties and seventies, and there is no doubt in my mind that The Beatles are the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be.


And that's why you type in pink.

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