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have you ever tried to drink paint?


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Re: have you ever tried to paint drunk ?


I have bomb high on weed, speed, pills and some other stuff, but drunk bombing is great, like some dude say'd on this tread "absolute carnage"

Also booze & some pills helps, i used a lot of Ribotril with booze and got fucking crazy missions.

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Re: have you ever tried to paint drunk ?


Jesus christ allmighty. You sir are a dipshit.


As for painting drunk... I thought that it was a given.


lets be clear on something

sometime in the near future

i will eat you, everyone you love and probably all the food in your house

i will proceed to regurgitate you, stamp on your head and call my friend

to come and give me a bit of help when im tired...

my friend happens to be the offspring of chuck norris and a ninja

he WILL fuck you up

and then skullfuck you

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: have you ever tried to paint drunk ?


hahahaha, charlston chew is the shit. but yeah when i paint "ON WEED" i definately catch a paranoid vibe sometimes. when im drunk i get the opposite. but recently i was painting on the tracks (sober, but at like 8pm) and i definately encountered problems when the fucking police officers went up the tracks and sat and wait for us. but my buddy was too busy telling me how we should get up on the billboard and im like whaaaaaaaaaaat? so i made some bullshit excuse about where i was going and mentioned "the bus" and "our shortcut" alot a little loud and walked away. they were just sitting in the car across the street. my point being if i was drunk i probibally wouldnt have cared.


yes but who in here gotten so high you were death (im talking about not being able to hear) and went bombing.that was the best day ever.

and all i rember was my homie telling me some shit this hag was yelling at us

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Re: have you ever tried to paint drunk ?


more like a new definition of stupidity

id rather get busted purely for graffiti rather than murder

get the fuck outta here



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Re: have you ever tried to paint drunk ?


on newyears 2005 I tagged the back window with my trusty pilot when I was under the influence of jack daniels. lets put it this way Ive never added more arrows in my life to sumthing than i did in this tag. i looked like this sorta v





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Re: have you ever tried to paint drunk ?


painting drunk- no prob

ganja- no prob

crack- dont touch it

hallucinogens- tough subject

tried painting on mushrooms before the shit started out o.k but once it came on full strength the painting got sort of diffucult. i was more concerned with the actual act of spraying the can than what I was painting, suffice to say, it looked like shit, but hey LSD might be a different stroll.

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Re: have you ever tried to paint drunk ?


Used to go out bombing while drunk and stoned on the regular.. Brave and stupid are fine lines..


When I used to drop acid I went bombing one time.. Well sort of.. I was driving my gf's car at the time and was at a stop light.. Got out and actually tagged: Dosing On Acid.. on a wall.. Realized somone was watering their plants and watching me.. Being in ninja mode I hid the can next to the car.. Got back in, waited 'til they were done got back out and got the can. The girl wasn't mad that I was catching a tag.. She was just mad that everyone would know we took acid.. After that I made sure to leave all cans at home when dosing..

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