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I swear to the Only Christian God


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I wish I could punch justin timberlake in the grill..hard.

He's like 5'6"- he'd go down, no contest.


I was working backstage at that Aguilera/Timberlake thing a few years ago and dude strolled by while I was off to the side having a cigarette. I couldn't believe how short that little turd actually is. It looked like someone forgot to hang-dry Donny from New Kids on the Block.

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one of the cool things about hanging out with girls who do stuff like read and hold well paying jobs is that i never have to hear anything like "im bringing sexy back"........granted i would probably get waaaayy more tail if i could actually be in the general area of those types of girls long enough to have sex with them....but i cant. one of the downsides of being a critical asshole i guess.



You guys can expect Shai to keep talking about his girl untill she breaks his heart.

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