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getting paid from your graff skills


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exactly, don't get me wrong, i find the other thread where you got flamed to be wholly fucking hilarious.

but i hope you get what you're looking for krome ink.


but on the real, with a name like "krome ink" it really seems like you're begging to get trolled, flamed, ignored, or clowned. just something to think about.

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  • 4 weeks later...

hahah sweet. I was going to get another commission under my belt by doing this guys garage and painting his cars on the walls and a bunch of other stuff. A friend of mine worked for him then got fired before we could link up. The guy turned out to be a giant douche and really Im kinda glad, and sad, that I didnt get stuck in a crappy situation with this douche bag of a dude.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm too lazy. It takes too much time and they don't want to pay for what my time's worth.


Excellent question though!


I average $50.00 (or more) an hour with spray paint. If I used brushes for the same price, I'd probably make less than $10.00 an hour.


Actually, on those I got $80.00 (that was just part of the job for the day. Did other parts of the bar.) and they took me less than half an hour.

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