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so i finally looked up this whole "hyphy" thing.....

boogie hands

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Fuck it, why am I even debating graffiti with some cat from another city. Fuck your scene, our shit reigns supreme and your hand is asscrack. That thizz face is my actual hand writing on some real shit, I keeps it sloppy as fuck cus I don't care. I failed handwriting class.


Oh well, as far as I'm concerned you have been clowned since the moment you neglected to post any of your iLL ThIZZy GraFFSz.


I will not return to this thread, so let me finish it for you.


"Your a toy, you said write graff, your hand is scribbly it is not art, I do better shit but I can't post any, I'm better than you because I live by the words of Espo, and your an asshole toy for coming at the Bay Yea-Yeahhh Boiiii."



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I never said I was better than you or I lived by the words of espo. You just asked who the fuck said that, and I told you I think Espo did. You get really butthurt off this shit don't you?




Edit-Oh but I am better than you. I just didn't say it. Well now I did. HA

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Well thats whats up Blowjobs, atleast you know what your talking about.


I honestly don't really care about this whole shit, I just wanted to talk shit to EastBay because everytime I see his name it annoys me for some reason. I don't care about hyphy or you, or even graff for that matter. I just wanted to bullshit on the oz for a lil' bit before I bounce out this shit. Thanks for the entertainment.

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Personally I like it here. I don't quite see the argument of "Oh, the bay sucks because they say hyphy and ghost ride the whip." and "Philly is cool cause we have handstyles"


Doesn't make sense to me, philly is cool. I don't think crybabies handstyles are tight, but I've seen some tight ones. Seems like anyone who wants to be someone in graffiti, comes to the bay at some time in their career. So we must be something. To be honest, KAD and ESPO are the only famous people I know who came out of Philly.


But this isn't a Philly vs. Bay thread, just some cats got way to much hometown pride to where they think everywhere else sucks.


I think as far as graffiti goes the bay is a really hard place to put in work, everybody and their mom/ dad/ little sister writes. The buff is pretty bad in alot of spots. The spots that don't get buffed are already taken. Alot of the yards have really strict localism and grandfather clauses that are hard to get into.


On the none writer tip, cops are bad out here, really bad. You could be in a nice ass neighborhood and take a wrong turn and end up in one of the worst. You can get jacked easy. You probobly will get ran up on at least once while being out here.


I dunno. I'd rather live here than anywhere else. I love it. I'm not walking around thizzing or saying yadddida mean. Not everyone from the bay does that shit.


I dunno. Go bay area. Woot.

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I'm not gettin into that whole east coast west coast shit,

cause i lived on both coasts,


but on that whole hyphy thing.

to me its entertaining, shit needs to change every once in a while,

and yes it's dumb, but the people who get hyphy know it too...."go dumb" duh.


anyway, about the cars,

fuck man, if i had a donk/box/bubble,

with 3 grand into my rims,

3 grand into my suspension,

2 grand into my interior,

and another 6 grand into the candy paint,


hell if i want some dumb ass drunk motherfucks,

jumping all over my car,and hanging out my window.


ride in someone else's car, and fuck up your moms cutlass ciera, or buick regal.

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How is it retarded? I only write graff because I only like Philly handsteez's, anything else can blow my cock.


And any music from the West Coast (well like 90%) eats my cock also, so I only fuck with shit from the East Coast.


Da fuck does it have to do with early 90's? I just don't like all that down south and west coast shit. Put on your Yay-Area tee with some chucks and go listen to African raver music, herb.


Where do people get this "raver" nonsense from. There is no connection between rave scenes and hyphy Hip Hop. The only thing that is the same is that they both take ecstacy pills. Wow. I guess any subculture or any activity in which you take ecstacy automatically links you to raves and techno.

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