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why did the wtc's collapse? conclusive proof


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Seriously. Supposed hijackers were found alive. They have cases pending against the U.S. Someone picked up a passport off the floor in NYC, the whole building and jet were reduced to dust, yet a passport is found? I'm sorry, stuff this ridiculous only makes me laugh.


No steel building's have ever collapsed from fire. Three did that day, and only after about an hour of burning each. Several steel building's have burned at similar temperatures for MUCH MUCH longer, yet remained standing. WTC 7 clearly fell from a controlled demolition. BBC reported it before it happened. Live on TELEVISION!


You have several countless eyewitnesses that day talking about multiple explosion's going off. Hell you have several news outlet's reporting this as well, and I'm not talking about average citizen's who probably wouldn't know the difference with all of the chaos that was going on that day. I'm talking about fire fighter's, police and rescue workers that have delt with those injuries before, and those same situations before. Perhaps not as grand a scale, but you get the point.


You have an ocean of molten steel that is virtually ignored by NIST and the 9/11 commissions report, and yea I just watched Loose Change the final cut too. That fucking douche bag straight up denied knowing about any of this, then asked to be educated on the matter, and then after the press conference the guy went up to him to exchange email's and of course,he wasn't interested....So let me get this straight. 3,000 people+ have died in a "terrorist attack" on your home ground that you are responsible for investigating, we just went to war with 2 countries and more then 3,000 troops have died, and you aren't interested. Seriously if this isn't spitting in the face of the people I don't know what the fuck is...you guy's need to wake the fuck up. Sad part is, I consider a lot of you intelligent people.


Yet you guys all sit back and deny all of this, with more information that I haven't included here.


Now, fuck Loose Change or any Alex Jones movie. All of what I just said is true. I'd like to see half of you say half the shit you say to someone who lost someone on that day, or is losing someone as we speak due to the lies that we were told about how safe the air to breathe was. Or was just there trying to make a difference, and mentally will never be the same.



if they were there in the days and weeks after, they are most likely dying. that is what's sad. our govt isn't paying them any attention. they don't give a fuck.



we are supposed to be patriots. we are supposed to question 9/11 or any tragedy like it.


it's our duty.




what did you think of final cut btw?

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"questioning" also entails questioning all angles, including conspiracy theories, does it not? the rationalized conclusion that one arrives at after inquisition CAN be in correspondance with "official" explanations.


you seem to have a one-sided version of what "questioning" is casek -- you only question anything that comes from any form of authority or government, and take in all conspiracies as the undisputed gospel. this fundamental concept you hold is primarily why you arrive at seriously-flawed contentions and have such irrational perceptions.

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"questioning" also entails questioning all angles, including conspiracy theories, does it not? the rationalized conclusion that you arrive at after questioning CAN side with "official" explanations.


you seem to have a one-sided version of what "questioning" is casek -- you only question anything that comes from any form of authority or government, and take in all conspiracies as the undisputed gospel. this fundamental concept you hold is primarily why you arrive at contentions and perceptions that are so seriously flawed.



i don't trust government. not ours. that is the way it should be. that is patriotic according to the founding fathers.


i question all angles, we've had private discussions, as well as discussions in here about how i feel. i don't subscribe to ufo's, lasers, black people, jews, or lizard people blowing up the towers.


what i do question is why we were lied to on so many occasions. why do they deny (as ilotsmybrain said) that molten metal was puddled damn deep beneath the trade center complex? why is rove saying that bush didn't want to rush to war but congress forced him?

he just said that the other day, btw. why aren;t they helping the sick and dying that were frist responders on that day? why did they lie about air quality? why did they lie about

who the hijackers were and where they were trained? so many "why's"....and they are all justifiable questions. none of which are conspiratorial.





so much more.




btw theo, why do i have to be a conspiracy theorist to question anything? isn't that my civic duty? should i not be allowed to speak my voice or protest? we know we're being lied to, why not speak up? you folks should be happy that there are people raising their voices. it's for you, too.

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it's a shame because you guys are wasting your time, since you're fighting for something that doesn't exist. i mentioned that to you earlier.


think about it; what exactly has your "truth movement" accomplished? not in the means of garnering more followers and fund-raising, but in the means of at least opening any new investigations? surely with all of this "conclusive proof" that you people claim to have, it would be easy to expose these people and provide a "smoking gun". getting a following is nice, but how has that been formatted into any real action? when will it elevate to the next step where you can start prosecuting your arguments? everything is still limited to rally's, youtube links, conspiracy websites, and gossip.


and sadly for you guys, it will remain that way.

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it's a shame because you guys are wasting your time, since you're fighting for something that doesn't exist. i mentioned that to you earlier.


think about it; what exactly has your "truth movement" accomplished? not in the means of garnering more followers and fund-raising, but in the means of opening any new investigations? surely with all of this "conclusive proof" that you people claim to have, it would be easy to expose these people and provide a "smoking gun". getting a following is nice, but how has that been formatted into any real action? when will it elevate to the next step where you can start prosecuting your arguments? everything is still limited to rally's, youtube links, websites, and gossip.


and sadly for you guys, it will remain that way.



well, the truth movement is something i have never been a part of in the way you are speaking of it.

i'm not part of any of those groups. i am part of ron paul meetups, but that has nothing to do with my beliefs concerning 9/11.

what are we accomplishing, though? as in people who are level headed and don't think lasers took town the towers? we are changing the face of america, my friend. we are

making young people have an interest in who we let in our government this time around,

and hopefully for many generatoions to come. (i'm not talking about ron paul right now)

no one wants this corrupt shit going on any more. we don't want 30 years of bush's and clintons filled with political favors, arresting reports for outing the corruption, imprisonment of people who are trying to tell the truth, etc.

we want the truth for a lot of things to come out. we want prosecutions but you see how the repubs and dems are in line with each other? they won't do shit even though it's very provable that bush/cheney/rove committed crimes.


we just want truth and change.

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i could not believe taxman was going on about Rices' knowledge of planes being flown into towers.



Nist is susposed to be an advanced scientific team.Alot of nists research is bullshit and goes directly against the most widely acclaimed building architects and demolitionists of the world.






This crap about how people need drama to excite thier lives is true. Yet, i would rather this 911 conspiracy not be true, but all of the evidence supports a ton of missing facts.

Did i say a ton? I mean 1000's of tons that were removed in 24 hours from ground zero,

which is crazy considering this "CSI" society we live in.

Scientists study plane wreckage for months on end looking for lag screws and what not yet the most tragic attack in years is swept away in the blink of an eye?!?!


Why is there a ban on discussing The World Trade center on clear channel.

The only place you can say explosives in the wtc is National Public Radio...

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it's a shame because you guys are wasting your time, since you're fighting for something that doesn't exist. i mentioned that to you earlier.


think about it; what exactly has your "truth movement" accomplished? not in the means of garnering more followers and fund-raising, but in the means of at least opening any new investigations? surely with all of this "conclusive proof" that you people claim to have, it would be easy to expose these people and provide a "smoking gun". getting a following is nice, but how has that been formatted into any real action? when will it elevate to the next step where you can start prosecuting your arguments? everything is still limited to rally's, youtube links, conspiracy websites, and gossip.


and sadly for you guys, it will remain that way.


What exactly doesn't exist? I don't get what you're saying.


The "truth movement" has accomplished, exactly what I would think it set out to do. The passing of information and knowledge, and not only about events related to 9/11, but just how our government behaves and has treated it's people and the rest of the people all over the world, for quite some time now.


If this stuff didn't happen. I seriously wouldn't have gotten as into politics as I am now, I probably wouldn't know the majority of stuff that I do know at this point and time, and I am sure a lot of other people can say the same.


The way thing's are, what is needed is simple. People as in the populace of the United States needs to see this information, and I mean all of it. Once all of the information is released, prosecutions and the like can be issued out.


Certain people should be forced to talk publicly to the people about events that took place on that day. They should have to talk individually, and live so, everyone can see it. Not together and behind closed doors, with no video tape what so ever.


Until the media stops censoring information, until the government stops lying to us, point blank in our faces and people like you just nod your head and say "OK". You are right, nothing for us is going to change. Gulianni or Mrs. Clinton is going to get elected and we shall continue down the path of doom we are headed now.


It's like everyone who hears what I have to say is in disbelief that I could even say such a thing. Like I wanted any of this to happen, or anything that I think may have happened in the future or has happened in the past that is connected to 9/11 or the war in Iraq. Like I want/wanted any of that to happen. I hope I'm not right. I hope everything I think is wrong, but with all the information that I've seen, for all of the information I've seen hidden, I highly doubt it isn't true. However it's almost to the point where, I almost feel that I want everything that I think is going to happen to happen, just so I can kick back and be like "I TOLD YOU SO!".


Casek, I thought the Final Cut was alright. I thought it was better put together obviously then the previous versions. A lot more accurate as well.


I doubt Alex Jones would have put his name on it other wise though. It's just like I've seen 90% of that information before. It is nice to refresh your memory though.

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What exactly doesn't exist? I don't get what you're saying.


The entire "incident" (that you are claiming) of the US government orchestrating 9/11, and not al-Qaeda. That incident never happened and doesn't exist; everything from missles being fired at the Pentagon to controlled demolitions to Jews being evacuated from the WTC to no plane wreckage being found in Shanksvile.


There are many "truthers" that have reneged on their efforts after realizing the real truth and siding with the official story. Someone had posted a link in this thread weeks ago, to a blog of a once-notable 9/11 "Truther" who began to see the conspiracies for what they were after seeing ScrewLoose Change and doing further research.

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The entire "incident" (that you are claiming) of the US government orchestrating 9/11, and not al-Qaeda. That incident never happened and doesn't exist; everything from missles being fired at the Pentagon to controlled demolitions to Jews being evacuated from the WTC to no plane wreckage being found in Shanksvile.


There are many "truthers" that have reneged on their efforts after realizing the real truth and siding with the official story. Someone had posted a link in this thread weeks ago, to a blog of a once-notable 9/11 "Truther" who began to see the conspiracies for what they were after seeing ScrewLoose Change and doing further research.



reportedly alot of people got calls on 9/11 saying "don't go to work", even silverstein

was "late" getting to his office on the 88th floor. his kids had dr.'s appointments and he was "running late".


and yeah, you were thinking back to that one guy that reneged...i can't remember his name at this time....but one of the screw loose change guys reneged.


it goes both ways. and hell, we don't need those movies to tell us anything, loose change was just meant to be a catalyst. the real truth comes from finding the papers they mention, seeking out truth.

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dude you just repeated a whole bunch of the exact same material lifted directly out of loose change: fc.


but i wasn't referring to that film.(also,i haven't seen it yet)


i was just naming EVENTS that happened around and in 911 that should make you want to go and research. then you'll find 2 sides. and "911 movement" is one of them.

now, what is was trying to say was that:

there is one part of the people who know 911 was an inside job which not all of the whole "movement" agree with, because of this "movement syndrome" that is guided by Alex Jones and the loose change kids which are like the "leaders" of this "movement".

they are saying the other part of 911 truth it's to discredit the "movement" and it is done by people paid by the CIA.


i used to admire these people like Alex Jones and loose change guys because of their work to the point i was being distracted from what other people was saying about the "no-plane theory".


but months after i denied, and talked rubbish of them because i was still inside this "movement syndrome" i was able to accept it after looking at them closely and taking my time to see all the footage and the evidence showing.


it seems nuts for even 911 truthers because they think it is going to hurt their "movement" but the thing is that the evidence showing this lie hits the nwo in its heart, right at the center of all complicity. the MEDIA.



if you haven't accepted 911 was an inside job, you will never accept the were no planes hitting WTC1 and WTC2.


i dont want to post videos that you wont want to look at, but if want ill show you, short ones, i know no one likes to be bothered with long documentaries.


I'll give you a task though so maybe this motivates you to looking into the evidence i could give you...the task is: get me a video of the first stike other than the famous "naudet brothers" first strike video... new york, usa...cameras everywhere, of course pointing at the WTC1 & 2, plus you know TV stations have cameras pointing at them from tall building to show the towers when they go to commercials or when showing weather...come on, you should find something!

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why do you think al-qaeda operations commander khaled sheikh mohammed was the "9/11 mastermind" if you think 9/11 was an inside job?


i know deep down inside casek that you know this wasn't an inside job. but your paranoid & exaggerated notions about the government were already preconceived and established in your mindset long before 9/11. macro events like 9/11 would likewise add consolation to your conspiracist preconceptions.

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why do you think al-qaeda operations commander khaled sheikh mohammed was the "9/11 mastermind" if you think 9/11 was an inside job?


i know deep down inside casek that you know this wasn't an inside job. but your paranoid & exaggerated notions about the government were already preconceived and established in your mindset long before 9/11. macro events like 9/11 would likewise add consolation to your conspiracist preconceptions.


on point theo, if you want to see a perfect example of Casek denying something that goes against his conspiratorial leanings when the truth of the matter is right smack bang in his face check out the thread he made 'Margaret Sanger and planned parenthood', the way he contradicts himself, refuses to accept multiple primary sources, and goes off on complete unrelated tangents in illogical attempts to make himself appear right is enough to make me want to forsake humanity and shoot myself.

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why do you think al-qaeda operations commander khaled sheikh mohammed was the "9/11 mastermind" if you think 9/11 was an inside job?


i know deep down inside casek that you know this wasn't an inside job. but your paranoid & exaggerated notions about the government were already preconceived and established in your mindset long before 9/11. macro events like 9/11 would likewise add consolation to your conspiracist preconceptions.


i believe? i just posted an article about giuliani that someone else wrote and suddenly i believe that?


i was just posting that to show that not even the president of 9/11 is doing business with

the supposed terrorists.


deep down i believe 9/11 was an inside job, my friend.


the day it happened i was watching morning news for some reason. i never did that, just so happens i was awake and bored, watching television.


there was this reporter on the tv out in the streets of manhattan and she was interviewing someone. suddenly, a huge whooshing jet noise and BOOM! she turns around "oh my god!" then the news exploded with the beginnings of that horrible day. 15 or 20 minutes in....WHOOOOOSH! BOOM!


i called my buddy andy because i knew he had an hour or two before class. he came over and i was telling him that this was the beginning of the end. i told him marshall law was about to be enacted. i seriously thought it was. tanks in the streets, the works.


now, a month or so beforehand, i had seen alex jones on the internet predicting this, predicting that bin laden would be blamed. the whole thing.


at the time i thought jones was a fucking whackjob.


it was very surreal to see what he had predicted happening.



up until that point, the only officials i didn't trust was police. being a former skateboarder

and at the time a graffiti writer, i had had run ins with them, and they were always dicks.

wonder why? heh. i'm over that now, i'm not afraid of cops. i don't like some of them, but i don't like some pizza delivery guys. doesn't make them all bad.




so, now, here i am. i think it was an inside job. no, i don't think bush organized it.

i don't think he could organize wiping his own ass if it weren't for cheney and rove.

(this is surprising after seeing bush speak as governor of texas....very eloquent at that time.)


who do i think did it? a bunch of people were involved, a bunch of people are covering it up. black ops are usually pulled off by agencies that don't have initials, so i can't give you names. i can tell you that it's un-american to not question the lies or the official explanation...which is full of holes.

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I didnt bother to read the past 40+ pages...so if Im repeating something, forgive me.


There is a government operation called the Preemptive Proactive Operations group (p2og) whos job is to, among other things...piss off 'terrorists' who may pose a threat until they attack us, so we know where they're coming from. there is ample evidence that shows p2og had involvment in the 911 happenings. I personally believe that it was an inside job..that the towers were detonated..as they collapsed in a such manner. But..regardless of whether or not we actually brought them down...I am certian that we provoked the attack, and had evidence enough to stop it from happening. Soo..without typing an entire novel about it...that is all..for now.


There is plenty info on P2OG. Hit up google.

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I didnt bother to read the past 40+ pages...so if Im repeating something, forgive me.


There is a government operation called the Preemptive Proactive Operations group (p2og) whos job is to, among other things...piss off 'terrorists' who may pose a threat until they attack us, so we know where they're coming from. there is ample evidence that shows p2og had involvment in the 911 happenings. I personally believe that it was an inside job..that the towers were detonated..as they collapsed in a such manner. But..regardless of whether or not we actually brought them down...I am certian that we provoked the attack, and had evidence enough to stop it from happening. Soo..without typing an entire novel about it...that is all..for now.


There is plenty info on P2OG. Hit up google.




Casek clued me into P2OG.


All of this is why Ron Paul needs to be elected this time around.

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