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marlboro country (virginia)


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are u sharing the same E, or is CLM?


Yes were sharing the same E we didn't want too but we also didn't want to touch the ASIs on the right of it.


Wah wah mad hate as always, either people are recycling threw pics or it's all about Richmond. You know Virginia has more city's then rva right?.

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fuck yeah. now we can all see that tag that absolutely NOBODY would have seen otherwise..


Yes were sharing the same E we didn't want too but we also didn't want to touch the ASIs on the right of it.


Wah wah mad hate as always, either people are recycling threw pics or it's all about Richmond. You know Virginia has more city's then rva right?.





That's it.

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Do you know what I hate the most? When hipster faggots come at me with the whole "Graffiti is love bro. It's a form of art that you can make into whatever you want man! It's a true art form! You can't think that way dude, stencils aren't gay"


No motherfucker, graffiti is a close-minded "form of art" full of egotistical assholes that will smoke you if you don't understand it. Not no hipster stencil bullshit.







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Do you know what I hate the most? When hipster faggots come at me with the whole "Graffiti is love bro. It's a form of art that you can make into whatever you want man! It's a true art form! You can't think that way dude, stencils aren't gay"


No motherfucker, graffiti is a close-minded "form of art" full of egotistical assholes that will smoke you if you don't understand it. Not no hipster stencil bullshit.










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