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Dane Cook


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Geroge Carlin still has the best standup


not a big fan. I think he's overated. his jokes can be funny but i like word play more than foul words.


there was this guy someone posted a while ago, he was a heavyset hairy guy that played the piano, that guy made me laugh more than ever.


if anyone know who im talking about post up the name. thanks.

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"I think Pringles original intention was to sell tennis balls, but on the day the balls were supposed to arrive, a truck of potatoes came. But Pringles is a layed back company so they were like, "Fuck it, cut em up!"

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Denis Leary had one good run... and it was basically No Cure For Cancer. Aside from that album I just don't find dude that funny. Not to mention a lot of his material seems like a watered-down Bill Hicks routine.


And Mar, are you kidding? Carlin has endless amounts of wordplay in his shit. It's not as annoying or corney as when Dennis Milller does it... but he definitely fucks with language until it's funny on a regular basis.


Carlin has gotten shittier, though. Ah well. He's been at it forever.

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And Mar, are you kidding? Carlin has endless amounts of wordplay in his shit. It's not as annoying or corney as when Dennis Milller does it... but he definitely fucks with language until it's funny on a regular basis.


he does but the angry old man attitude and the non-stop cursing just ruins it.


i found the guy i was looking for by searching on google for "comedian beard piano"


Zach Galifianakis

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^is that serious.


dennis leary bites bill hicks for sure.

hedburg is a genius.


dane cook is marginally funny.

carlin used to be funny, but now hes just "right." he has opinions that he says on stage and alot of times i agree, but rarely do i laugh.


eddie murphy also used to be funny.


i tell you who isnt funny. robin fucking williams. die please.

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robin williams is funny when you ignore the fact that he launches into one of three ethnic/weird voices even when its totally irrelevant to the joke. which i cant ignore.


either your joke is funny or it isnt, tweaking your voice 3 octaves higher or talking like a redneck or a pakistani is not improving the humor. truth.

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are you kidding?

i'd like to punch this guy out.

Yeah I'd smoke him out with some of the sticky, you know that guy would keep you laughing for the session..

Mike McShane (therapist from officespace) is one of the funniest people I ever met in my life, he blazes too..

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  • 6 months later...

I thought this guy was funny, then i rented his hbo stand-up and it was garbage! Total frat boy, unintelligent mindlessness. t seemed like the whole crowd was full ogf 21 year old college girls and retarded guys that try and fight you for catching a tag outside a bar or something. He had one paticular joke, that was shitting on atheist's , said something like "this guy thinks he's going to die and come back as a tree, would'nt it be funny if he came back as a tree and they chopped him down and he ended up a bible" and the whole crowd erupted! I turned it off, right then... Junk! Ill stick to the man David Cross, Richard Pryor, George Carlin, Redd Fox, Chris Rock etc.

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