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Should I bring something to protect me?

Blac Korp

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I tag in a minority filled neigborhood that you can say it's kind of ghetto. You can see heaps of people in white tees and wife beaters at mid-night, all grouped together. I've read the Beginning Bible and Spray safe! threads but could find anything if bring a weapon is a good idea. I'm always cautious, I get so nervous that I literally sweat a pound every time I go out bombing with my friends. My friend has a bayonet, but he never brings it! He's afraid that it would make it worse if the popos caught him. My dad has a blackhawk .44 magum but I don't want to mess with it, besides it's heavy.

Anyways, should I bring like a butterfly knife with me or something? Do you bring something to protect you?

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Hold your marker when you punch. It will hold your knuckles up so you'll punch harder.

Huh, that makes sense.


I'm not prepared to stab someone, just trying to scare them off. Do you guys bring protection, or just run?

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I tag in a minority filled neigborhood that you can say it's kind of ghetto. You can see heaps of people in white tees and wife beaters at mid-night, all grouped together. I've read the Beginning Bible and Spray safe! threads but could find anything if bring a weapon is a good idea. I'm always cautious, I get so nervous that I literally sweat a pound every time I go out bombing with my friends. My friend has a bayonet, but he never brings it! He's afraid that it would make it worse if the popos caught him. My dad has a blackhawk .44 magum but I don't want to mess with it, besides it's heavy.

Anyways, should I bring like a butterfly knife with me or something? Do you bring something to protect you?

I always carry a knife with me, you just never know when someone or thing will decide to test you whether you are getting up or just minding your buisness out and about. My advice is carry your knife. Even when me and my homie go out and crush we both have something to protect ourselves. One other thing, know your surroundings. Get a feel for the area you are going to paint in and always be on your toes. Never get caught slippin. ONE73!


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If your scared to be there don't write there. Honestly, unless your packin the heat a knife is within your swinging distance which you might aswell hit whoevers jumping you with your spraycan. -not meaning to disrespect. I'm just handin in my 2 cents.

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Bring pepper spray. Your friends may call you a pussy, but that shit is very effective against attackers. And you won't get in trouble for it by the cops. And it's cheappepper-sprays.jpg


Fuck a bayonett. You ain't in WWI. Dudes could just throw a brick at your face if they wanted.

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Huh, that makes sense.


I'm not prepared to stab someone, just trying to scare them off. Do you guys bring protection, or just run?



if you are already shook, you wont scare anyone off. Best thing for you is to bring mace. I used to bring mace with me because I'm not into stabbing dudes up on the street. You never know if you might hit an artery and kill someone over something stupid.


with mace you can spray him up a little and when he drops to the ground holding his eyes you can kick him in the head a few times and jet.


It's a lot cleaner , gets the job done and you don't run as much risk of killing someone on accident.



take from a vet mace and stomper.

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id either spray some1 in the eyes or get a tazer and if you dont wanna hurt some one in an extreme pain use an airsoft gun to the face that hurt like shit and wont kill...try to plan the tag like go out to the area on days b4

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plan the tag? why would you plan a tag?


you mean plan the peice? I could see planning to rock a burner and checking out the spot, but a tag?? Just walk up the street , hit whatever youre hitting and keep it moving.


When I was at the height of my bombing career , I had a honda spree scooter and I would roll up to a neighborhood and hide my scooter somewhere and go nuts hitting everything, I did'nt care if anyone saw me , i'd just smash it and then jet into the alley where my scooter was and take off my hat, flip my jacket around and jump on the scooter because if someone called the cops they were looking for a dude on foot with a hat and a black jacket not a dude on a scooter with no hat and a green jacket....worked like a charm.




then I was off to a whole new part of the city

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If your just tagging or bombing this place there shouldt be any worry.


lol. Dawood that sgits right. I used to use this chicks vespa and where 2 shirts so when if someone called the cops I just took one off and put it in my bag. I usually didnt stash the scooter tho I'd just drive up and start paintin then leave. :D

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the mace is a pretty good idea. especially for you. not to sound like a complete ass or anything, but im willing to bet about a mill if i saw you walking down the street i wouldnt be afraid to fuck with you. and if you produced a knife? i'd probably take it from you. the thing really is, why let them see you at all? im sure every once in awhile joe civilian will drive by and see you writin on some shit, and call the five ohs, but for the most part, these minority kids shouldnt be seein you. stealth mode and shit, pull some serious metal gear sneakage. another cenario, you get caught writing. and im just throwin a guess out there, but, your probably not of legal age to be carrying paint (and in some places, markers). so you get caught underage, and past curfew, with paint and a weapon? thats gonna fuck with you forever. so as mentioned before, kids, carry your mace. and if one of you homies calls you a girl or a puss, spray that nigga in the face. hah

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knives make you look tough but dont do much good unless if you are the one robbing someone else. mace is the best, but check the laws, in my area it is legal to carry a knife as long as the blade isnt longer than your hand, but it is illegal to carry mace.

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Look for the stuff with the highest SHU level. SHU is a standardized scale that determines hottness of peppers. A friend of mine who's all into law inforcement (i know, right?) tells me that the hightest SHU stuff can sometimes be lethal, if you get em good and long enough. This is a good brand:



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