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LOL what the fuck does fighting have to do with brick slayers anywayz lol. This one time my friends threw this shit talker on the ground and I kicked his JAW!!! lol, who gives a fuck.

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bushopping lore


Hear and Torch KCM got on a bus and pocket checked this guy Tips FBS. tips catches hear later and lays him out


Hyper getting his pockets run by everyone in CT, it was like a gangbang train


I hear BUCK50 lays people out like none other, a homie told me he shifted Ataris face a few inches off his skull. Also heard that Atari and CHan caught KUTS one night and did him in. dumped his body near the bay bridge. word up



this is funny lets hear more

Damn dude I hope your exagerrating. If not, thats a little too much info:eek:

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  • 3 weeks later...
bushopping lore


Hear and Torch KCM got on a bus and pocket checked this guy Tips FBS. tips catches hear later and lays him out


Hyper getting his pockets run by everyone in CT, it was like a gangbang train


I hear BUCK50 lays people out like none other, a homie told me he shifted Ataris face a few inches off his skull. Also heard that Atari and CHan caught KUTS one night and did him in. dumped his body near the bay bridge. word up



this is funny lets hear more


i saw that atari/buck50 thing go down......we ran into atari and were hitting some 14s with him and we're all chillin at the bus stop on 16th and mission when Buck50 strolls across the street mouth blinging and landed a hot one on atari. ataris like 5-10 140 and bucks at least 200 and 6 feet so it wasnt a fair fight but shit in reality what fights are fair these days...


atari aint no punk though dont get me wrong....him and ribity got into it outside a party and neither walked away a victor, it was dead even......the funk is deep in frisco fights happen all the time

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Graff art and stories wanted for upcoming magazine




Sup people,


Im the editor-in-chief of Graffiti Pimp Magazine and i'm looking for Aussie Writers/Artists who want to make a name for themselves in the culture and break into the mainstream teen markets.

We will pay $50 to the author/artist any content PUBLISHED but in addition if you nominate yourself as being feature article worthy and we agree to make you our feature Graf Pimp we will conduct an interview with you and try to arrange a suitable pictorial showcaseing you in the act.

We dislike authority and will never roll on any of you, believe that.

i've been down for the cause since i was 15 (im 22) and only wish to represent my fellow hoods and bring what we all know is the most dope form of modern art to the masses.

We want your stories (alias only- no real name please if ill) we want your art to showcase(as above)

WE ALSO WANT SEXY FEMALES interested in graf artists who would like to pose for centrefolds, pay $150 if selected no cost for photography just send us a amatuar sample pic showing ur wares if selected we will arange a photoshoot to suit your schedule.

Sketch art welcome, piece and throwups chromes etc welcome, no tags unless they're real good.


A position exists for a permanant artist to do a series of cartoons published in each magazine 1 episode per magazine forever, if this is you and you want to get in on the ground floor of a magazine thats going up and up send us sample work and we can discuss our options.

The prices for submissions i've outlined are subject to change (thats going up in price not down, chill) as the magazine takes off i will be sharing our profits with the graffiti community, sponsering freewalls and events and paying contributors more.

email cwhiting6@bigpond.com and i'll respond within 48hrs to all emails.

release date mid 2007. I can tell you the business end is tight, printers, distributers are also on board. there is a mostly blank magazine waiting for your personal touch.


Privacy Stuff


This information relates to The Privacy Act 1999 and Freedom of Press.

Any information collected will be for the purposes stated at time of collection, and for no other purpose without the prior consent of the subject of that information.

No information collected by the Graffiti Pimp Magazine has been or will be passed on to ANY OTHER PERSON, BUSINESS, OR AGENCY, WITHOUT THE PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE PERSON THE INFORMATION CONCERNS*. Under the Privacy Act there is finally some security in law for information kept by us, also the Freedom of Press has a long standing reputation of protecting sources in the media from prosecution based on records and forced testimony.



Graffiti Pimp Magazine has many obligations in relation to the protection of your privacy under various Federal Government Acts of Parliament, including the Telecommunications Act 1997, The Freedom of Information Act. For more information on our obligations with your personal particulars, visit the Australian Privacy Commissioner’s website at http://www.privacy.gov.au.


*As Journalists we also reserve the right to refuse to give information to ANY OTHER PERSON, BUSINESS, OR AGENCY that does not fall under terrorism and we claim this right to refuse access of information under FREEDOM OF PRESS.


As editor of this magazine and devout believer in unfettered artistic expression and civil rights I make this following statement: I have a family that needs me around but they’ll get by if I have to go to prison to protect their future Australian rights to free speech and freedom from persecution by an authoritarian regime. I WILL GO TO PRISON TO PROTECT THE RIGHTS OF THIS NATION but I’ll go down fighting them all the way to hell.


Lach Whiting

CEO and Editor-in-Chief, Graffiti Pimp Magazine.


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Last time i got in a fight i went to fight some one elses battle. The dude i went down to this place with punked out. I saw his homeboy get his head thrown through the front window of a house and I got choked and beat into some bushes by 5 bro dawgs while this guy just kinda stood around and watched. I broke into his house and stole all his clothes and shoes a few days later. I think i was 19.

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I heard the late Sk8 one CBS used to be an advocate of the one-on-one philosophy, never used/carried weapons to get his point across. Fighting is a great thing, when is done fair and square, no blunt objects or ambush jumpings. Then again, it is the streets and there are zero rules, one second it could be fists the next thing shots ring out and everyone is scattering in all directions. PersonallyI 'd find completely wrong to strike another writer down. Part of making it in the world of graffiti has to do with self-discipline, knowing who the real enemy is and not bringing eachother down. If writers have to fight anyone it should be those who are against everything we stand for.

Stomping some abercrombie yupster is all good though, it sets the example for the rest of those who try and interfere. But scaring people into letting us do what we want isnt exactly flawless either, it just makes them want to rat us out to the cops. Physical Beef breeds snitches like nothing else, some people just cant take a lickin' without blabbing about who so and so is to the task force.


If you really care about the longevity of your graff career youill find another way to solve your problems. For example: Lets say your a local LA writer and your in Las Vegas getting drunk ont he strip and you see some kid you got beef with back in LA putting stickers up. Well instead of calling him out to see how tough he is, why not start a brawl with some of abercrombie shitheads instead? The outcome is you congratulating the kid on a job well done, possibly squashing the ridiculous beef or seeing this annoying kid get thumped to the ground. It would be a good thing for writers to have a sense of trust among eachother and a common understanding of who were against and why we do what it is we do in the first place. If you want violence, go join the army or football team or go off on a crooked cop/politician and do some time. For real, the people on top laugh at those less fortunate then themselves when we resort to beating and killing eachother. To them,s eeing us struggling to live a happy life is a source of obscure/unique entertainment, like back in roman times. They have lots of money, feel safe in thier expensive rides. Meanwhile we work for them like idiots, making them more money, contributing to our daily stress levels and cracking under certain situations where we llash out against our own people. Graffiti grew out from the ghettos, so its treated like a poorman's profession or minority artform, everyone in this game should be down to fight for thier cause, but hey should also have the brains to know who were fighting in the first place and always question why graffiti exists in the first place. It was started as another form of communication/word of mouth in a written form to deliver information to others.

The aerosol can concept was concieved in the 1790's. To me - that makes our medium a really big deal to us. People need to really understand how far the aerosol concept has come, and they need to respect it more.

1927, Norwegian engineer Erik Rotheim patented the first aerosol can and valve that could hold and dispense products and propellant systems. An engineer come up with this shit and we got a bunch of gun toting wussy-idiots are out there tagbanging with his invention, its seriously a disgrace to the can/art/culture.

1949, canned spray paint was invented by Edward Seymour, the first paint color was aluminum. Edward Seymour's wife Bonnie suggested the use of an aerosol can filled with paint. Edward Seymour founded Seymour of Sycamore, Inc. of Chicago, USA, to manufacture his spray paints. These 2 fine people never imagined that thier product would cause people to hurt and kill each other over bullshit like egotistical bullshit beef.

In 1949, 27-year-old Robert H. Abplanalp’s invention of a crimp on valve enabled liquids to be sprayed from a can under the pressure of an inert gas. Spray cans, mainly containing insecticides, were available to the public in 1947 as a result of their use by U.S. soldiers for preventing insect-borne diseases. Again, aerosols came as a blessing tot he human race.

In the mid-1970s, concern over the use of CFC's adversely effecting the ozone layer drove Abplanalp back into the lab for a solution. Substituting water-soluble hydrocarbons for the damaging fluorocarbons created an environmentally friendly aerosol can that did not harm the environment. This put the manufacture of aerosol spray can products into high gear. Ozone depletion?! uh-oh! The people who were responsible for bringing us the can were about supporting life on earth, maybe not because they felt that way, but because they needed to make more sales, and nobody would use aerosols that ate away at the ozone layer. Either way, this says that they gave a damn about the future generations that would use thier products, they wanted us to use the paint but in a safe manner that wouldnt hurt anyone or anything.


The point Im trying to get at is this: Its good to know how to defend yourself - there will be times when you really need to know how to get yourself out of harms way. Dont go out there and makes things worse, liek I said you weant to make things worse get out of graffiti, join a gang and paint olde english letters and kill eachother in that scene. Graffiti is simply about writing, try to keep it on the wall at all times, thats where your comptete to gain more skill. Its good to have strong people who can kickass int he scene, but they should be turning on other writers, were all in it together.

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